Thursday, February 29, 2024


SAGE is a legendary herb well known for its phenomenal health promoting and disease-preventing properties. It is one of the top antioxidant herbs and can provide powerful protection from degenerative diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, prostatitis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Sage contains rosmarinic acid which is a potent anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce swelling and inflammation and is considered highly beneficial for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, asthma, and atherosclerosis.

Sage has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties and is an excellent natural remedy for fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. It also can provide relief from acidity and aid in the digestion of fatty and hard-to-digest foods.
Sage is known as the “thinker’s herb” as has an outstanding ability to enhance attention span, support concentration, and improve the senses as well as provide support when dealing with grief and depression. It can also help regulate the menstrual cycle and help to prevent excessive sweating in women after menopause.

Sage can neutralize free radicals and offer significant anti-aging and longevity benefits. It also contains antiseptic properties and is widely found in natural creams, lotions, and salves to speed the healing of cuts and wounds and clear up most skin diseases and infections.

Sage has a peppery flavor and is usually used to make stuffing. It can also be added to soups, potatoes, squash, tomato sauce, salads, and guacamole.
It can also be taken as a tea, capsule, or tincture for additional benefits. Sage is a wise, healing, and powerful herb that is a true gift and should not be missed.

Cognitive Boost: Research has shown that even small amounts of sage, whether smelled or consumed, can increase recall abilities and memory retention in subjects. The brain activity also demonstrates increased concentration and focus on a chosen topic, which means that for young people in school or for those in challenging, intellectually demanding careers, adding a bit of sage to your diet may be a subtle, but effective brain booster.

Inflammation Issues: Chewing on sage leaves is not always the most pleasant remedy, as the flavor can be quite intense, but this may be the most effective way to get the organic compounds acting in your system the fastest. Creating a tincture or steeping leaves can also do the trick, but if you suffer from inflammatory issues, particularly in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts, you can eliminate that inflammation with this sage brew. The anti-inflammatory qualities of sage extend to health issues such as arthritis and gout, as well as general inflammation of the cardiovascular system, which can result in heart disease and increased blood pressure. The flavonoids and phenolic compounds found in sage are responsible for these beneficial effects.

Antioxidant Impact: Chronic conditions and degenerative diseases can be some of the most debilitating and dangerous health concerns that you face in your life. Many of these health issues are caused by free radicals, the dangerous by products of cellular metabolism that attack healthy cells, causing apoptosis or mutation. Antioxidant compounds found in sage, such as rosmarinic acid, luteolin, and apigenin, can all work to neutralize free radicals and prevent them from creating oxidative stress in the heart, organ systems, skin, joints, muscles, and even the brain.

Cognitive Disorders: As mentioned above, sage does have the ability to stimulate brain function to improve memory and concentration; however, it also works to eliminate cognitive disorders that may arise, including Alzheimer’s and dementia. Although research into these applications is still in the relatively early stages, it is exciting to see real strides being taken with herbal alternatives to pharmaceutical treatment. The neural pathways stimulated by the extracts and essential oils of sage can keep the mind fresh and youthful well into your older ages.

Immune System Strength: There are some antimicrobial properties that have been identified in sage, and while sage is usually consumed in relatively small quantities, you can create a topical application of sage (salve or tincture) and use it to prevent bacterial and viral infections that attack the body through the skin. We often think of illness entering through our nose or mouth, but the skin can also be compromised and be used as a gateway for foreign agents. A topical cream or antibacterial routine that includes sage could be an extra line of defense against that sort of illness vector.

Bone Strength: One of the most overlooked benefits of sage is actually its superior level of vitamin K, an essential vitamin for the body that isn’t found in many common foods. Vitamin K is a crucial element in developing bone density and ensuring the integrity of our bones as we age. If you suffer from early signs of osteoporosis or have lived a rather nutrient-poor, sedentary lifestyle, your bone health is likely low. Adding sage leaves to your diet can increase your vitamin K levels significantly, as a single service has 27% of your daily recommended intake.

