Sunday, May 19, 2019

Selling Unhealthy Food

“The cause of hygienic reform, however, is onward, and all enlightened and sincere reformers will follow on in the path of light and right. The changes from injurious habits of life to those conducive to health, are great, and should be made with care, especially if the same habits of labor are continued. It is always best to labor much less at the time of changing to a vegetarian diet, and adopting two meals a dayIs a man a tobacco user, a tea-and-coffee drinker, a meat eater, taking his three meals? Let him begin with tobacco, and put that away. Then let him leave off the use of tea and coffee, eat less meat, and make his third meal very light. He will find this a heavy tax upon his system. He may all the time feel worse; but what of that? There is a glorious victory ahead. Soon he can dispense with flesh-meats altogether. His appetite will become natural, and he can take simple, healthful food with a keen relish. Next, he leaves off the third meal.

 “Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men. The time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth.  {CD 349.1}  
***God will give His people ability and tact to prepare wholesome food without these things. Let our people discard all unwholesome recipes.

“In answer to many inquiries, we would say that we believe there is business for Seventh-day Adventists to enter upon for a livelihood, more consistent with their faith...”  {2SM 338.1}  

And we would recommend that they plant no more hops, or tobacco fields, and that they reduce the number of their swine. They may yet see it duty, as most consistent believers do, to keep no more. We would not urge this opinion upon any. Much less would we take the responsibility of saying, “Plow up your hop and tobacco fields, and sacrifice your swine to the dogs.”  {2SM 338.2}
“While we would say to those who are disposed to crowd hop, tobacco, and swine growers among our people, that they have no right to make these things, in any sense, a test of Christian fellowship, we would also say to those who have these miserable things on hand, “If you can get them off your hands without great loss, consistency with the faith of this people whose publications and oral teachings have so much to say on the subject of reform, more than suggests that you should get them off your hands as soon as possible.” [THIS IS ONE OF THE VERY FEW STATEMENTS TO BE ISSUED JOINTLY BY JAMES AND ELLEN WHITE. INASMUCH AS IT WAS SIGNED BY BOTH, IT IS EVIDENT THAT THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HAD FULL SANCTION OF MRS. WHITE. --COMPILERS.] --The Review and Herald, March 24, 1868.  {2SM 338.3} 

Change from soda to water and juice instead; from white rice to parboiled/Uncle Ben's type of rice. Then you can slowly transition in Brown rice or Quinoa instead.

It was okay to sell the MILK AND EGGS in Sister White’s day because those things were still considered safe to eat, but IN OUR DAY, THEY CAUSE SERIOUS DISEASES. 

Would you feel comfortable selling things that bring disease to a lot of people?

But I'm NOT here to tell you what to do. Will it cause you to suffer financially if you made drastic changes right away? If so, TRANSITION SLOWLY.


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Tuesday, May 14, 2019


REFLEXOLOGY is a very manipulating therapy. In SOP the only quotes I see are quotes regarding the feet and proper circulation. Therefore a foot massage is different than reflexology. There are spiritual repercussions to reflexology as well. Read the following quotes.

Reflexology works on three levels; the physical, the mental, the spiritual, according to a quote in Christine Issel’s book, (Ibid p.115; Devaki Berkson - The Foot Book, p.12).

 Devaki Berkson believe the spiritual aspect to be? - a healing force from the universe is called upon and used, by both the client and the practitioner”. (Ibid p.115)

“This knowledge is as old as mankind….(it) goes back to Native American folk medicine and to aspects of Chinese acupuncture" (Spurzem, Ibid p.6).

“Chinese medicine is the child of Chinese religion and, at their core, both have the same ingredients, the Tao, yin and yang, the universal energy Ch’i and the five elements”. (quoted of Ilza Veith, Nei Ching on p.54 of Reisser, Weldon, New Age Medicine).

You should probably look into who created eastern reflexology. Dr. William Fitzgerald an American ear, nose and throat specialist, early last century. He divided the human body into ten perpendicular, “reflex zones”
representing all organs of the body.

One witness reported to this author that he watched an acupuncture specialist repeatedly work on clients’ brains by inserting 3 long skinny needles through the skull. The acupuncture specialist bragged to this man that he could completely control a human via his skill with the needles. He showed this witness how he could kill pain, and how he could kill self-will by touching minute areas within the brain. He was also skilled in manipulating the mind of the client in other ways too with the needles.

