Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Coconut is highly nutritious, and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.  It is classified as a “functional food” because it provides many health benefits beyond it nutrition.

In traditional medicine around the world, coconut is used to treat a wide variety problems including the following: abscesses, asthma, baldness, bronchitis, colds, constipation, cough, dropsy, dysentery, earache, fever, flue, gingivitis, painful menstruation, jaundice, kidney stones, lice, malnutrition, skin infections, sore throat, swelling, toothache, ulcers, upset stomach, weakness, and wounds.

Modern medical science is now confirming the use of coconut in treating many conditions.  Published studies in medical journals show that coconut, in one may provide a wide range of health benefits.  Some of these are summarized below:

    * Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, and hepatitis.
    * Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections and cavities, pneumonia, and other diseases.
    * Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidacies, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and rash.
    * Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, and other parasites.
    * Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.
    * Boosts Energy and endurance.
    * Improves digestion
    * Improves insulin secretion
    * Helps protect against osteoporosis.
    * Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.
    * Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn”s disease, ulcerative colitis.
    * Improves digestion and bowel function.
    * Relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.
    * Reduces inflammation.
    * Supports tissue healing and repair.
    * Supports and aids immune system function.
    * Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.
    * Improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of heart diseases.
    * Functions as a protective antioxidant.
    * Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.
    * Dissolves kidney stones.
    * Helps prevent liver disease.
    * Supports thyroid function.
    * Support the natural chemical balance of the skin.
    * Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.
    * Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.
    * Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.
    * Has no harmful or discomforting side effects.
    * Is completely non-toxic to humans

In the book SCIENCE IN THE KITCHEN, the book that our church used as a textbook for teaching health says that although it's a fruit, it's a nut.

And if you look at it, it is a nut. It has a hard-outer shell that has to be cracked.

It's one of those fruits that is neutral like olives.

And the prophet tells us to use milk, cream, or the equivalent when cooking our vegetables.  Now in today's day, we don't use milk and cream, so we use the equivalent.  And according to that health book by Ella, coconut cream is the equivalent and islanders have been using it on vegetables for years.

It's a wonderful replacement for milk and cream.

Here are the quotes from Sister White:

“...Vegetables prepared with only water, and everything else in like manner. This kind of cookery is health deform, and there are some minds so constituted that they will accept anything that bears the features of rigorous diet or reform of any kind.  {CD 212.1}  

“...Vegetables should be made palatable with a little milk or cream, or something equivalent.  (CD 207.3)

The Coconut is perhaps the most important of all the shell fruits, if we may judge by the variety of uses to which the nut and the tree which bears it can be put. It has been said that nature seldom produces a tree so variously useful to man as the cocoanut palm. In tropical countries, where it grows abundantly, its leaves are employed for thatching, its fibers for manufacturing many useful articles, while its ashes produce potash in abundance. The fruit is eaten raw, and in many ways is prepared for food; it also yields an oil which forms an important article of commerce. The milk of the fruit is a cooling beverage, and the woody shell of the nut answers very well for a cup from which to drink it. The saccharine juice of the tree also affords an excellent drink; and from the fresh young stems is prepared a farinaceous substance similar to sago. The cocoanuts grow in clusters drooping from the tuft of long, fringed leaves which crown the branchless trunk of the stately palm. The cocoanut as found in commerce is the nut divested of its outer sheath, and is much smaller in size than when seen upon the tree. Picked fresh from the tree, the cocoanut consists first of a green outer covering; next of a fibrous coat, which, if the nut is mature, is hairy-like in appearance; and then of the woody shell, inside of which is the meat and milk. For household purposes the nuts are gathered while green, and before the inner shell has become solidified; the flesh is then soft like custard, and can be easily eaten with a teaspoon, while a large quantity of delicious, milk-like fluid is obtainable from each nut. As found in our Northern markets, the cocoanut is difficult of digestion, as is likewise the prepared or desiccated cocoanut. The cocoanut contains about seventy per cent of oil.

She says we shouldn't eat the meat/fruit inside the nut raw. It should be cooked. Milk can be made from it and used in potatoes and sweet potatoes.

There's a difference between eating the meat/fruit and making the milk from it which we are counseled may be used.

In my 1892 edition it's listed under nuts and fruit.

And it says about the cream this may be used at once as a substitute for milk page 394 in the book. 

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Monday, February 27, 2023

Coconut Aminos


“The Lord loves us, and he does not want us to do ourselves harm by following unhealthful recipes…” {CD 297.4}

“Let health reformers remember that they may do harm by publishing recipes which do not recommend health reform…” {CD 334.5}

“…Let our people discard all unwholesome recipes.” (CD 349.1)


-Braggs Aminos

-Aminos of any kind (we are not made to eat aminos, but to eat food that contains natural protein which will       break down into Aminos in our bodies)

-Soy Sauce

-Nutritional Yeast Flakes (the broth poured over it is full of MSG)

-Baking Powder (any kind) as they have carbonates and bi-carbonates which are poison

-Baking Soda (any kind)

-Cinnamon (Irritating Spice)

-Spices of any kind such as nutmeg, allspice, (ginger and turmeric are not spices; they are roots)

-Condiments – (most all have vinegar in them)

-Food Coloring


-Apple Cider Vinegar and White Vinegar

-Black Pepper

-Cayenne Pepper


We are to eat everything fresh, nothing aged or fermented. Coconut aminos are aged.