Skin Conditions: A topical salve can be created using sage leaves or a tincture of the plant that has been shown to be effective against certain skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. These unsightly blemishes can be quickly soothed and their appearance can be reduced gradually if you regularly apply sage extracts and salves to the inflamed or affected area.

Diabetes Management: There may be some debate about the efficacy of sage on certain health conditions explained above, but when it comes to diabetes, there is widespread agreement. Sage contains certain extracts and chemicals that mimic the drugs typically prescribed for managing diabetes. Sage appears to regulate and inhibit the release of stored glucose in the liver, preventing major fluctuations of blood sugar, which can help to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes, or at least manage the condition if it has already manifested.

Digestion: The rosmarinic acid found in sage acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in many parts of the body, even in the stomach, where it prevents gastric spasms and can significantly lower the occurrence of diarrhea and gastritis for patients suffering from the uncomfortable and embarrassing conditions. Adding sage to your meals can get your entire digestive process back on track and reduce inflammation throughout the gut.


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Wednesday, February 28, 2024


ROSEMARY has had a reputation for miracles for thousands of years. It has been used as an antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, aphrodisiac, and expectorant. Rosemary has earned praise for alleviating nerve-related conditions, boosting the immune system, fighting off bacterial and viral infections, aiding respiratory ailments, strengthening digestion, and improving circulation.

Rosemary contains both caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory making it ideal for those who suffer from auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. It also contains properties and volatile oils that work similarly to anti-histamines and make it very useful to treat conditions such as asthma and chronic migraines.

Rosemary’s diuretic properties have been known to help relieve gout, edema, and kidney stones. Rosemary can stimulate memory, improve concentration, and help overcome mental fatigue by increasing the blood flow to the head and brain. It is also known to alleviate depression and sadness and can decrease anxiety brought on by stress.

Rosemary oil is often added to hair and skin care products due to its ability to cleanse and nourish the scalp and heal and repair the skin. Essential oil of rosemary can also be used through a steam vaporizer to disinfect the air in your home &/or office which is especially beneficial during cold and flu season. A high-quality premium essential oil of rosemary can be found by clicking here: If you use this, be sure to contact me FIRST so I can give you a code to get a discount. Thank you! 

Fresh or dried rosemary can also be taken as a tea, or simply added to salads, soups, or any of your home-cooked meals. It is a potent and effective herb that can provide a myriad of health benefits.


One of the earliest reported or documented uses of rosemary for health reasons was as a cognitive stimulant. It was said to improve memory and help to increase intelligence and focus. While many of those claims are still being researched and studied, its effects on the brain do indicate an increase in memory retention, which is never a bad thing; keeping your mind quick will help to keep it young. In that same vein, rosemary has been linked to stimulating cognitive activity in the elderly, as well as those suffering from more acute cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. This is an exciting alternative to more modern treatment for these as-yet uncured conditions.

The aroma of rosemary alone has been linked to improving mood, clearing the mind, and relieving stress in those with chronic anxiety or stress hormone imbalances. When the plant is consumed or applied topically in some sort of salve of the leaves, it can have similar effects.

The active components in rosemary are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic in nature. This represents a three-pronged attack against many different diseases and pathogens that could threaten the immune system or damage the integrity of the body. Antioxidant compounds form a secondary line of defense behind the body’s own immune system, and rosemary contains a significant amount of those powerful compoundsincluding rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, betulic acid, and carnosol.

While the general immune-boosting qualities of rosemary are impressive enough, it is specifically powerful against bacterial infections, particularly those in the stomach. H. pylori bacteria is a common and very dangerous pathogen that can cause stomach ulcers, but rosemary has been shown to prevent its growth when consumed. Similarly, rosemary is linked to preventing Staph infections, which kill thousands of people each year.

Rosemary has traditionally been used by dozens of cultures as a natural remedy for upset stomachs, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and everything in between. Its anti-inflammatory and stimulant effects are largely the cause of these effects, so adding rosemary to your weekly diet can quickly help you regulate your bowel movements and your gastrointestinal system.

As a natural antibacterial agent, rosemary works as a wonderful breath freshener that also improves your oral health. Steep rosemary leaves in a glass of hot water and then gargle or swish the water in your mouth to eliminate bacteria and give you naturally fresh and clean breath all night!

