Saturday, December 28, 2024

Raw or Cooked Vegetables?

“In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plain. Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, COARSE VEGETABLES, candies, condiments, and pastries FAIL OF SUPPLYING PROPER NUTRIMENT. Many a student has broken down as the result of using such foods. Many a puny child, incapable of vigorous effort of mind or body, is the victim of an impoverished diet. Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, in proper combination, contain all the elements of nutrition; and WHEN PROPERLY PREPARED they constitute the diet that best promotes both physical and mental strength.” {Ed 204.3}

Once again, Medical Science confirms that which was written over 100+ years ago in the spirit of prophecy.

Coarse Vegetables should be cooked and not eaten raw.

“There are those who try to abstain from what is declared to be harmful. 
They fail to supply the system with proper nourishment, and as a consequence become weak and unable to work. Thus, health reform is brought to disrepute. The work we have tried to build up solidly is confused with STRANGE THINGS THAT GOD HAS NOT REQUIRED. The energies of the church are crippled.” {CD 206.2}

“Others, who have the same opportunities of learning to live healthfully and well, have hardly taken the first steps in reform. They will tell you that they do not know how to cook in this new way. But they are without excuse in this matter of cooking; for 
in the work, ‘How To Live’, are many excellent recipes, and this work is within the reach of all... How To Live’ teaches cookery almost infinitely in advance of what the traveler will often meet, even among some Seventh-day Adventists...”  (1T 680.2)


Go to pages 31-33 to see how vegetables are to be cooked.

I know there's a lot of hoopla with the raw diet, raw juicing, etc. & eating all these veggies raw, but Medical Science is now finding that these raw steal iodine from the body. God wants us to speak the same things. He doesn't want some of saying we should eat these raw and others saying we should cook them. He wants us to read the books given to us and then speak the same things & be of the same mind.

“He will not use individuals of different faith, opinions, and views, to scatter and divide... 
Jesus designed that the faith of his people should be one. If one goes forth preaching one thing, and another differing with him preaches something else, how can those who believe through their word be oneThere will be difference of sentiments.” {1T 326.2}
Coarse = rough...hard to chew....these veggies should be tender, not crunchy

Carrots, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Greens, Asparagus, Cauliflower, etc.

Raw Vegetables
DO NOT EAT VEGETABLES RAW: (Cook till tender)

In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plain. Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, COARSE VEGETABLES, candies, condiments, and pastries fail of supplying proper nutriment. Many a student has broken down as the result of using such foods…”  (Ed 204.3)


“Albumen of vegetable origin is better when cooked...”  {May 7, 1903 EJW PTUK 301.8}

“A Scotchman is launching a new form of vegetarianism in Paris. Its members eat and drink nothing but uncooked vegetable foods and natural liquids.”  {June 21, 1894 EJW, PTUK 398.13}

***Notice how in 1894, some Scotchman came up with the raw diet in food and drink.  THIS DID NOT COME FROM ADVENTISTS.  If this was the diet for us, God would have given Ellen White that counsel in 1863 when he gave her the health message.

Some people say we should eat vegetables raw because food given in Adam's sinless state was raw, I would like to say the following:

Vegetables were not given in Adam’s sinless state; they were added after sin. And I'm sure even IF they did have any vegetables the weather was perfect so that the vegetables were just the way they needed to be eaten, but because the earth having been cursed many times, and the coming of the Flood, destruction of vegetation, etc., whatever may be the reason, we have been counseled in the sop that COARSE VEGETABLES ARE NOT TO BE EATEN RAW. They should be cooked till tender.

Here's a link about iodine and course veggies:

Vegetables are only those things that GROW STRAIGHT OUT OF THE GROUND like greens, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

Here are to links to 2 different blogs I have online; please read them to know the truth on raw veggies and juicing, and smoothies.

Why Not Juicing?


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Got info from MMT classes.

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