Friday, August 16, 2024

Heartburn Treatment

Wrong food combinations, and eating too much at one meal cause heartburn.

1. Take activated charcoal!
2. Take 2+ tablespoons of fresh lemon juice squeezed into a small amount of water as needed to help avoid heartburn or get rid of it.

Immediately drink a large glass of water. This will help wash the HCI back down and dilute it as well.

Do not lie down. Remain upright, so gravity can help push the HCI down and keep it down. Later, when you do lie down, elevate the bed at the head by 4 inches.

Do not drink anything caffeinated, for it will irritate the esophagus even more. Caffeine relaxes the sphincter, so stomach contents can move on up. Tobacco smoke also relaxes the sphincter.

* Greasy, fried, and fatty foods sit in the stomach for a long time and increase HCI production. Avoid meat and dairy products.

Do not eat within 2 ½ hours before bedtime. Doing so not only can cause heartburn, but bring on heart attacks also. Also make sure meals are 5-6 hours apart….5 hours from the time you FINISHED eating your meal or 6 hours from the time you STARTED.

Chew your food well, and eat slowly.

* Angina and heart attack are both very dangerous conditions. Among the earliest symptoms is what appears to be, an "acid stomach." Beware. You are wise to eat so that you do not have heartburn. Then if major heart trouble sends a warning message that seems like heartburn, you will be less likely to sit back and take some aluminum, from the drugstore, for "antacid." Aluminum is a cause of Alzheimer's disease.


  • Aloe Vera
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Ginger Root Tea
  • Peppermint Tea


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Got info from another source.

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