Saturday, December 14, 2024

An Onion a Day, May Help Keep Cholesterol Down

Eating onions for better health isn’t a new idea. Some of the first Olympic athletes used to eat onions and garlic to improve their blood circulation.

Current research suggests that the sulfur compounds that give onions their particular flavor may help reduce cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. There’s also evidence that some of the chemicals in onions reduce your risk of developing stomach cancer. Some studies reveal that onions act as blood thinners in animals.

Most of the onions beneficial qualities come from compounds near the surface, such as the quercetin in red onions. When preparing onions, try to peel as little as possible.


The herbaceous plant onion belongs to family “Liliaceae” and has Latin name “Allium Cepa”.

Onions are rich in certain sulphur-containing compounds.

Onion normalizes vata and increases kapha and pitta.

Onions are cooling topically but heating internally.

Onions are antiseptic, antibiotic, carminative, and antimicrobial.

Onions are low in calories, fat cholesterol, and sodium.

Onions contain fiber potassium, Vitamins C and B and other nutrients.

Juice of fresh onion with jaggery or onion juice with honey will help you to cure sore throat and other conditions. For allergies also you can try the Onion Juice mix with honey.

Fever – cut a large white onion and just apply it on the forehead it will help you and save you from side effects until you visit the doctor.

Bleeding from Nose – If someone is bleeding cut the onion and let the person breathe the smell of fresh cut onion. This will help to stop the blood or reduce it.

White onions are recommended in bleeding disorders to reduce bleeding. Hence it is used in conditions like bleeding piles and bleeding through nose.

Cannot sleep – Start to eat daily one onion and surely this will help you to get a good night sleep. Good Home Remedy for Insomnia.

Onions help increase digestive juices thus helps to have good digestion.

If you have a burn, wound, or bee bite, you can apply onion juice.

Onions are effective against different types of head and neck cancer.

Regular consumption of onions helps to reduce incidences of osteoporosis.

Onions are effective or used in or used to treat diabetes. Onions increase the production of Insulin in body.

Red onions help to remove the unwanted cholesterol from the body which causes heartaches and heartbreaks.

Red Onions help to preserve and keep good cholesterol in body

Daily eat one red onion and it will can help save you from coronary heart diseases.

Daily use of onion helps like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido.

Onion seeds help to increase sperm count and sperm motility.

Onions help to reduce pain and inflammation of joints in conditions like arthritis.

Cut two onions fry them using castor oil or sesame oil with turmeric. When onions become soft, get the clean cloth pour the soft hot onions into cloth, tie the cloth and start to apply or press or tie this cloth to the aching part of the body.

Remove dark pigments and patches – Apply the onion juice mix with turmeric on face this will help you to remove dark pigments and patches.

Use of onion juice is recommended in ear pain and blurred vision.

For ear-ache or buzzing in the ear, heat the onion juice and put few drops in ear. This juice can also soothe an acute toothache.

Onions help to prevent tooth decaying and reduce tooth pain.

Onion has a rejuvenating effect on all tissues and body systems: the digestive, respiratory, nervous, reproductive, and circulatory systems.

Onion Juice helps to get the rid of moles also, try them on mole not all the moles but in few types onion juice helps.

One spoonful of onion juice eliminates worms in the stomach of children.

Onions improve the memory and strengthen the nerves.
Regular consumption of onion reduces atherosclerosis.

Regular consumption of onion reduces risk of colon cancer.

To get full benefits of onions, always try to eat raw onion, cut the onion, get the salt or chili powder as per taste and eat it with Roti, or start to use onion in salads

Red Onions help to correct menstrual disorders. Eat raw red onions a few days before your period.

HOW TO MAKE ONION JUICE - Take 2 onions cut them slice them, now pour half cup of water leave to macerate for two or three hours. Then drink 2 or 3 times a day.

As an aphrodisiac: Steam a few onions, squeeze and extract the juice (half-a-cup), add two tablespoons of ghee. Drink daily on an empty stomach.

Daily consumption of onion with raw sugar helps children to gain height.

Applying onion juice on the hair eliminates lice. Apply onion juice to hair and it stops the hair falling out.

Every day how much onion one should consume? Daily consumption of 100 grams of onion is advised.


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