Thursday, February 1, 2024

Green Peas

GREEN PEAS are very nutritious and are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, K, and B-complex and minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, and manganese. They are a great source of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fats in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These essential fatty acids makes green peas an ideal food for brain and cardiovascular health and their phytosterols are vital for helping to lower cholesterol levels in the body.
They are also a fantastic weight loss food since they have the ability to ward off hunger and keep you feeling satiated for long periods of time. GREEN PEAS contain a compound called coumestrol which has been shown to help lower the risk of stomach cancer and they also contain anti-inflammatory properties making them a particularly good food for those who suffer with autoimmune disorders such as arthritis, COPD, heart disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, and bursitis.

GREEN PEAS have also been found to help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes due to their relatively low glycemic index and blood sugar regulating properties. Fresh green peas are easily grown in patio containers or gardens and can often be found in the produce section of the supermarket year-round.

Frozen peas are a good alternative when fresh is unavailable as they retain a large percentage of their color, flavor, and nutrition.

GREEN PEAS are a versatile and nutritious food that can help to increase good health.


1.  Weight Management: Peas are low fat but high everything else. A cup of peas has less than 100 calories but lots of protein, fiber and micro-nutrients.

2. Stomach cancer prevention: Peas contain high amounts of a health-protective polyphenol called coumestrol. A study in Mexico City determined you only need 2 milligrams per day of this phytonutrient to prevent stomach cancer. A cup of peas has at least 10.

3. Anti-aging, strong immune system, and high energy: This comes from the high levels of anti-oxidants including:

Flavinoids = catechin and epicatechin
Carotenoid = alpha-carotene and beta-carotene
Phenolic acids = ferulic and caffeic acid
Polyphenols = coumestrol

4. Prevention of wrinkles, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, bronchitis, osteoporosis and candida: These come from peas strong anti-inflammatory properties. Excess inflammation has also been linked to, heart disease, cancer, and aging in general. These properties include:

Pisumsaponins I and II and pisomosides A and B are anti-inflammatory phytonutrients found almost exclusively in peas.
Vitamin C and vitamin E, and a good amount of the antioxidant mineral zinc
Omega-3 fat in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

5.  Blood sugar regulation: High fiber slows and protein slows down how fast sugars are digested. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory prevent or reverse insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes)All carbohydrates are natural sugars and starches with no white sugars or chemicals to worry about.

 6. Heart disease prevention: The many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds support healthy blood vessels. The formation of plaque along our blood vessel walls starts with chronic, excessive oxidative stress and inflammation.

The generous amounts of vitamin B1 and folate, B2, B3, and B6 reduce homocysteine levels which are a risk factor for heart disease.

7. Healthy for the environment: Peas work with bacteria in the soil to ‘fix’ nitrogen from the air and deposit it in the soil. This reduces the need for artificial fertilizers since one of their main ingredients is nitrogen.
After peas have been harvested the remaining plant easily breaks down to create more organic fertilizer for the soil.

Peas are also able to grow on minimal moisture so they are a perfect crop in many areas not needing irrigation or using up valuable water supplies.

8.  Prevent constipation: The high fiber content in peas improves bowel health and peristalsis.

9. Healthy bones: Just one cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. They contain B vitamins, which also help to prevent osteoporosis.

10.  Reduces bad cholesterol: The niacin in peas helps reduce, the production of triglycerides and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein, which results in in less bad cholesterol, increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and lowered triglycerides.

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Got info from another source.

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