There has been a great deal of research into determining what the different purposes of the different areas of the brain are. Several researchers have independently identified that the ability to make choices, that is what we call "free will", is located near the Broadman Area 24 in the Anterior Cingulate Sulcus. Tampering with this area can disturb a person’s ability to have free will. (For more information on this one could begin with Crick, Francis. The Astonishing Hypothesis The Scientific Search for the Soul.)

Acupuncture was virtually unknown to mainstream Americans until a NY Times journalist in China reported that he was successfully treated with acupuncture in 1971. Pressure points can also be manipulated by Acupressure, which is similar to acupuncture except fingers rather than needles are used. This is just one example of a related technique which went unnoticed for decades (actually centuries by the Western World.)
The mugging-mind control information in this article has gone unnoticed by mainstream America too. Time Magazine, Nov. 4, 1991, reported that there are four types of alternative medicine, which they classified as Life-Style (such as Macrobiotics, Ayurvedic medicine, and holistic medicine), Botanical (such as Homeopathy, Herbalism, and Aromatherapy), Mental Healings (such as with Crystals, Guided imagery, biofeedback and Hypnotherapy) and Manipulative/Hands-on (such as Reflexology, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Alexander tech., Chiropractic, and Acupressure & Acupuncture).

Reflexology dates back to at least 2330 B.C. in Egypt. Shiatsu is a Japanese finger pressure deep massage of pressure points is over 1,000 years old. The skull & head bone manipulations that are being exposed for the first time in this report, were used in ancient Egypt and other parts of the ancient world. That Nov., ‘91 Time Magazine article did not mention that acupressure/acupuncture has been knowledge that the secret societies in China studied and often kept hidden for centuries, as a part of Wushu (martial arts) in China.

For instance, in a recent Chinese book 72 Consummate Arts Secrets of the Shaolin Temple, (pub. by Fujian Science & Technology Pub. Co. Ltd., Fujian, China, 1990) by Wu Jiaming and translated by Rou Gang, diagrams and explanations are given of the important head/body points (for acupressure/ acupuncture/& kung fu.) What is important for our discussion on mind control are the Kung Fu (Wushu) points in the head. This book gives 4 points on the front of the head, seven on the side of the head, and four on the back side of the head. The Shaolin Buddhist monks have kept their martial arts (which is called "Kung-fu" in the U.S. and "Wushu" in China) a secret hidden within their temple on Song Mountain, Henan Province. This Buddhist monastery has a long history of teaching Kung-fu and is exerting a big influence in the world as its type of Kung-fu spreads. The Japanese took Kung-fu from the Chinese many years ago and then developed from it specialized forms of Kung-fu, such as Karate, Judo, etc. (this information can be found in this link. Chapter 8 under the section entitiled cerebral spinal fluid kept secret)

“Not a few in this Christian age and Christian nation resort to evil spirits, rather than trust to the power of the 
living God. The mother watching by the sickbed of her child, exclaims, ‘I can do no more. Is there no physician who has power to restore my child?’ She is told of the wonderful cures performed by some clairvoyant or magnetic healer, and she trusts her dear one to his charge, placing it as verily in the hands of Satan as if he were standing by her side. In many instances the future life of the child is controlled by a satanic power which it seems impossible to break.” Counsels on Health, p.454

“The limbs and feet have large veins, to receive a large amount of blood, that warmth, nutrition, elasticity, and
strength, may be imparted to them. But when the blood is chilled from these extremities, their blood vessels contract, which makes the circulation of the necessary amount of blood in them still more difficult. A good circulation preserves the blood pure, and secures health. A bad circulation leaves the blood to become impure, and induces congestion of the brain and lungs, and causes diseases of the head, the heart, the liver, and the lungs. The fashionable style of woman’s dress is one of the greatest causes of all these terrible diseases.”  Review and Herald , April 14, 1868 par. 16

Reflexology has its roots firmly in spiritualism and has no scientific basis.

It originated with Eastern mystics who believed that there is no God only a force (Star wars?) The force consists of negative and positive energies. (Yin & Yang) The theory of reflexology came about as these mystical medicine people began to understand that these energies must be kept in balance. (We need equal amounts of evil and good and one must not gain the ascendancy over the other) and these energies have pathways in the body called meridian pathways.