Secondly, we are not to eat amino acids… it confuses the body. We are to eat protein foods that will break down into amino acids in the body.  And it’s true, we get the 9 essentials in diet (fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains) we don't need coconut aminos.  Sister White and the pioneers didn't use coconut aminos, and they did just fine.

If you can show me from the SOP where we need coconut aminos I will change my mind. That's just something someone came up with and made to convince people they need so they can make money.

It's not food...it's chemically processed. It is also fermented and high in sodium. It also contains "coconut vinegar".


Yes. Coconut aminos are both gluten-free and vegan. The only ingredients in coconut aminos are coconut sap (sugar) and salt. A few brands add coconut sugar or a little bit of coconut vinegar, but they are all gluten-free and vegan. That proves it is fermented. It is made in a lab. It’s not natural. You can't find it on a tree, bush, vine, out of the ground.

Soy Sauce is from a soy bean, but the process of making it is not natural...it is chemically processed and they use a lot of salt.


"Once the sap is collected from the coconut blossoms, it is blended with sea salt and aged to make coconut aminos".  I got that from the following link: https://paleocrashcourse.com/what-is-coconut-aminos/


It's not fresh – our food should be fresh, not "aged"

Definition of aged

1: grown old: such as

     a: of an advanced age an aged man

     b: having attained a specified age a man aged 40 years

2: typical of old age –the aged wrinkles in my cheeks —Shakespeare

3: having acquired a desirable quality or undergone an expected and desired change with the passage of time aged wine aged cheese

A friend of mine called and talked with Monica with coconut secrets...she says it is fermented, and the fermentation process takes 8 weeks. No yeast added. I asked her if it was aged, and her reply was, yes, it is fermented.  I then asked her how many weeks, and she said 8… the stuff is fermented for 8 weeks!!! That becomes alcoholic like. That violates our health message. The food we eat should be fresh, not aged.


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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Cockroach’s Exterminated Overnight Without Chemicals

Borax Balls
This recipe (which is even acknowledged by pest control companies) uses boric acid powder, which is pretty safe to keep around humans and pets, but terrible news for cockroaches. Boric acid will damage the skeleton of the cockroach, dehydrate it, and works like a poison. You will see it begin to work within 24-72 hours. The process as a whole will probably take 3-4 weeks.

Warning: Borax is toxic to animals if ingested, do not use this method if you have pets or proceed with caution.

Materials Needed
  • Raw Egg Yolk
  • 30-50 grams of Boric Acid Powder (or borax or boric powder acid)
  • You also need some latex gloves

 What to Do
  • Mix the egg yolk and boric acid powder (or alternative) together well.
  • Put your gloves on. Make small round balls out of the mixture while maintaining 1 cm diameters.
  • In an hour, you will probably find them completely dry. Now they are ready to use.

Key Steps
In order for these to work most effectively, it is important to take certain other measures too. I am including key tips from goodgeek.info in the procedure. First, you have to make sure the cockroaches don’t have access to any food particles. You need to clean your spaces of any food particles.

After this, we need to take care of our water pipes and other areas with water. We want to make sure there isn’t any water standing around that cockroaches may feel drawn too, nor that our pipes are leaking. We also want to make sure the pipes have proper insulation so that moisture doesn’t condense on them.

Where to Place the Borax Balls
We want to think practically and creatively when placing the borax balls. We want to put them close to the surface where the cockroaches will see them and go to taste them. There are points that will be helpful to keep in mind when choosing where to place them.

Where are the cockroach headquarters in the place? One tip from pestsoff.com is to sneak up on them at night. First, for a couple of hours, be sure to keep all lights off in the area (ideally floor) where the cockroaches seem to like going. Next quietly go to the area, quickly turn the lights on, and observe.

Where do you find them? By this point, they must be moving rapidly. Exactly where are they going? This will give you an idea of the areas it will be most effective placing the borax balls. Also, when they are in large groups they give off a very weird and off-putting smell. This smell can also give you clues.

As mentioned before, they like being near food and water. You will likely find them within 5 feet of these sources. You want to put these balls around the cracks and crevices in and around walls, doors, and furniture. Check around appliances like the stove and fridge; they feel safe going there.

Other places to check up at include basements, cupboards, electronics, drains and sewer systems. Another area that you use every day where the cockroaches can hide is the bathroom! Yes, the bathroom.

Sealing Walls
It’s important to seal cracks and crevices on walls and cupboards with silicon. Sometimes cockroaches can travel into our homes through the items we bring in our clothing. When bringing in any such items, including groceries and laundry, we want to make sure they don’t contain cockroaches or other pests. That can save a lot of time and energy in the long run.

