Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Herbs for Energy Boost

Ginseng is a popular herbal supplement, well known for its energy-boosting properties.
Simply inhaling the pleasant aroma of peppermint essential oil, a hybrid of spearmint (Mentha spicata) and water mint (Mentha aquatica), may help boost energy, mood, athletic performance, and alertness.
Like peppermint, the aroma of rosemary essential oil may help improve cognitive performance.
A number of studies have suggested that ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), an herb that has been used as an Ayurvedic remedy since ancient times, has powerful beneficial effects on brain function.
Gotu Kola
Gotu kola has been used in traditional medicine systems to help improve brain function, as well as studied for its beneficial effects on alertness and mood.
Licorice Root
This herb, which helps regulate normal system function and allows your body to better cope with stress, has been used for thousands of years.
Plenty of research, including a study published in 2019 in the journal Natural Product Research and another in 2017 in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, shows that maca extracts have an anti-fatigue effect on animals. Part of the cruciferous family (think Brussels sprouts), this plant and is known for giving a caffeine-like energy boost minus the jitters and shakes. People who use Maca Root continuously report feeling more alert, driven, and energetic.
Holy Basil
Holy basil (also known as tulsi) is another one of the herbs for energy that we recommend given its ability to increase endurance and help your mind and body cope with stress. Holy basil is also known for having anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities, which is great news for your immune system and overall health.
Goldenseal Root
Studies on Goldenseal Root find it can fight fatigue from several sources, including shift work and stress. One study tested Goldenseal Root’s effects on the mental performance of young physicians during night shifts and found a significant improvement in the doctors’ cognitive abilities.
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