These energies must be kept flowing properly. Disease or discomfort is caused by blocked energy and can be cured by stimulating these pathways by pressure on the hands and feet (like your TV remote) (Yikes! I stepped on an acorn and now my colon is now going to become hyperactive) or by used needles on the intersections of these meridians somewhere on the body surface. None of these points on their maps correspond to either the known nerve pathways.

It's a religion not a science. It has no place amongst the practices of those who believe in Jehovah.

REMEMBER: "Touch not the unclean thing." Some people say "I don't care where it came from cuz it works." Well is the devil able to remove the maladies that he has caused and by so doing gains control of peoples trust. In double blind scientific tests it has not proven to be valid or reliable. I am amazed at how many people who have the Bible and SOP books will still play with these dark arts!


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Friday, May 10, 2019

High Protein Diet Dangers

You've probably heard about the sudden deaths of those who have gone on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate liquid diet to lose weight. These deaths are caused by irregular heart rhythms resulting from severe nutritional imbalances. But while these deaths are dramatic, there are many other chronic, disabling disorders that come from a high-protein diet. In fact, A HIGH-PROTEIN DIET IS TOXIC TO THE BODY!This diet taxes your liver, breaks down your body's own protein tissues, triggers a loss of calcium from your bones, and leaves behind toxic residues. Before your body manages to eliminate these residues, it is often damaged, becoming more susceptible to a variety of diseases including cancer and arthritis.

A high-protein diet also causes excessive calcium loss through the urine. People on a high-protein diet need large amounts of calcium to make up for the losses. With an extremely high-protein diet (140 grams a day), researchers found it was impossible to maintain calcium balance-regardless of how much extra calcium one ingested!

Too much protein causes harmful amounts of ammonia to accumulate in the body, and ammonia has been shown to slow the growth of cells in a cell culture. It seems clear that ammonia will slow the growth of normal cells, but hardly affects the growth of cancer cells - apparently giving the cancer cells an advantage!

For the elderly, a high-protein diet is particularly detrimental since theymay easily lose bone matrix, resulting in osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones. Then, too, there's the loss of calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus through the urine during a high protein diet and we know that zinc is needed to balance other minerals in the

 In a completely primitive society, an individual receives about 10 percent of their calories from protein, about 10 percent from fat, and about 80 percent from complex (unrefined) carbohydrates.Studies indicate this kind of diet is the easiest for the human body to handle, since both fats and proteins are far more difficult to metabolize than carbohydrates.

Almost 1 00 percent of carbohydrates can be converted to energy during digestion, so they represent the least “expensive” form of body fuel, leaving the smallest amount of waste product. Protein, on the other hand, is an “expensive” fuel, since only 58 percent is available for “burning:' leaving much waste material for your body to dispose. Fats are even more difficult, since only 10 percent can be converted into fuel. So, since the production of heat, the performance of work, and the forerunners for many other nutrients are obtained from carbohydrates, it is plain that they should represent the major portion of food eaten.

Many people have a fear of eating carbohydrates, thinking they will cause weight gain. THIS IS A MISCONCEPTION. It is fats and proteins that stimulate one to become overweight, rather than unrefined carbohydrates. Eating high-carbohydrate foods will not cause you to become overweight unless you eat high-fat and high-protein sauces, gravies, and other foods with them. In fact, if you use a high-carbohydrate diet from natural sources, it is highly unlikely that you will become overweight.

Refined carbohydrates are absorbed rapidly into the blood stream andput a strain on the pancreas, liver, stomach, and other digestive organs, often resulting in imbalanced blood biochemistry. Generally speaking, all refined or concentrated foods should be taken quite sparingly. The best diet is a very simple one consisting of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Apart from these three food groups, all other foods should be used sparingly. Some nutrients, like salt, should also be used sparingly, however some salt is good for the body we are told.

Oils should be used sparingly, as they may cause an increased susceptibility to cancer and heart disease. No added protein should be used, and very high protein foods such as animal products should not be used but if you do then use them very sparingly.

Enjoy the foods God gives us in their natural form. Your body will thank you!!!


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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Poison Ivy or Oak

Whenever you see poison ivy or oak you will also see the weed plantain…. crush the leaves and apply it to the area...all gone.


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