Rosacea shows up as a rash, similar to other rashes/breakouts that causes an area of red, sensitive, and inflamed skin. It is a very visible sign of inflammatory issues going on within the body.
Things to avoid:
1. Sugar
2. Avoid hot, spicy foods.
3. Coffee
4. Chocolate
5. Caffeinated Foods
6. Processed Foods
7. Fried Foods,
8. Trans Fats and Hydrogenated Oils
All these foods tend to worsen symptoms.
Anti-inflammatory foods and herbs — Turmeric, ginger, garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, etc.), and carrots. Fruit that can help is tomatoes, but ALL can all help specifically combat skin inflammation, according to studies.
Some of the best essential oils and supplement rosacea treatments for reducing skin inflammation include:
- Turmeric
- Ginger
- Aloe Vera gel (used topically on the skin)
- Honey (used topically on the skin)
- Essential oils: Tea Tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Chamomile, Rose, Rosemary and Thyme essential oils have all been found to fight skin inflammation and help treat sensitive skin. To treat the area, simply rub three drops of oil three times daily mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil. Always combine these with a carrier oil (including coconut or olive oil) and apply to the affected area no more than twice daily. Perform a skin patch test first and then start gradually to test results, making sure you don’t experience an allergic reaction.
- Colloidal Silver
Herbs to consider for decreasing rosacea flare-ups include: Gentian Root and Burdock Root.
Lavender is an extremely soothing home remedy for rosacea. First, Lavender is a natural antiseptic. This makes it an excellent tool for reducing bacteria that may further inflame the skin. Rosacea can be itchy, and scratches can get infected if not properly cared for. In addition, lavender has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it very valuable in reducing redness and swelling. Essential oils can be used for this but should be diluted or used with caution to avoid a severe skin reaction. To use, apply two drops in the palm of your hand and apply to the affected area. If you feel burning, rub on olive oil.
Aloe Vera
The gel that comes from Aloe Vera plants is both soothing and cooling, making it a perfect remedy for rosacea.
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to calm irritated skin without any harsh side effects. If you have any Aloe Vera plant, you can simply break open a leaf and apply a thin layer of gel twice per day. Drugstores also sell bottles of Aloe Vera but be careful to get one that is not combined with other chemicals, which can harm the face. If you prefer you can drink two tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice each day for another effective remedy.
Flaxseed is often forgotten when it comes to home remedies, but it is an excellent source of important nutrients. This includes Omega-3 fatty acids, which can nourish and heal inflamed skin. Flaxseed is also a natural anti-inflammatory agent, which is very beneficial for rosacea.
You can purchase flaxseed oil at most drugstores. Unlike many other remedies, flaxseed oil is not applied directly to the face. Instead, swallowing a teaspoon a day can help to reduce redness long-term.
The soothing qualities of oatmeal can reduce drying and itching, which can give your skin the chance to heal. Even if you know better, it is still tempting to scratch itchy patches of skin. Oatmeal reduces that temptation with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Many experts recommend oatmeal baths for people with eczema, chicken pox, and other itchy conditions for this very reason.
To use, cook natural oats and allow to cool, then apply a thin mask to the face for 20 minutes before rinsing off with cool water. This should be done twice daily. Over time, it will reduce redness and decrease inflammation.
Cucumber is a naturally cooling remedy. These fruits are packed with nutrients and are very water-rich, making them a good choice when you want to reduce redness and swelling. In addition to being cooling, cucumbers also have anti-inflammatory properties. The best way to use cucumbers is to cut them up into thin slices and apply to the affected area. Doing this for 20 minutes every day will help to moisturize and heal the area, as well.
Honey (be sure to get the good kind which can be found at Trader Joe’s, a local honey farm, or a farmer’s market) is a versatile home remedy, and rosacea is no exception to its many uses. Apply a thin layer to the face. Leave this on for 15 minutes before washing off with cool water. Honey is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients, which will help to heal your face and reduce the visible signs of rosacea. Do not use processed honey, which may exacerbate symptoms or cause additional rashes.
Like green tea, chamomile tea is very soothing. It is another anti-inflammatory drink and can help to improve your overall health. Drinking two cups of freshly brewed chamomile tea each day is a good way to decrease inflammation and facial redness. It is also known to be calming, and stress can trigger rosacea outbreaks. Chamomile can also be applied directly to the face. Soak tea bags in cool water and apply directly to the problem areas twice daily. This will allow the anti-inflammatory properties to be absorbed directly by the skin, decreasing the recovery time. Tea is a better long-term solution for control, whereas tea bag compresses can help to manage outbreaks.
Natural Remedies for Rosacea…
Rosehip Seed Oil:
Rosehip seed oil strengthens damaged capillaries and soothes and reduces redness of the skin due to its astringent qualities. It works very well on rosacea and can be bought online or from most health food stores.