How to Disinfect Walls
When cleaning surfaces cockroaches have contaminated, such as walls, we want to disinfect properly. One way is to make a mixture of baking soda and soapy water. I suggest wearing latex gloves and doing this through dipping a microfiber cloth into the mixture and wiping the walls. Don’t drench the walls, as this could ruin your wall and its paint. You also want to make sure we keep cleaning the cloth so that you don’t spread contaminants. Then do another wipe on the walls using a different, clean, and wet microfiber cloth.

Off We Go
With patience and persistence, you can clear your space of the pesky pests. You want to do this as soon as you see any cockroaches, in order to protect your home as well as the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family. You can do it! Take back the kitchen!


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Saturday, February 25, 2023


The cochineal is a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the NATURAL DYE CARMINE is derived.

Cochineal – Red #40 comes from this, they smash the red bugs.

1. A scarlet dye used chiefly for coloring food.

2. The dried bodies of a female scale insect, which are crushed to yield this dye.

In January 2006, the FDA evaluated a proposal that would require food products containing carmine to list it by name on the ingredient label.[6] It was also announced that the FDA will separately review the ingredient labels of prescription drugs which contain colorings derived from carmine. A request from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (article titled: “FDA Urged to Improve Labeling of or Ban Carmine Food Coloring”[7][8]) to require ingredient labels to explicitly state that carmine may cause severe allergic REACTIONS and anaphylactic shock and that it is derived from insects was declined by the FDA. Food industries were aggressively opposed to the idea of writing “insect based” on the label and they finally agreed to simply putting “CARMINE.”

In the United States, carmine is approved as dye for foodstuffs. In January 2009, FDA passed a new regulation[9] requiring carmine and cochineal to be listed by name on the label.

Although concerns over hazards from allergic reactions have been asserted,[10] the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not banned the use of carmine and states it found no evidence of a “significant hazard” to the general population.[11] As with many chemical compounds, the dye may still pose an allergen hazard to a subset of the population.

Anytime you see an ingredients list that includes carmine, cochineal extract or natural red 4, you can be sure that there's a little powdered bug therein.

Cochineal may be made from bugs, but other synthetic red dyes such as Red No. 2 and Red No. 40, which carry far greater health risks, are derived from either coal or petroleum byproducts. Compared with these sources, bugs might sound positively appetizing…NOT!

My advice? READ LABELS and KNOW what you are eating!

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Clear Your Lungs From Smoking


1 small piece of ginger root
2 t. turmeric
4 cups + 3 T. water
14 oz. garlic, peeled and cut into quarters
14 oz. raw sugar

Pour water into a container, put it on fire and add the sugar. When it begins to boil, you have to add the garlic, the grated ginger and turmeric. You should wait until the mixture boil. Remove it from the heat, and leave it to cool to room temperature. Keep the drink in the refrigerator.

To Use The Mixture
You should take two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and two in the evening, after the last meal.

Note: According to scientists, the ingredients in this recipe can prevent even cancer. So, do not delay and begin to clear your lungs with this amazing recipe.

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Cleaning Spray


  • First, clean your glass spray bottle.
  • Add 10 to 15 drops of REVIVE Immunity Boost to the bottle.
  • Add 1 tsp. organic Witch Hazel.
  • Top with 2 oz. water.
  • Tightly secure the spray top and use it as needed!

Using this cleaning spray is really so easy. It is effective, will save you money, and also remove those toxic and harmful chemicals from your home. Although you can use this cleaner on just about anything, here are just a few ways to get you started!

  1. Spray on cutting boards.
  2. Wipe down tables and countertops.
  3. Gently spray over bedding, carpets and furniture.
  4. Spray on mop before washing floor.
  5. Freshen baby toys, car seats and carriers.
  6. Clean children’s toys.
  7. Wash fresh produce.
  8. Freshen and eliminate odor in sports bags and equipment.
  9. Clean bathroom counter, shower and toilet.
  10. Spray on public toilet seats, sink and door handles.
  11. Spray in shoes to reduce odor.
  12. Bring while traveling and apply to airplane armrests and chair.
  13. Spray on hotel surfaces to ensure cleanliness.
  14. Remove stains from carpet.
  15. Wash windows and mirrors by mixing 5 drops of REVIVE Lemon Essential Oil 1 tsp of white vinegar and 3 cups of water in glass bottle.
  16. Clean your toddler’s potty chair.
  17. Add a few capfuls into washing machine.
  18. Eliminate dirt and grass stains from clothes.
  19. Clean jewelry.
  20. Wash your vehicle.
  21. It is event gentle enough to clean leather!
  22. Wipe down gym equipment.
  23. Remove germs from shopping cart.
  24. Spray on restaurant tables and menus.
  25. Clean the inside of the refrigerator.
  26. Remove gum from hair!
  27. Clean doorknobs and high touch surfaces.
  28. Remove crayon from walls.
  29. Neutralize pet odor.
  30. Clean outdoor patio furniture.

We hope you enjoyed this list and we can’t wait to hear how you are using your REVIVE cleaning spray!

To order from Revive contact me for a discount!


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