Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Why Brown Rice Is Better Than White Rice

One of the main causes of diabetes is the modern use of polished (white) rice, in which fiber, vitamins, and minerals in the upper layer of the grain are removed. Want to lose weight and still eat rice? Just switch to brown rice instead of white. Apart from being more nutritious, it also has fat-burning properties.

It is just normal rice but with all the nutrients still intact. The reason brown rice has many more nutrients than regular white rice is because brown rice has only the outer layer, called the hull (husk), removed while white rice has been refined for convenience removing several nutritious layerstherefore losing all nutrients. The process that produces brown rice removes only the outermost layer, the hull, of the rice kernel and is the least damaging to its nutritional value. The complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroy 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the vitamin B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, 60% of the iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids.

White rice, on the other hand, is both milled and polished, which removes the bran and germ along with all the nutrients that reside within these important layers.

When brown rice becomes white rice, large quantities of B vitamins — including 90 percent of the B6 — half the manganese and phosphorus, more than half the iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids are lost.


Brown rice has more than 80% of your daily value of manganese, which gives you energy from both carbohydrates and proteins. Manganese also helps synthesize fatty acids, which keeps your nervous system in working order.

The fiber in brown rice produces the best health benefit of all – fat burning! In addition to requiring more energy to break it down, the fiber in brown rice helps satisfy your appetite and therefore decreases your chances of overeating. That is the equation for fat loss – eat less and burn more!

  • 2 cups brown rice
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 t. salt, opt.
Rinse rice well, strain well, and then put it into a pot with the water and salt if using. Bring to a rapid boil and then turn on very low and cover. Let simmer for 35 minutes.

THIS WORKS GREAT!!! I know most recipes tell you to double the water or more, but that makes mushy rice.

Note:  The SECRET to making good brown rice is the amount of water. However many cups of rice you make you double the water and then SUBTRACT one cup. So, if you are making 2 cups rice you would use 3 cups water, 3 cups rice and 5 cups water, 4 cups rice and 7 cups water, etc.

The fiber and selenium found in brown rice can also reduce your risk of many types of cancer, which is a health benefit we could all use. The fiber in brown rice has been shown to reduce high cholesterol levels, one more way brown rice helps prevent atherosclerosis. The oils found in brown rice can help lower cholesterol as well. Fiber also helps out by keeping blood sugar levels under control, so brown rice is an excellent grain choice for people with diabetes. The fiber in brown rice can also help to protect you against colon cancer since fiber binds to cancer-causing chemicals, keeping them away from the cells lining the colon, plus it can help normalize bowel function, reducing constipation.


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