Monday, January 22, 2024


CILANTRO (also known as Coriander), is a wonderfully aromatic herb that you may recognize from guacamole’s or salsa. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and dried seeds are most traditionally used in cooking and food-making.

CILANTRO is an aromatic herb in the carrot family, related to parsley,celery and parsnips and is a common ingredient in many Mediterranean and Latin American dishes. Apart from its wonderful flavor, however, CILANTRO brings with it many benefits for your skin, hair and general health. Ten of these surprising benefits are listed below.

CILANTRO is a phenomenal herb that is packed with vitamins A, K, & C, minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, and has more antioxidants than most fruits or vegetables. CILANTRO is a remarkable heavy-metal detoxifier and is able to remove mercury and aluminum from where it is stored in the adipose (fat) tissues.

CILANTRO is also able to mobilize mercury rapidly from the brainand central nervous system by separating it from the fat tissue and moving into the blood & lymph where when combined with a blue green algae such as spirulina it can be removed safely and effectively from the body. 

CILANTRO & blue green algae used together is a winning combination and a natural miracle that has given tremendous relief to those suffering from mercury poisoning & toxicity.

CILANTRO also contains an anti-bacterial compound called dodecenal which has the ability to kill salmonella bacteria and prevent salmonella poisoning. CILANTRO is highly beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Viral and Bacterial Infections, Hepatitis, Colitis, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Autism, Tourette Syndrome, Infertility, and Bell’s Palsy.CILANTRO is also very helpful with autoimmune disorders such as Fibromyalgia, Addison’s Disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, IBS, Multiple Sclerosis, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

CILANTRO is known to support the stomach, spleen, adrenals, thyroid, pancreas, bladder, and lungs. It is also highly beneficial in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol.


Antioxidant Activity
CILANTRO contains an antioxidant called quercetin (among others), which attributes to this herbs amazing antioxidant activity. Antioxidants help protect your cells against oxidative stress caused by free radicals (a primary cause of the aging process). Protecting yourself against free radicals with antioxidants is the most effective way to reduce developing chronic disease later in life. The antioxidant activity in cilantro helps protect against most degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and many more.

Anti-Diabetic Activity
In parts of Europe, CILANTRO has traditionally been referred to as an “anti-diabetic” plant, due to its wonderful ability to help lower cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels (it packs in a whopping 521 mg of potassium per 100 grams!). Individuals suffering from diabetes have problems regulating and keeping their blood sugar stable. Consuming cilantro and keeping sodium intake to a minimum, could help eliminate this effect.

Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal Activity
CILANTRO acts as a natural antiseptic and anti-fungal agent for the skin and disorders like dermatitis and eczema. This herb also has wonderful anti-bacterial properties that can be used to help improve oral health. The antimicrobial substances in cilantro help prevent and cure small pox too!

Supports Heart Health
The dietary fiber, essential oils, vitamins and antioxidants whichCILANTRO is rich in make it a great choice if you are wanting to promote heart health. Because of these active ingredients, CILANTROcan lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and even dissolve cholesterol that has already built up in the arteries, lowering the chance of cardiovascular disease.

Natural Internal Deodorant
The large amount of chlorophyll in CILANTRO is a great way to detox the body from the inside out. Flushing out toxins from the liver, kidney and digestive tract help remove excess bacteria from the body that would normally sweat out and accumulate in your armpits and feet. Bacteria dislike chlorophyll (due to the high oxygen content), and thus, this herb helps your body deodorize and smell great.

Manages Blood Pressure
Because it is high in potassium while still being low in sodium,CILANTRO can help manage blood pressure. Blood pressure is helped by a high potassium to low sodium ratio and this also helps to control the heart rate.

Soothes Anxiety
CILANTRO has muscle-relaxing and sedative qualities which canhelp to calm your nerves and reduce the damage caused by stress;it also is high in Vitamin B, which helps soothe the mind as well.

Promotes Sleep
CILANTRO, is a calming herb, being high in both magnesium and Vitamin B, it can help promote restful sleep and decrease the possibility of stress-induced sleep disturbances. Magnesium also acts as a natural muscle relaxer and soothes down frazzled nerves.

Improves Digestion
CILANTRO can relieve both nausea and indigestion due its ability to increase enzymes in the digestive tract which process foods more easily. This also helps to relieve bloating and flatulence and can also stimulate peristalsis to move food more readily through the digestive tract.

Detoxifies the Body
CILANTRO is known for its heavy metal detoxification benefits. It has been found to remove heavy metals from the body (taken in via consumption of non-organic foods, using conventional water supplies in your home, eating fish, using deodorants, smoking cigarettes and/or being around second-hand smoke, cooking foods in aluminum cookware or aluminum foil, taking over-the-counter drugs like antacids, using vaccines, or if you have metal fillings in your teeth). Heavy metals are connected with many serious health problems including cancer, heart disease, brain deterioration, emotional problems, kidney disease, lung disease and weak bones. The chemical compounds in cilantro bind to toxic metals and loosen them from the tissues.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar
CILANTRO also possessing “antidiabetic” properties and is thus useful for diabetic patients who want to control their condition naturally. It is able to regulate and stabilize the blood sugar levels due to its potassium-sodium ratio. Cilantro’s health benefits also go past helping lower LDL cholesterol, but can also reduce hypertension by lowering blood pressure! Because it is high in potassium while still being low in sodium, cilantro can help manage blood pressure. Blood pressure is helped by a high potassium to low sodium ratio and this also helps to control the heart rate. Each 100-g serving of raw cilantro leaves provides over 521 mg potassium and only 46 mg sodium (naturally occurring cell salts).

Relieves Inflammation
CILANTRO is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Because of this, it can be useful in relieve the pain, discomfort and/or stiffness associated with inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Slows the Ageing Process
The powerful antioxidant properties of CILANTRO can protect the body against the oxidation damage caused by free radicals. This slows down the ageing process and can reduce the chance of developing many chronic diseases.

Kills Microbes
CILANTRO also has anti-microbial functions and can be useful in treatment of salmonella poisoning and can also promote good oral health by killing bacteria that cause gingivitis.

CILANTRO can also be added to salsas, salads, guacamole, soups, pesto, tomatoes, beans, and veggie dishes.

So add a little CILANTRO to your next meal. It is not only versatile and delicious, it will bring with it an array of health benefits, including those mentioned above.

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