Friday, August 2, 2024

Hair Dye Linked To Cancer

Use henna and indigo instead. They are natural herbs that don't poison the blood.
We are counseled to leave things for the hair alone that are harmful to health: 

I have had some experience in using Mrs. S.A. Allen's world's hair restorative, also hall's vegetable Sicilian hair restorative. I have made applications of these preparations upon the head of my husband, to prevent the falling off of the hair. I observed that when using these preparations, he frequently complained of giddiness of the head, and weakness and pain of the eyes.  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 29}

“In applying these preparations, my eyes, that were naturally strong, grew weak, and twice seemed to be greatly inflamed. Eruptions appeared upon the lids, and continued for weeks. I was convinced that I was poisoned by applying these preparations to the head of my husband. We discontinued the use of these altogether, and i have had no weakness of the eyes since. My husband has been free from the peculiar sensations he experienced while using these preparations, and my experience has been for twenty years, that pure soft water is best for my head and hair." {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 29}   E. G. W.

If a person can afford cigarettes, they can afford these inexpensive water filters…all the things people spend money on when they say they can't afford a $30 shower filter. It's not an unnecessary luxury. It's a MUST HAVE for all homes. Many illnesses, skin diseases, dry scalp, dry skin, allergies, sore muscles, lack of flexibility, etc. would all be gone if all used soft water. PEOPLE HAVE CABLE (not a need at all), PURCHASE SNACKS, JUNK FOOD, CIGARETTES, COFFEE, etc. If they got rid of these for just 1 month, even if just the coffee and junk food and cigarettes, THEY COULD AFFORD TO PURCHASE THIS. WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY....Sylvia Vargas, with all due respect, this is my profession and what I teach and I do research. I would not say it if it were not true. OUR SDA PIONEERS AND PIONEER DOCTORS TAUGHT THE MUST HAVE USE OF SOFT WATER OVER HARD.

I'm referring to the QUALITY OF LIFE. Many invalids because of the type of water they drink, bathe in, use for cooking, wash their hands in, shower in, etc.

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