Rosemary acts as a stimulant for the body and boosts the production of red blood cells and blood flow. This helps to oxygenate vital organ systems and areas of the body, ensuring that the metabolic activities in those areas are running smoothly, in addition to stimulating the movement of nutrients to cells that require repair.

As an analgesic substance, rosemary has been topically applied in a paste or salve for hundreds of years to the affected area of the pain. When consumed orally, rosemary acts as a pain reliever for harder-to-reach spots, such as headaches and pain from a condition. In fact, one of the most popular uses of rosemary is for the treatment of migrainesApplying a decoction to the temples, or simply smelling the aroma of rosemary has been linked to reducing the severity of migraine symptoms.

Perhaps the most important function of rosemary is as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body. Carnosol and Carnosic acid are two powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds found in rosemary that have been linked to reducing inflammation of muscles, blood vessels, and joints. This makes rosemary an effective treatment for many things, including blood pressure, gout, arthritis, and injuries sustained during physical exertion or surgery. Rosemary is effective in oral or topical form for these anti-inflammatory effects. Furthermore, the reduction in inflammation in the cardiovascular system can help to boost heart health and prevent atherosclerosis from appearing.

Rosemary is slightly diuretic in nature, meaning that it can help flush out toxins more efficiently during urination.

Furthermore, by increasing the rate at which water leaves the body, it can also help push out pathogens, salts, toxins, and even excess fat when consumed regularly (or when you’re feeling particularly “toxified”). In terms of the particular organ it benefits, rosemary has been linked to lower levels of cirrhosis and a faster healing time of the liver, which is one of the slowest organs to heal.

SKIN HEALTH: The anti-aging properties of rosemary are quite well known. Although more commonly thought of in the essential oil form, the leaves of rosemary can also affect the skin internally or topically and have been shown to improve the youthful quality of the skin, while also healing blemishes and increasing the natural shine and hydrated appearance of your body’s largest organ.


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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Romaine Lettuce

ROMAINE LETTUCE is a fantastic leafy green that contains all 8 of the essential amino acids. It is also high in omega-3, calcium, and iron and has more vitamin C than an orange.

ROMAINE is rich in beta carotene, folate, and vitamins E & K. The beta carotene and folic acid in romaine lettuce can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, while the vitamins E & K can help balance blood sugar, strengthen muscles and bones, and build a healthy immune system.

It can also help to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and its high silicon content helps to repair and renew joints, bones, arteries, and connective tissues.

ROMAINE is also unique in that it contains very low levels of oxalic acid making it an ideal leafy green for those who are prone to kidney stones and/or joint pain. Its antispasmodic properties aid the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract.

ROMAINE LETTUCE contains sedative compounds that relax the nerves and calm the body. It can help prevent nightmares and provide support for a good night’s sleep.

ROMAINE is great for salads, chopped romaine makes an excellent crunchy base, add some spinach, radishes and sunflower seeds Top with homemade salad dressing. Or try stuffing whole leaves with sprouts, any cooked vegetable, pinto beans, brown rice, and a bit of homemade salad dressing and eat like a taco.


1. Protein – Believe it or not, romaine lettuce is 17% protein with 7.7 grams per head. It is also contains all 9 essential amino acids, 9% RDA of some and up to 26% RDA of others.

2. Calcium – One head of romaine has 206 milligrams (mg) of calcium (about 21% RDA).

3. Omega-3's – One head of romaine lettuce contains 44% RDA of Omega-3 essential fats. Forget the tainted fish oils, reach for some leafy greens instead!

4. More Vitamin A Than A Carrot – One head of romaine contains 182% RDA of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) while a large carrot contains only 40%.

5. Iron – One head of romaine contains 6mg of iron, which ads a significant source of iron to the diets of vegetarians and vegans.

6. Romaine Lettuce is Rich in B-vitamins – Thiamine (B1) – 38% RDA, Riboflavin (B2) – 32% RDA, Niacin (B3) – 12% RDA, Pantothenic Acid (B5) – 18%, Pyridoxine (B6) – 36 %, Folate (B9) – 213%!

