Wednesday, August 28, 2024

High Calcium Foods

Almonds, 75 Milligrams in about 23 whole almonds

Black-Eyed Peas, 185 mg in ½ cup canned

Bok Choy, 74 Milligrams per 1 cup Shredded

Broccoli Rabe, 100 milligrams in one 2/3-cup serving

Broccoli, 86 Milligrams in 2 cups raw, but cook till tender, do not eat raw

Collards, 268 milligrams per 1 cup cooked

Edamame, 98 Milligrams in 1 cup cooked

Figs, 121 milligrams per ½ cup dried

Green Beans, 55mg milligrams in 1 cup cooked

Kale, 101 milligrams in 1 cup raw

Blackstrap Molasses, 172 mg in 1 tablespoon

Mustard Greens, 64 milligrams per 1 cup

Okra, 82 Milligrams in 1 Cup

Oranges, 74 milligrams in one large orange

Parsley, 5 milligrams in one tablespoon

Sesame Seeds, 88 Mg in 1 T.  – Grind and put on salad or in your soup or hot dish etc.

Tofu, 434 milligrams per half cup

Turnip Greens, 197 milligrams in 1 cup cooked (chopped)

White Beans, 63 milligrams in ½ cooked

  • Garlic and onions contain sulfur which is needed for healthy bones.
  • Eating flaxseeds help the body produce hormones needed for good bone development.
  • Chew your food well so it is properly absorbed.
  • You can deplete the body from calcium by drinking soda.
  • Also, too much phosphorus, lack of exercise too.
  • Getting outside in the sunlight for Vit. D is very helpful.
  • Vitamin A helps increase the rate of bone growth.
  • Vitamin K (found in alfalfa, greens, and other chlorophyll foods) is good for bones.

  • Silica
  • Horsetail 
  • Oat Straw
  • Boron 
  • Alfalfa
  • Comfrey
  • Slippery Elm

  • White sugar products, white flour products, high phosphorous foods, foods with preservatives, soda (sucks calcium from the bones), chocolate, caffeine products, vinegar, and meat.
  • Do not eat meat if you want strong healthy joints.
  • A diet high in animal protein tends to cause the body to excrete increased amounts of protein.
  • Beef for example contains 25 times as much phosphorus as calcium!!!
  • A high meat diet will lead to calcium deficiencies.
  • High protein diet causes calcium loss.
  • Exercise strengthens the bones.


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Got info from another source.

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