Sunday, January 7, 2024


Blackberries are nutritionally packed with vitamins C, E, A, & K, minerals magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, and antioxidants such as ellagic acid.

Blackberries contain powerful anti-carcinogenic agents making them one of the top ORAC fruits available and ONE OF THE BEST FRUITS TO EAT TO HELP PREVENT CANCER. The anthocyanins in blackberries (which give them their dark color) have the ability to significantly reduce inflammation which benefits autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular diseases. The phytoestrogens in blackberries aid in the prevention of breast and cervical cancer and can relieve estrogen related symptoms such as PMS, bloating, food cravings, & hot flashes.

They also contain salicylic acid which can inhibit atherosclerosis and protect against heart disease similarly to the way aspirin does.

Blackberries can help improve eyesight and help prevent macular degeneration. The high vitamin C content in blackberries greatlysupport the immune systemaids in the ability to fight infection, and provides powerful anti-aging benefits.

 Blackberries high fiber content promotes healthy digestion and assimilation and aids in maintaining bowel regularity which decreases the risk of colon cancer.


Keep You Mentally Sharp
Women who eat about two servings of strawberries or one serving of blueberries a week experienced less mental decline over time than peers who went without these nutrition powerhouses, research published in the Annals of Neurology found. In the study, researchers reviewed data from 16,010 women over age 70. Those with the highest berry intake postponed cognitive decline by about two and a half years. “We think that the effect might be related to a class of compounds called anthocyanidins, which is a type of flavonoid," explains study author Elizabeth Devore, ScD, an associate epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital and a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "These compounds, found almost exclusively in berries, are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and locate in learning and memory centers in the brain."

Help Manage Diabetes
Berries are sweet, but not the kind of sweet that should send people with diabetes running. “Because they come with fiber, they can use that in a diabetic diet as a serving of fruit,” Copperman says. In general, it’s better to eat fruit whole rather than drink juice, which is much higher in sugar and doesn’t contain fiber. And even though the health benefits of berries still count when they are included in another food, the nutrition boost is better when you choose fresh blueberries over a blueberry pie or a muffin.

Might Prevent Parkinson's
People who eat at least two servings of berries a week have a 25 percent less chance of developing Parkinson’s disease than their peers, according to research published in the journal Neurology. The same research showed that men with the highest intake of flavonoids — which are abundant in berries — reduced their risk by 40 percent. Besides eating them plain, you can also get your berry servings by adding them fresh or frozen to other foods such as oatmeal, granola, or fruit salad.

Could Boost Heart Health
Even people with a strong inherited risk for heart disease may find that a diet rich in raw fruits and include berries, can reduce their chances of having a heart attack, according to a study published in PLoS Medicine. Researchers looked at diet and heart attack numbers among 27,000 people of diverse backgrounds and found that loading up on fruits seems to modify the genetic risk carried in the 9p21 gene, known to be related to heart disease. The research supports Copperman’s primary nutrition advice to patients: “EAT A RAINBOW.” Beyond the blueberries, include as many different-colored fruits (and cooked veggies) in your diet as possible.

Weight Control
Because of their fiber and liquid content, berries give us a sense of fullness, Copperman says, and feeling sated is an important part of managing your diet program. Let kitchen creativity lead you to experimenting with berries in nutrition-rich recipes such as fresh fruit sauces, pair them with almonds when eating, or eat them plain.

Lower Blood Pressure
Although no clinical trial has yet provided a berry prescription to fight high blood pressure, dietitians and physicians alike recommend a diet high in fresh fruits and cooked vegetables to keep numbers in line. “This benefit goes back to the antioxidant properties they all share, and also your genetic predisposition,” Copperman says, pointing out that a berry-rich diet may be particularly helpful for people whose family history is loaded with heart disease risk (high blood pressure itself is a heart disease risk factor). The chemical compounds in berries fight the systemic inflammation that may accompany high blood pressure, helping to make your body healthier overall.

Fight Cancer With Berries
Flavonoid-packed berries, such as blueberries and raspberries, may one day lead to more effective cancer-prevention strategies.Research published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis suggests that flavonoids and other compounds found in berriesmay help reduce colon cancer risk. Because cancer prevention diets generally emphasize fruits and vegetables, including berries certainly won’t hurt. Again, Copperman stresses, any cancer-preventing benefit is enhanced by the inclusion of many different colors of fruits and veggies.

Alzheimer's Prevention
Berries’ antioxidants might be allies in the fight against the effects of age on the brain that might be behind changes leading to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s. Data reported at a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society suggests that berries contain chemical compounds called polyphenolics, which could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by cleaning up the damaging build-up of toxins over time.

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