7. Water – One head of romaine provides about 20 ounces of water per head!

8. Rich Source of vitamin K – As with most leafy greens, romaine is super rich vitamin K with 535% RDA in one head.

9.  Low Levels of Oxalic Acid – If you have problems with calcium oxalate kidney stones, romaine lettuce might be a good choice for leafy greens since it is very low in this anti-nutrient.

10. Rich in Minerals – Don’t let the lighter color of romaine lettuce fool you. This not-so-dark leafy green is rich in minerals. One head contains copper (33% RDA), magnesium (22% RDA), manganese (42% RDA), phosphorus (27% RDA), potassium (33%), selenium (5% RDA) and zinc (13% RDA).


Choose bright, crisp heads of romaine lettuce. Avoid bunches that have rust, holes or that are limp, wilted or yellowing. It is common to find romaine that has slight browning along the very edges of the outer leaves. This is okay as long as the rest of the head looks fresh and green. I just trim the brown edges off the outer leaves.

Romaine is highly perishable. You may store it in the fridge in a large plastic tub with a piece of paper towel to absorb excess moisture and condensation. Lettuce will keep for up to 5 days this way. If you store wet lettuce in a produce bag, it will likely only last a couple days. Personally I have Tupperware’s Lettuce Storage Container and it keeps for 3 weeks…but we always eat it before.

If the Holy Spirit so impresses you, PLEASE DONATE TODAY (button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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Monday, February 26, 2024

Red/Purple Cabbage

Red/Purple Cabbage is one of the most healthful and least expensive vegetables available today. It is rich in vitamins C, K, & B-complex and minerals such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. It is also high in anthocyanin polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants that contain potent anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties.

Red/Purple Cabbage is well known for its high percentage of phyto-chemicals such as isothiocyanates, zea-xanthin, and lutein which can help to effectively protect the body against colon, breast, stomach, lung, and prostate cancer. It has also been shown to help lower cholesterol levels by working with bile acids in the digestive process to remove cholesterol from the blood. 

Red/Purple Cabbage is an ideal food for a healthy digestive tract as it is known to help reduce bad bacteria and promote good friendly bacteria (such as acidophilus) in the gut. Red cabbage is particularly beneficial for the nervous system and has even been shown to help reduce buildup of plaque in the brain that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. It is also an excellent food for ulcers, osteoporosis, constipation, heart disease, candida, age related macular degeneration, fibromyalgia, dementia, and weight loss.

Red/Purple Cabbage is also great for boosting the immune system and reducing chronic inflammation in the body.

Eat your red/purple cabbage COOKED, as it is a coarse vegetable and raw vegetables steal iodine from the body, and the enzyme is not released for proper mineral absorption.

In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plain. Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, COARSE VEGETABLES, candies, condiments, and pastries fail of supplying proper nutrimentMany a student has broken down as the result of using such foods…”  (Ed 204.3)

“Albumen of vegetable origin is better when cooked...”  {May 7, 1903 EJW PTUK 301.8}

“A Scotchman is launching a new form of vegetarianism in Paris. Its members eat and drink nothing but uncooked vegetable foods and natural liquids.”  {June 21, 1894 EJW, PTUK 398.13}

***Notice how in 1894, some Scotch man came up with the raw diet in food and drink.  THIS DID NOT COME FROM ADVENTISTS.  IF THIS WAS THE DIET FOR US, GOD WOULD HAVE GIVEN ELLEN WHITE THAT COUNSEL IN 1863 WHEN HE GAVE HER THE HEALTH MESSAGE.

Red cabbage pairs well with scallions, ginger, and/or sesame seeds.

Red cabbage can be readily found at your local grocery and health food store.


1. Improves Immunity
Vitamin E is said to improve overall immunity by producing a greater number of antibodies in the body. It also improves metabolism and helps in DNA repair. This vitamin is present in a high quantity in red cabbage.