The feverfew herb is primarily used as an anti-inflammatory treatment for severe acne, but it can also be used for rosacea. This is another one you will need to try out for at least a period of several months. And it’s not actually a topical remedy either. You buy the herb in capsule form and follow the directions on the bottle.
Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil is one of the most potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatments for rosacea going around. However, tea tree oil can cause mild adverse reactions in some people and make their rosacea worse so you should use this remedy with caution. If it does work for you great. If it doesn’t work or makes your skin worse, get rid of it and try something else.
Olive Leaf Extract (Internal):
Olive leaf extract (OLE) is one of the most powerful cleansers and detoxifiers on the planet. If you have an auto-immune disease such as rosacea (new research is showing that rosacea is auto-immune related) you will definitely have a build-up of pathogens and protozoa’s (hidden viruses, fungi, worms, etc.) in your body. Supplementing with OLE will get rid of these harmful invaders quickly and give your body the necessary “clean out” it needs. In fact, the first benefit you'll notice from taking olive leaf extract is a substantial increase in energy after only a few short weeks!
Olive leaf extract also gives the immune system a very powerful boost, which is something every rosacea sufferer needs. The one thing that everyone agrees on when it comes to rosacea is that it’s an inflammation disorder - and it’s a known fact that low immunity causes inflammation. So, it makes sense that boosting your immune system and getting it back up to the “full” mark is going to help get rid of all inflammation in your body. This is something that's considered common knowledge within the natural health field, which is why boosting your immune system is one of the very first things you should do for other inflammation type disorders (auto-immune diseases) such as osteoarthritis and psoriasis.
Olive leaf extract comes in a variety of different potencies. We suggest you stick with the superior "super strength" varieties and avoid the weaker and cheaper brands as these are nowhere near strong enough. Make sure the brand you purchase has an Oleuropein extract content of at least 25% (250 mgs of pure oleuropein). Oleuropein is the main substance in OLE that gives it its potency, so stronger is definitely better!
As far as dosages go, take at least the highest recommended amount listed on the bottle before food for the first 10 weeks, then drop back to the maintenance dose (lowest recommended dose) after that. Olive leaf extract is very safe so there's no harm in taking it this way. For some people though, they can feel a bit queasy after taking OLE and can even suffer "flue like" symptoms during the first week or two of supplementing with this food (a detoxing phenomenon known as herxheimer's reaction... Herxheimer's Reaction and What to Expect).
So, if this happens to you, simply drop down to the lowest recommended dose listed on the bottle and then slowly increase the amount again over a period of several days or weeks. Once you are at the highest recommended amount, stay on this for 10 weeks before dropping back to the maintenance dose.
Keep in mind that you will need to take the olive leaf extract without fail every day for at least 6 months. This is required to give your body enough time to completely cleanse itself of all parasites and carry out a full detox. After this, you can either stay on the maintenance dose indefinitely (the preferred option) or switch to a 3 month on 3 month off cycle - meaning, you take the OLE for 3 months then rest for 3 months then on again for 3 months then rest again for 3 months, and so forth.
GREEN FOODS (Internal and External):
Wheat grass, barley grass, chlorella and spirulina are all true marvels of nature. These stunning green foods contain some potent antioxidants, along with big amounts of the essential nutrients and co-factors our bodies need every day. They also contain rich amounts of chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. Chlorophyll is known as a “blood builder” and has a similar molecular structure to hemoglobin, the substance that carries oxygen to the cells. Chlorophyll regenerates our bodies at the cellular level, where all of life is built and maintained. When you ingest chlorophyll rich foods such as the four just mentioned, the first benefit you’ll notice is a huge boost in energy. This is a powerful sign that your body is actually starting to work properly!
Chlorophyll is also a strong anti-inflammatory and has been shown in multiple studies to lessen inflammation within the body. Because rosacea is an inflammatory condition, chlorophyll helps tremendously with this condition. Another side benefit of chlorophyll is it helps to fight off candida and promotes the growth of friendly bacteria.
Rosacea sufferers are also known to be deficient in the B group vitamins, especially riboflavin. In fact, a riboflavin deficiency is thought to be one of the major causes of rosacea as this nutrient is required for healthy capillaries and normal blood flow. Thankfully, all these green foods are rich in B vitamins, and in particular… riboflavin!
Some foods high in Riboflavin:
Spinach, Almonds (and other nuts), Sesame Seeds, Dates, Fenugreek, Avocados, Romaine Lettuce, and Quinoa.
I highly recommend going on the ‘Simple Two Month Program” as it involves a cleanse and other things to get well. If you need info on this contact me.
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