Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Arthritis and OTC Drugs


1. Increase your water intake to half your weight in ounces each day. According to the book YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER, ONE OF THE MAIN CAUSES OF ARTHRITIS IS DEHYDRATION.

2. REMOVE ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS FROM YOUR DIET. It has been proven that animal products can cause inflammation in the body, a weakening of the joints and a loss of calcium by having too much protein due to the animal product consumption. (1 Egg can cause inflammation in the body for up to 30 days in many people)

3. BE SURE TO EAT ENOUGH FOOD HIGH IN CALCIUM (Dark Leafy Greens, Nuts (closed fist full each day...they are to be raw and unsalted) and Seeds (2 T. each day)

4. BE SURE YOUR VITAMIN D LEVELS ARE WHERE THEY SHOULD BE (80-100 mg/ml)....if they are not, your calcium won't absorb properly, and you can therefore have arthritic problems....Get plenty of sunshine every day (about 1 hour every minimum day before 12:00 pm)...Not naked or all your skin exposed...be sure you are covered with proper clothing....all that really needs to be exposed to get the proper amount is your face and hands...Medical Science is now showing that if you want to avoid sun burning and skin cancer, wear more clothes (long sleeves, long pants, long skirts for ladies, etc.)

5. EAT A MINIMUM OF 3 FRUIT EVERY DAY, INCLUDING 1 CITRUS...Fruit are very high in vitamins and antioxidants and have been shown to lessen the symptoms of arthritis.

6. EAT AT LEAST 2-3 VEGETABLES A DAY (be sure 2 are green and 1 is orange)....do not eat coarse vegetables raw. Cook those until tender....Include CILANTRO & PARSLEY in your diet...GREEN VEGGIES ARE VERY HIGH IN MAGNESIUM, and MANY, MANY TIMES, ARTHRITIS IS MANIFESTED AS A SYMPTOM OF VERY LOW LEVELS OF MAGNESIUM. Go to www.exatest.com if you would like your Magnesium levels properly checked (a blood test is an inaccurate test because only 1% of Magnesium is found in the blood...99% of the Magnesium is found in the tissues).

7. TAKE 2 TABLESPOONS OF BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES (by Plantation) EVERY DAY (if you are not diabetic)....THIS STUFF is extremely high in minerals.

8. WALK A MINIMUM OF 1 HOUR OF BRISK WALKING EACH DAY IF POSSIBLE {start out small, 5 minutes and add 1 minute extra each day until you reach 60 minutes (if you have to)}.....believe it or not, walking has a wonderful impact on the joints...it helps oxygenate the blood, bringing that blood flow to the painful areas.

9. STAY AWAY FROM ALL “NIGHTSHADES” FOOD (potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes)....these have a tendency of worsening the condition.

10. STAY AWAY FROM ALL FOOD COLORING, MSG (look online for 30+ hidden names of MSG), ASPARTAME, ADDITIVES, PRESERVATIVES, SOY SAUCE, ETC. These harmful ingredients are know to worsen the problem as well.

11. SQUEEZE THE JUICE OF 2 LEMONS INTO 16 OZ. OF WATER EVERY MORNING UPON ARISING. This helps with any pain, inflammation, etc. Lemon Juice helps the body to become Alkaline and not Acidic.

12. EAT MORE ALKALINE FOODS AND LESS ACIDIC FOODS. Be sure that your plate has more alkaline that acidic. Here is a chart where you can see which is which. http://www.realfoods.net/acid.html

Keep in mind that you do need some healthy acidic foods in the diet, but not the majority of your diet for the day.


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Got info from another source.

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