2. Anti-ageing Properties
Red cabbage, which is a very rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, reduces the process of aging. These vitamins give naturally beautiful and glowing skin. Vitamin E, which is present mostly in the outer leaves, gives the natural glow while Vitamin C which helps in anti-oxidation, maintains beautiful skin.

3. Prevents Free Radicals
Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, is present in a high concentration in red cabbage. It prevents free radicals in the body. These radicals harm the tissues and also cause cancer.

4. For Healthy Eyes and Healthy Skin
Vitamin A maintains clear eyesight and this is present in high amounts in red cabbage. This vitamin naturally acts as a moisturizer, thus keeping your skin soft, healthy, and beautiful.

5. Low Fat with High Vitamins and Minerals
Red cabbage is one of those foods that contain very little fat and is a very good source of vitamins and minerals. It is also very low in calories.

6. Cleans the Body and Helps in Proper Digestion
Various minerals, especially sulfur which is present in a high quantity in red cabbage, is involved in cleaning the bowels. Helps in preventing indigestion and constipation.

7. Keeps Away Osteoporosis
Red cabbage is a rich source of calcium which should be taken by everyone. Including calcium in your daily diet can prevent osteoporosis in old age. Calcium-rich red cabbage can be easily found and taken regularly. This will help in strengthening your bones.

8. Cures Ulcers
The amino acid, glutamine cures ulcers well, especially peptic ulcers. It is present in a high concentration in red cabbage due to which its juice is used to treat ulcers for ages.

9. Fights against Cancer
Can you believe that red cabbage has 36 different anti-cancer chemicals in it? Anthocyanin is a class of flavonoids that protects the body from cancerous cells. Some of the anthocyanin flavonoids have double the anti-oxidant effects of Vitamin C. This anthocyanin is present in a high concentration in red cabbage. It’s also a rich source of indoles which prevent breast cancer in women. It inhibits the growth of tumor cells.

10. Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s
Anthocyanins are present in high concentrations in red cabbages when compared to those of white or green cabbages. These anthocyanins in red cabbage help in the prevention of plaque formation in the brain which is the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

11. Prevents Heart Inflammation
The high content of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants prevents inflammation in the heart which actually leads to the blocking of the arteries.

12. Blood Pressure
Potassium in red cabbage helps in maintaining a healthy blood pressure which is good for the heart as well.

13. Helps in Weight Loss
The high fiber content in red cabbage always makes you feel full. It also contains fewer calories due to which you have a chance of low-calorie intake, leading to weight loss.

14. Reduces Muscle Pain
Lactic acid which is rarely found in foods seems to reduce muscle painThis lactic acid is released while cooking the red cabbage or when a bacterium ferments the sugar in the cabbage.

The humble red/purple cabbage is packed with lot of good things. So, include it in your regular diet but be sure to only eat it cooked.


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Sunday, February 25, 2024


Raspberries are one of the top antioxidant fruits and are an essential food for optimum health. Raspberries are rich in vitamins C, A, E, K, and B-complex and minerals such as iron, copper, calcium, and magnesium. They are also high in ellagic acid which is a medicinal compound that helps to prevent cancer as well as benign and malignant growths.

Raspberries have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-aging properties making them particularly beneficial for autoimmune disorders such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, scleroderma, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, and colon, breast, prostate, stomach, and lung cancer.

They also contain a compound called raspberry ketone that has been shown to increase the metabolism of fat cells which provides benefits for those trying to lose weight. In addition, raspberry ketones have also been shown to improve insulin balance and blood sugar regulation making it a great food for those who have type 2 diabetes.

Raspberries have the ability to cleanse mucus and toxins out of the body and to help balance the endocrine system, reproductive system, and neurological systemThey are also excellent for cardiovascular, circulatory, and cognitive health.

Raspberries are an easily digestible and completely assimilable fruit which ensures ultimate absorption of its healing and nutritive properties.

Fresh raspberries are a wonderful addition to your diet! Frozen raspberries retain most of their nutrition and are a good substitute when fresh is unavailable.


1. Increases Immunity and Slows Down Ageing
Vitamin C are water soluble vitamins that are essential for your body. They need to be restored and regularly replenished as they are not stored in our body cells.

