Thursday, November 30, 2023

Ways To Induce Labor Naturally

Bananas – Eat in moderation to assist with uterine contractions. Do not take potassium supplements.

Borage seed oil – Along with primrose oil and black currant oil, borage seed oil is a natural source of prostaglandins, fatty acids that help induce labor. Borage oil prepares the body for birth by softening the cervix and increasing the flexibility of the pelvic ligaments. With that tissue softened, labor often quickly follows because of the pressure exerted on the cervix by the baby’s head.
Dates – Six dates a day in the lead-up to your due date has been shown by studies to make labor start, help with dilation, and keep labor from going too long. Plus, dates are yummy!
Sex - If you feel up to sex, this is a good start towards getting ready for labor. The sperm contains natural prostaglandins that help soften and dilate the cervix.
Thyme Tea - Reportedly, thyme tea can cause stimulate contractions, sending you into labor.
Stair Climbing - All your friends may be telling you that you need to walk to get labor going. Physical activity like walking may help your baby’s head to drop lower and put a little pressure on your cervix. Walking stairs may help even more though. Taking bigger steps may be why. When you take larger steps, you lift your legs higher and this position may put more pressure on your cervix than just ordinary walking.
Foods that may induce labor include foods that contain basil and oregano, or ginger may help to start labor.
Evening primrose oil (EPO) has been used to help soften the cervix. EPO contains a chemical that the body converts to prostaglandins. Like semen, prostaglandins help ripen a woman’s cervix. Research has been inconclusive as to whether or not EPO I actually effective at inducing labor, but many midwives recommend it to their patients to prepare for labor. To use EPO, you can break the EPO capsule open and rub it on your cervix, or you can insert the capsules vaginally.
Massage – Find a massage therapist qualified to work with pregnant women. Many will know various points to massage to induce labor. Massage is not recommended during the early stages of pregnancy.
Warm Baths – Soaking in a warm bath may help to get labor going. The rationale behind why baths help is two-fold. Soaking in the tub helps to relax you. There is evidence that stress and being uptight may keep you from going into labor. Anything that gets your mind off of the fact that you are still pregnant may help. Secondly though, soaking in a warm bath may help to soften up your cervix and prepare your body for labor.
Aloe Vera – Aloe vera juice can cause preterm labor. However, taken at term, contractions are a good thing. However, make sure you do your research and are aware of possible side effects before trying this.
Motherwort – This is a great herb to use at the end of your pregnancy. It makes your contractions more effective, regulates the Braxton Hicks contractions, and stops false labor. Taken shortly after birth, motherwort can also calm your nerves and potentially prevent postpartum depression.
Pineapple – Best taken fresh and raw. Pineapples contain the enzyme bromeliad, which can soften your cervix and and bring on labor. It can also stimulate your stomach, which could also help get some contractions going. Statistically speaking, the chemicals in pineapple that are said to start labor aren't very high. It would take a lot of pineapple to get labor going.
Membrane Stripping – Membrane stripping is not something you can do by yourself. Your doctor or midwife can do what is known as a “membrane sweep” once your cervix starts to ripen. Stripping or sweeping your membranes can stimulate labor. Your doctor will reach inside of you and run his fingers around the edge of the amniotic sac, gently trying to separate it from your uterine wall. This can cause contractions and the release of prostaglandins which may jump start labor.
Relaxation exercises – Try some relaxing music and lie back or even join a meditation class. Any of the relaxation exercises you learned in a childbirth class would work here. Tension works against labor, while letting everything go may help bring it on.
Walking – Walk as much as possible. Walk on a level path or up and down stairs to bring the baby into position.
Swimming – Relaxed swimming can help bring out the baby. Both the water and the movement help.
Squaw Vine – Old remedy. Not sure how well it works. Can be taken during the last six weeks of pregnancy. Helps to thin and soften the cervix. Some medical information warns against using this herb during pregnancy.
