Thursday, February 29, 2024


SAGE is a legendary herb well known for its phenomenal health promoting and disease-preventing properties. It is one of the top antioxidant herbs and can provide powerful protection from degenerative diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, prostatitis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Sage contains rosmarinic acid which is a potent anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce swelling and inflammation and is considered highly beneficial for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, asthma, and atherosclerosis.

Sage has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties and is an excellent natural remedy for fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. It also can provide relief from acidity and aid in the digestion of fatty and hard-to-digest foods.
Sage is known as the “thinker’s herb” as has an outstanding ability to enhance attention span, support concentration, and improve the senses as well as provide support when dealing with grief and depression. It can also help regulate the menstrual cycle and help to prevent excessive sweating in women after menopause.

Sage can neutralize free radicals and offer significant anti-aging and longevity benefits. It also contains antiseptic properties and is widely found in natural creams, lotions, and salves to speed the healing of cuts and wounds and clear up most skin diseases and infections.

Sage has a peppery flavor and is usually used to make stuffing. It can also be added to soups, potatoes, squash, tomato sauce, salads, and guacamole.
It can also be taken as a tea, capsule, or tincture for additional benefits. Sage is a wise, healing, and powerful herb that is a true gift and should not be missed.

Cognitive Boost: Research has shown that even small amounts of sage, whether smelled or consumed, can increase recall abilities and memory retention in subjects. The brain activity also demonstrates increased concentration and focus on a chosen topic, which means that for young people in school or for those in challenging, intellectually demanding careers, adding a bit of sage to your diet may be a subtle, but effective brain booster.

Inflammation Issues: Chewing on sage leaves is not always the most pleasant remedy, as the flavor can be quite intense, but this may be the most effective way to get the organic compounds acting in your system the fastest. Creating a tincture or steeping leaves can also do the trick, but if you suffer from inflammatory issues, particularly in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts, you can eliminate that inflammation with this sage brew. The anti-inflammatory qualities of sage extend to health issues such as arthritis and gout, as well as general inflammation of the cardiovascular system, which can result in heart disease and increased blood pressure. The flavonoids and phenolic compounds found in sage are responsible for these beneficial effects.

Antioxidant Impact: Chronic conditions and degenerative diseases can be some of the most debilitating and dangerous health concerns that you face in your life. Many of these health issues are caused by free radicals, the dangerous by products of cellular metabolism that attack healthy cells, causing apoptosis or mutation. Antioxidant compounds found in sage, such as rosmarinic acid, luteolin, and apigenin, can all work to neutralize free radicals and prevent them from creating oxidative stress in the heart, organ systems, skin, joints, muscles, and even the brain.

Cognitive Disorders: As mentioned above, sage does have the ability to stimulate brain function to improve memory and concentration; however, it also works to eliminate cognitive disorders that may arise, including Alzheimer’s and dementia. Although research into these applications is still in the relatively early stages, it is exciting to see real strides being taken with herbal alternatives to pharmaceutical treatment. The neural pathways stimulated by the extracts and essential oils of sage can keep the mind fresh and youthful well into your older ages.

Immune System Strength: There are some antimicrobial properties that have been identified in sage, and while sage is usually consumed in relatively small quantities, you can create a topical application of sage (salve or tincture) and use it to prevent bacterial and viral infections that attack the body through the skin. We often think of illness entering through our nose or mouth, but the skin can also be compromised and be used as a gateway for foreign agents. A topical cream or antibacterial routine that includes sage could be an extra line of defense against that sort of illness vector.

Bone Strength: One of the most overlooked benefits of sage is actually its superior level of vitamin K, an essential vitamin for the body that isn’t found in many common foods. Vitamin K is a crucial element in developing bone density and ensuring the integrity of our bones as we age. If you suffer from early signs of osteoporosis or have lived a rather nutrient-poor, sedentary lifestyle, your bone health is likely low. Adding sage leaves to your diet can increase your vitamin K levels significantly, as a single service has 27% of your daily recommended intake.

Skin Conditions: A topical salve can be created using sage leaves or a tincture of the plant that has been shown to be effective against certain skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. These unsightly blemishes can be quickly soothed and their appearance can be reduced gradually if you regularly apply sage extracts and salves to the inflamed or affected area.

Diabetes Management: There may be some debate about the efficacy of sage on certain health conditions explained above, but when it comes to diabetes, there is widespread agreement. Sage contains certain extracts and chemicals that mimic the drugs typically prescribed for managing diabetes. Sage appears to regulate and inhibit the release of stored glucose in the liver, preventing major fluctuations of blood sugar, which can help to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes, or at least manage the condition if it has already manifested.

Digestion: The rosmarinic acid found in sage acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in many parts of the body, even in the stomach, where it prevents gastric spasms and can significantly lower the occurrence of diarrhea and gastritis for patients suffering from the uncomfortable and embarrassing conditions. Adding sage to your meals can get your entire digestive process back on track and reduce inflammation throughout the gut.


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