Raspberry is a rich source Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases general immunity to fight cold, flu, infections and such other common diseases and conditions.

Vitamin C is a rich antioxidant agent and highly effective in purifying and cleaning our blood and cells that make the immune function strong.

Antioxidants gets rid of the free radicals produced in our body by certain molecules on exposure to oxygen. These radicals can damage the cells and our DNA structure if not controlled and cleaned out.

The formation of free radicals is natural and is taken care of by the antioxidants produced in the body by the food that we consume.

Other than Vitamin C, the antioxidant property of Raspberries is owing to phenols and anthocyanins in them.

Organic Raspberries have been found to be particularly effective as an anti-oxidant thereby slowing down the process of aging as well.

Early aging is common due to increasing pollution, exposure to UV rays, unhealthy lifestyle and persistent stress. But raspberries are rich in antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals.

Thus, it protects the body from free radicals that cause aging and gives you a great looking taut skin as well.

The vitamin C and anti-oxidants like phenols and anthocyanins optimize the immune function and delays natural ageing of the body with their anti-oxidant properties.

2. Protect and Arrests Cancerous Growths
The incidences of the Cancer is increasing but now with new advancements and studies on it, this condition may not spell doom for you anymore.

The researchers on food and nutrition for controlling cancer and preventing it are showing a lot of promise. One such elaborate study has been done by Dr. Daniel Nixon of Hollings Cancer Institute.

It has found conclusively the effects of Ellagic acid in Raspberries on Cancer. A cup of Raspberries contains about 40 mg of this acid. When consumed in moderate quantities, it prevents the occurrence of cancers.

If Cancer patients increase the concentration of this acid by increasing the daily intake of raspberries, then they may be able to destroy the cancerous growths through a process called Apoptosis.

Apoptosis in layman’s language means programmed cell death owing to a biochemical reaction. The acid in Raspberries triggers this process.

It has been found to be effective in most of the cancers including that of the breast, colon, pancreas, Esophagus, skin, prostate and amongst others.

The best part is that this process does not hurt or damage normal cells and slow down the cancer growth significantly.

Apart from a significant contribution from Ellagic acid, the antioxidant properties of Raspberries also help in aiding cancer prevention and growth.
Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and protect from cancer. ORAC value (Oxygen Radiance Absorption Capacity) of raspberry is 4900 micromoles per 100 grams.

So it is useful in protecting against cancer and tumor.

The Ellagic acid in particular and Anti-oxidants in general found in Raspberries prevent cancer and slows down its spread in the body.

3. Maintains Eye Health
Eating raspberry improves vision and prevents the eye and retina from infections and other damages.

Since raspberry is rich in antioxidants, it protects the eye retina from oxidative stress. So it is effective in preventing the loss of eye vision in the form of cataract or age-related degenerative eye disease macular degeneration.

The combination of antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin A and phenols ward off disease and safeguard the membranes of the eye that produce the watery fluid thereby cleaning and protecting the eye from “Dry Eye” syndrome.

It reduces the risk of pannus formation that is a layer of granulation tissue which forms on the cornea.

The Ellagic acid has also been found highly active in the upkeep of eye health and vision.

They reduce the production of active oxygen in the body which has been associated with an increase in the formation of free radicals. These free radicals can damage the vision beyond repairs in more severe and advance cases.

The antioxidants and Ellagic acid prevents age related degenerative eye disease and improve vision. They also protect from eye infections and general eye diseases.

4. Controls Inflammation
Raspberry is rich in phytonutrient, antioxidants and tannins that prove useful to prevent inflammation of stomach, intestine, bones and cardiovascular system.

Studies have conclusively associated Red Raspberries with lowered incidents of inflammation in the body.

It controls the degeneration of collagen that is the main protein in the connective tissue of the human body and thus necessary for cell repair and healing.

Other than healing, repairing and reducing pain, Raspberries have been found to contain the severity of arthritis. They control the bone resorption that release the minerals from bone into the bloodstream.

An excessive uncontrolled resorption in arthritis patients make their bones brittle, soft and lowers its density.

