Saturday, February 24, 2024


Radishes are antibacterial, anti-fungal, and diuretic. They are rich in Vitamin C, folic acid, and anthocyanins and are excellent for sinus congestion, sore throats, chest colds, asthma, and hoarseness.

Radishes have the ability to dissolve mucus and acids within the body and expel gallstones from the bladder as well as cleanse the kidneys.

Radish is also very helpful in preventing and fighting urinary tract and bladder infectionsEating radishes on a regular basis can help prevent colds and flus and they are a great anti-cancer food and are known to specifically benefit stomach, kidney, mouth, and colon cancer.

Radishes are also good to eat with starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes, and grains as they have enzymes that aid in the secretion of digestive juices. The green leafy tops to the radishes are not only edible, but actually contain more vitamin C, protein, and calcium than the radish itself. The green tops are highly nutritious and mineral rich and should be valued as much if not more than their roots, they can add vibrant flavor and nutrition to support your health and body 

Radishes can be added to salads, sandwiches, wraps, soups, and stews, or just eat with your vegetable meal. Just be SURE TO COOK them as they are a coarse vegetable.


1. Kidney Diseases

Radishes’ abilities as a disinfectant, cleanser and most importantly a diuretic make it great for treating kidney disorders. They will wash away any toxins which have built up in the kidneys as well as decreasing their accumulation in the blood. They will also protect the kidneys from infection. 

2. Sooth Sore Throats

Their pungent flavor and natural spice can help eliminate excess mucus in the body and can be especially helpful when fighting a cold. Radishes can help clear the sinuses and soothe sore throats too.

3. Aids Digestion

Radishes are a natural cleansing agent for the digestive system, helping to break down and eliminate stagnant food and toxins built up over time.

4. Prevents Viral Infections

Because of their high vitamin C content and natural cleansing effects, regular consumption of radishes can help prevent viral infections.

5. Eliminates Toxins

In Eastern and Ayurvedic healing practices radishes are said to have effective toxin-purging effects, helping break down and eliminate toxins and cancer-causing free radicals in the body.

6. Protects Against Cancer

As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family (same family as broccoli and cabbage) radishes contain phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals that are cancer protecting.

7. Relieves Indigestion

Radishes have a calming effect on the digestive system and can help relieve bloating and indigestion.

8. Low In Calories, High In Nutrients

With a very low calorie count, less than 20 calories in an entire cup, radishes are a great way to add nutrients, fiber and tons of flavor to your meals without compromising your health.

9. Keeps You Hydrated

With a high water content and lots of vitamin C as well as phosphorus and zinc, radishes are a nourishing food for the tissues and can help keep your body hydrated and your skin looking fresh and healthy all summer long!

10. Insect Bites

Because of their anti-pruritic properties, radishes can be effective in treating bee stings and insect bites. The juice will also sooth affected areas and reduce pain.

11. Jaundice

The reason that radishes do a great job of treating jaundice is because they are a powerful detoxifier which makes them good for both the stomach and liver by eliminating waste and toxins. The fact that they additionally remove bilirubin and keep production of this compound stable makes them a useful treatment for jaundice. They can even increase the blood’s supply of oxygen and in turn help reduce the red blood cell destruction that jaundice causes.

12. Piles

One of the main causes of piles is constipation and because of its status as roughage which is made up of indigestible carbohydrates radishes can help fight this problem. Radishes can also help with water retention and digestion. Because it is a good detoxifier, a radish can also help quickly reduce symptoms of piles.


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Got info from another source.

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