Friday, December 1, 2023

What About Eggs?

Milton Teske, MD says…

Eggs have zero dietary fiber. 70% of their calories come from animal fat — much of that being saturated animal fat. Eggs are extremely high in cholesterol. An extensive study done by Harvard on over 50,000 participants over an 18 year period showed that eating just one egg per day would shorten your life as much as smoking 25,000 cigarettes (5 cigarettes/day for 15 years). Only three eggs per week is enough to cause significant atherosclerotic plaque buildup in your arteries leading to strokes, heart attacks, bypass surgeries and death.

A team of leading experts in vascular disease published a powerful review in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology on the role of eggs as a leading cause of strokes and myocardial infarction. They concluded that:Eggs should be eliminated from the diet of any one at risk for vascular disease.” And can you name even one person that is not at risk for vascular disease? They also added the comment that eggs should only be permitted in the diet of the terminally ill who were expected to die soon anyways. No one who wants to preserve their health should eat eggs according to these leading medical specialists.

The only way you can consume a more concentrated form of cholesterol is to eat cow brains or sheep brains or pig brains! One large egg has 275mg of cholesterol. Compare that with a Hardee’s Monster Thickburger with two thirds of a pound of beef and three slices of cheese and four strips of bacon at 210mg. One of the fundamental flaws in much research on egg consumption is that they only look at fasting cholesterol levels. This only measures the results of the last few hours during the night, not the results that would be seen after eating breakfast. But, when we look at the effects of dietary cholesterol several hours after eating a meal, we now see some seriously devastating effects. Not only will eating eggs raise your LDL, also known as your “bad cholesterol,” but it also increases the susceptibility of your LDL cholesterol to oxidation. It is this oxidative damage that really drives the inflammatory reaction in your artery walls that results in the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques. For several hours after consuming an egg we observe severe vascular inflammation and oxidative stress. While eating an egg will raise your fasting cholesterol by 10%, it will increase LDL susceptibility to oxidation by about 40%. It is these oxidized LDLs that pass into the subendothelial space and are attacked by macrophages triggering a serious inflammation of the blood vessel wall. This dietary cholesterol from eggs results in a postprandial hyperlipidemia and also potentiates the harmful effects of saturated fats. It impairs endothelial function. And, it is this impaired endothelial function that makes the artery wall so susceptible to progressing from atherosclerotic plaque to the activation of platelets making them go “sticky.” And these “sticky” platelets can form a platelet plug and also activate the clotting proteins to form a blood clot and now we have a stroke or a heart attack. Eating eggs is a very dangerous thing to do.

Over 2 million men in the United States are living with prostate cancer. As long as it stays localized, the survival rate is close to 100%, but if it starts to metastasize the survival rate drops to only one survivor out of three. What causes it to start to spread? Compared to men who ate no eggs those who ate less than one egg per day had a 200% increase in the spread of their prostate cancer.

The answer appears to be choline.

Eggs are extremely high in choline. They are the major source of choline in the diet and a major determinate of choline levels in the body.The higher your level of choline the higher your risk of getting prostate cancer in the first place. And, now we find that the higher the level of choline the more likely the cancer is to spread as well. And, the higher the level of choline the more likely one is to die of the cancer. Only two and a half eggs per week will increase the risk of lethal prostate cancer by 81% compared to men who had less than half an egg per week. Choline levels are so high in cancer cells that we can scan a person to track choline uptake in the cells of the body and use that scan to accurately measure the spread of cancer.

Meat is also associated with an increased incidence of cancer, and one of the mechanisms appears to be a substance called carnitine, which is especially high in red meat. Carnitine is converted in the gut into trimethylamine that is then absorbed and changed to trimethylamine oxide (TAMO) when it passes through the liver. TAMO causes inflammation in the cells leading to cancerous changes in the cells. Scientists believe this is a major factor in many forms of cancer. TAMO also enters the artery walls leading to further inflammatory arteriosclerosis plaque formation. Many people are trying to reduce their intake of red meats because it has become common knowledge even among meat eaters that red meat is bad for you. Cancers, tumors, and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by meat eating Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 388. But, apparently choline does the same thing! Choline is also converted into TAMO exactly the same way. And, when researchers look at it they find that eggs raise TAMO levels in the blood the same as red meat. So not only are eggs bad for your heart, but as far as cancer is concerned, eating eggs is the same as eating red meat! We have been talking about prostate cancer, but that is not the only cancer. When we start looking at eggs and cancer it seems there is usually a connection. And, that connection is the TAMO created by the extremely high choline levels in the eggs.People who eat just one and a half eggs per week will have five times as much colon cancer than those who eat less than one egg per month. That is a 500% increase in colon cancer with only one and a half eggs per week! And, moderate egg consumption triples the risk of bladder cancer. Eating eggs is a very high-risk activity!

People who eat a lot of eggs have a 68% higher risk of developing diabetes than those who eat only a few. People who eat one egg per day increase their risk of death by 25%, but diabetics who eat one egg per day have a 200% increased risk of death. So, eating eggs can give you diabetes, but if you are already a diabetic eating eggs is really dangerous! Eggs also increase the risk of gestational diabetes(diabetes during pregnancy). One study showed a 77% increase while another showed a 165% increase.

The avian leucosis/sarcoma virus and the reticuloendothesliosis virus commonly infect and cause a wide variety of cancers in chickens.These viruses are among the most potent cancer causing agents known and can cause cancer in poultry in just a matter of days. Poultry workers are known to have much higher incidences of many cancers — their risk for some cancers is over 700% greater than for a heavy smoker. It is believed that these avian cancer viruses are most likely the cause. These viruses can infect eggs. A recent random sample from 250 different sources collected from grocery stores showed14% of the eggs to be infected with these viruses. How well do you wash your hands and utensils when handling eggs in the kitchen?Do you wear gloves? Remember these poultry workers weren’t eating the raw chickens they were just touching them. It probably got on their hands or clothes, and later they touched some food they were eating. Now, if you hard-boil an egg for 30 minutes, you have probably killed all of the viruses. Scrambled eggs are another story, and that over-easy egg with the runny yoke — I wouldn’t touch that.And, don’t even think about taking a bite of that raw cookie dough!“The time will come” Over a century ago, we were given the following message from God: The time will come when we may have to discard some of the articles of diet we now use, such as milk and cream and eggs.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 368.

And also this warning: As disease in animals increases, the use of milk and eggs will become more and more unsafeAn effort should be made to supply their place with other things that are healthful and inexpensive. The people everywhere should be taught how to cook without milk and EGGS, so far as possible, and yet have their food wholesome and palatable. {CCh 225.4}  Counsels for the Church, p. 225.

Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 349.

I wish to say that when the time comes that it is no longer safe to use milk, cream, butter, and eggs, God will reveal this.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 206.

Is the abundant scientific light now shining on this topic God’s way of revealing this? Again and again I have been shown that God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to His original design, — that man should subsist upon the natural products of the earth.Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 380.

The answer appears to be choline.

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Got info from another source.

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