It also inhibits the cartilage damage and thereby reduces the inflammation of bones and joints.

5. Diabetes Management
Raspberries have reasonable sugar content and are high in dietary fiber that makes them reliable addition to the diet of diabetics.

Raspberry contains 2 main nutrients that make it perfect for diabetes. Tiliroside and rheosmin bonus pack of raspberry.

Rheosmin for Obesity related benefits. Tiliroside for Diabetes related benefits. It is found that Adiponectin is not produced in sufficient amount in obese people. Tiliroside stimulates the body to produce an Adiponectin to maintain sugar and insulin level in type 2 Diabetes patients. Adiponectin plays a key role in the regulation of blood sugar and blood fats.

Adiponectin is a protein that is responsible for glucose breakdown in our body. The synthesis of glucose leads to its absorption and prevents high levels of undigested sugar being circulated in the blood.

Thus, it prevents the spike of blood sugar level in diabetes patient and prevents complications due to sugar level spike in obese people.

Wheres, Rheosmin benefits by increasing metabolism in our fat. It increases oxygen consumption, enzyme activity and heat production in fat cells.

Further, the natural sugar in Raspberries called fructose does not need insulin for metabolism. Therefore, diabetics with Type 2 diabetes do not have to worry about the elevated sugar levels in the blood after consuming them.

The Glycemic index of the fruit which reflects its ability to increase the Glucose in blood is below 40 for raspberries making them extremely healthy and ideal for diabetics.

6. Healthy Weight Loss
First things first, Raspberry has an extremely low-fat content but high fiber that keeps you feeling full for longer.

The water content of Raspberry at 95% protects you from dehydration owing to heavy exercises.

The entire composition of trace metals including manganese, potassium and Phosphorus restore the lost balance of electrolyte in the body.

It is a low-calorie fruit which keeps you light.

Further, Raspberry Ketones (Rheosmin) found in the raspberry have been found to be effective in burning the fat stored in the abdominal region by many studies.

These studies showed that it breaks down the lipid within fat cells. Thus, this reduces the fat deposits in the body.

It has also been found that Raspberry Ketones reduces the capacity of the body to absorb excess fat. It burns fat naturally and promotes healthy weight loss.

Raspberry due to its nutritional composition makes for a great fruit while on weight loss spree and the Ketones in it breakdown fats reducing the waistline of your body.

7. Blood Circulation & Cardiovascular Health
Raspberry has the anti-coagulant property that makes it a great blood thinnerIn critical cases where patients experience fluctuating blood pressure and excessive clotting.

Raspberries are recommended as a part of their regular diet. They not only discourage clotting but also dissolve clots maintaining the fluidity of the blood.

It is the Salicylate content in the Raspberries that makes it an effective blood thinning agent.

An optimum fluidity of blood and regular heartbeat ensure healthy cardiovascular system. The potassium in Raspberries ensures optimum muscle function in the body including the heart muscles.

It reduces the chances of arrhythmia and regulates the contraction and expansion of heart muscles optimizing the blood pumping through the body.

Berries, in general, are also known for increasing the HDL (high-density lipoproteins) aka good cholesterol in the body optimizing the heart function further.

Wrap up: Raspberries act as natural blood thinning agent, promotes healthy cholesterol and optimizes heart function making it excellent for blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

8. Women’s Health
Women love raspberries and now they have more than the “tasty” reason to include them in the diet.

Raspberries and particularly raspberry leaf have been found very effective in decreasing menstrual flow and cramps during the menstrual cycle, reducing pain during childbirth, preventing hemorrhage and relieving nausea.

It reduces pain by tightening and strengthening the pelvic muscles that experience cramping during periods.

They soothe the body by relaxing muscles and reduce the stress. It also increases the milk flow in lactating mothers.

The leaf and fruit contain Carotenoids, Citric Acid, Fragrine and vitamins that make it a potent agent for menstruation and child birth-related conditions.

As mentioned earlier, it also helps in the treatment of cervical cancer by kick-starting the process of Apoptosis in the cancerous growth.

Raspberries can be readily found at your local grocery and health food stores.

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