Stretch and sweep of membranes – Your midwife or doctor can perform this simple procedure. A finger is inserted into the cervix and a gentle 'sweep' of the finger slightly separates the uterus wall and amniotic sac, sometimes leading to labor within hours or days. Some women say it's an easy, painless procedure, others find it very painful. How well it works can also depend on whether you are very far dilated or not.
Basil – Basil is an emmenagogue, an herb that stimulates blood flow to the uterus and can stimulate menstruation. Throw some in your cooking.
Bouncing On Birth/Exercise Ball – ball exercises can help turn your baby and move him or her into the birth canal. Midwives and doulas have been using this technique for years to speed up the dilation and move the baby down into the pelvis. Find a comfortable position and gently bounce up and down to encourage your baby to move into position.
Clary Sage Oil – Research shows that clary sage oil aromatherapy can help promote labor and relieve pain. In fact, it is so effective in promoting labor that it’s use is contraindicated at any other time during pregnancy. This method should only be used by a trained midwife or practitioner – it’s not one to do by yourself as it can cause harm if used incorrectly.
Golden Seal – Its active components of hydrastatine and berberine have long been taken to induce labor. It’s most easily taken orally in tablet form. As it can be dangerous during pregnancy, if taken incorrectly, seek professional advice first.
Kneeling on all fours – A friend of a friend was told to do this. Swing the hips back and forth. Her waters broke just a few minutes later. Coincidence? Maybe!
Licorice Root – Try to get the root, not the candy. The root contains more licorice and usually less sugar. Like castor oil, it has a laxative effective that causes cramping in the bowls, which in turn can lead to uterine contractions.
Nipple stimulation – Have your husband gently rub or roll the nipple to try to induce labor. The stimulation releases oxytocin, a hormone that causes contraction. The jury is still out on this method though: some claim that it causes very strong contractions which can be dangerous. If you’re concerned, some experts recommend only massaging one breast at a time, or only massaging for five minutes and then waiting to see what happens before continuing. I tried it and I had barely more than cramps! For increased stimulation try a breast pump.
Squats – Doing a few of these each day often helps to move the baby down and into position. Squats use gravity to push the baby downwards, thereby jumpstarting your birth naturally.
Swimming – Relaxed swimming can help bring out the baby - both the water and the movement help
A Bumpy Car Ride - Sometimes the baby just needs a little bit of jiggling to get into the correct position.
Skipping/Galloping – You might feel a bit self-conscious skipping around your house or neighborhood, but it works by the same mechanism that walking does. It uses gravity to help get the baby into position.
Mandarin Oil – I had a friend who was told that rubbing mandarin oil on her heels would send her into labor. It didn't work for her, but it might for you!
Quinine – Be sure to check the dosage with a medical professional. Reputedly, it releases oxytocin, which can help bring on labor.
Eggplant – A lot of people swear by eggplant parmagiana. Again, it's delicious and good for you, so go ahead and eat as much as you'd like!
Swinging on a swing – Similar to a bumpy car ride but probably a bit easier on the mother.
Orgasms – Orgasms cause contractions, which is one of the reasons they feel so good. It's also why many women enjoy orgasms more during pregnancy! You can try this method alone or with a partner . . . whatever you're comfortable with.
Thyme Tea – Reportedly, thyme tea can cause stimulate contractions, sending you into labor.
41-42 Weeks: Carefully Researched Use of Castor Oil or Cohosh
Castor Oil – When it comes to ways to naturally bring on labor, castor oil is probably the most controversial one.  Castor oil is a strong laxative.  It can cause intense intestinal cramping and diarrhea.  Since the intestines are smooth muscle in close proximity to the uterus, which is also a smooth muscle, the intestinal ramping can spread from the bowels to the uterus and cause contractions.  There are some moms that swear by castor oil, and even some midwives that still recommend it. However, most moms are unwilling to try this method and many others will insist that it does nothing but cause a bad case of diarrhea.
Warning: Please read the article linked below before using castor oil and make sure you're fully informed about how to induce safely this way.
Black and Blue Cohosh –Take these herbs together in a tea with the support of your doctor or midwife to strengthen contractions.
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