Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Basil is an herbal antibiotic, antiseptic, carminative, and appetizer that has a special affinity for the stomach. Basil significantly benefits the stomach during digestion and can provide immediate relief from gas, stomach cramps, and nausea. It also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can provide relief for inflamed bowel conditions such as colitis, IBS, Crohn’s and celiac disease. It is also highly antibacterial and antiviral making it effective against bacterial infections, intestinal parasites, colds, flu, mono, shingles, and herpes.

Basil is a rich source of magnesium which relaxes muscles and blood vessels and supports cardiovascular health by lowering the risk of irregular heart rhythms and spasms. The essential oil of basil contains eugenol which works similarly to aspirin and ibuprofen in decreasing the swelling in joints and tissues to provide relief from arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Basil’s fungicidal properties also aid in healing wounds, skin rashes, warts, and insect bitesYou can purchase creams and salves or crush fresh leaves in a small amount of coconut oil, apply to the skin, and wrap with a fresh bandage daily.

Consider making fresh basil a staple in your diet and regularly add to salads, homemade pesto, guacamole, and even fruits like strawberries and bananas, the health properties are not to be missed.


DNA Protection: Basil leaves come complete with an array of antioxidants and other wonderful phytonutrients. Some of these phytonutrients, orientin and vicenin, which are in the flavonoid family, have been found to “protect cell structures as well as chromosomes from radiation and oxygen-based damage.”

Anti Bacterial Properties: The antibacterial nature of basil is linked to its volatile oils (essential oils) such as: estragole, linalool, cineole, eugenol, sabinene, myrcene, and limonene.

“Essential oil of basil, obtained from its leaves, has demonstrated the ability to inhibit several species of pathogenic bacteria that have become resistant to commonly used antibiotic drugs.”

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Eugenol (one of basil’s volatile oils) can also help block the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) in the body. This is important because COX is the same enzyme that anti-inflammatory medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen are formulated to help block, making basil a natural anti-inflammatory.

Cardiovascular Health: Basil comes complete with vitamin A (through beta-carotene), magnesium, and many other nutrients that can help protect cell walls from free radical damage (in the blood system and other body structures), improve blood flow and help stop cholesterol from oxidizing in the blood stream.


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Got info from another source.

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