Monday, April 15, 2024

Bathing Benefits

Persons in health should on no account neglect bathing. They should by all means bathe as often as twice a week. Those who are not in health have impurities in the blood, and the skin is not in a healthy condition. The multitude of pores, or little mouths, through which the body breathes, become clogged and filled with waste matter. The skin needs to be carefully and thoroughly cleansed, that the pores may do their work in freeing the body from impurities; therefore feeble persons who are diseased surely need the advantages and blessings of bathing as often as twice a week, and frequently even more than this is positively necessary.

Whether a person is sick or well, respiration is more free and easy if bathing is practiced. By it, the muscles become more flexible, the mind and body are alike invigorated, the intellect is made brighter, and every faculty becomes livelier. The bath is a soother of the nerves. It promotes general perspiration, quickens the circulation, overcomes obstructions in the system, and acts beneficially on the kidneys and urinary organs.

Bathing helps the bowels, stomach, and liver, giving energy and new life to each. It also promotes digestion, and instead of the system being weakened, it is strengthened. Instead of increasing the liability of cold, a bath, properly taken, fortifies against cold, because the circulation is improved, and the uterine organs, which are more or less congested are relieved; for the blood is brought to the surface, and a more easy and regular flow of the blood through all the blood vessels is obtained.”  -- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, pp. 70, 71 (1871).

A: A COLD or COOL BATH is an excellent tonic.

B: WARM BATHS open the pores and thus aid in the elimination of impurities.

C: Both WARM and NEUTRAL BATHS soothe the nerves and equalize the circulation.”   (MH 237.1)

D: “Some weeks ago we rented the building in Hamilton known as the TURKISH BATHS. This building is provided with facilities for giving Turkish baths and hot and cold water baths...” {KC 127.2}

E: Took a SITZ BATH last night. Slept well...”  (21MR 207.4)

  • A regular flow of blood through all the vessels is obtained
  • Body is invigorated-intellect is made brighter
  • Bowels are energized and new life IS given to
  • Circulation is improved
  • Circulation quickened
  • Digestion promoted
  • Every faculty becomes livelier
  • Fortifies against colds
  • Kidneys & urinary organs benefited
  • Liver is energized and new life is given to
  • Mind is invigorated
  • Muscles become more flexible
  • Nerves are soothed
  • Obstructions overcome
  • Perspiration is promoted
  • Respiration more freely
  • Stomach is energized and new life is given to
  • Strengthens the system
  • Uterine organs are relieved of any congestion


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Got info from MMT classes.

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