Saturday, August 31, 2024

HIV Pill

Read this and you will know that time cannot last much longer.

Forget about “global warming.” A new pill taken daily suppresses HIV, if you are infected, and blocks HIV if you are not infected. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and The New York Times want to give this pill to all gay males; so they no longer have to worry about HIV, much like the “no-worry” times of the 1970s. As if “the birth control pill” was not a big enough problem, the HIV pill is on the verge of becoming yet another societal threat.     

The New York Times featured the story of a 53-year-old San Francisco gay who had already lost most of his friends. “I grew up in the ’70s with no fear,” he said. “The guys in the ’90s were full of fear. Now guys are growing up with no fear at all.”

It wasn't his first broken condom, so Rafael didn't worry. But three weeks later, the man he'd met in a bar called to say that he had “probably been exposed” to HN. Raphael, a muscular, affable 43-year-old, went to a cltntc: and, within 45 minutes, he learned that he was infected. Although it was already closing time, a counselor saw him immediately and offered him a doctor's appointment the next day at San Francisco General Hospital. The next day, the doctor handed him pills for five days and a prescription for more. Because he was between jobs, she introduced him to a counselor who helped him file for public health insurance covering his $30,000-a-year treatment.

Today, 15 percent of San Francisco's gay males are already on the pill. About a quarter of San Francisco's homeless are gay.

What does the HIV pill cost? Truvada is pricey. At $1,300 per month, it adds up. At current prices, society will be forced to spend more on Truvada per gay male than it does to care for the old or educate the young-perhaps 10 times what we spend educating a child and 5 times as much as Social Security. And, including checkups, it is, close to $30,000 a year.

Men who have sex with men (MSM) take Trutxuia at least four times a week are more than 99 percent protected against HN. But CDC guidelines advise taking Truvada daily for maximum protection. Real-world use of Truvada as HIV prevention has suggested it is indeed highly effective.

Kaiser Permanente Hospital, in San Francisco, reports that the 14,000 men that it IS working with (although they are not contracting HIV to date) are regularly becoming infected, at an extremely high rate, with other sexually transmitted infections which includes:
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital Herpes
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Syphilis
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Plus Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

The public has to pay for the treatment of all those men, plus all the other homosexuals in America!

Due to the fearlessness produced by taking Truvada daily, the levels of promiscuity and sexual risk are now rapidly increasing. There are going to be heavy increases in organ failures, sexually transmitted infections (ST!), and the risk of a new “super-germ” among homosexuals.

In San Francisco (and probably soon in a town near you), the advantages of taking the HIV pill will be taught in 9th grade sex education. WHY? So teenage homosexuals will know it's safe to do whatever they want and it's all free! The U.S. public is paying for all the medical costs!

Approximate Costs of Truvada in 2022: 
$2,000 each month (plus medical checkups: $30,000)
= $24,000 each year (plus checkups: $35,000 year)
= 45 years, $900,000 (plus checkups: $1,750,000)
All are FREE of charge because it is paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Deuteronomy 32:32 – “For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter.” 

Jude 1:7 –  “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Friday, August 30, 2024

The Most Healing Salt in The World, It Can Treat Over 20 Diseases

Himalayan Salt is considered as the healthiest and purest form of salt. It has been considered an important ingredient in human food since ancient times. In Korea it was used as exchange, in ancient Rome, soldiers were paid by salt. So, it’s clear that it was one of the most important and precious ingredients in ancient times. Unlike common salt, it does not increase the amount of sodium and potassium in your blood and is easily digested and maintains normal blood pressure. So, let’s see the various amazing properties this powerful salt:

Sodium is an important mineral which maintains the amount of electrolyte in our blood and maintains blood pressure. It helps in normal functioning of musclesIt contains 84 elements required in our body and supplies our bodies with important nutrients.

The molecular structure of Himalayan salt is tiny and our body cells can easily digest them. It includes sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium which are important for normal functions in our body.

Himalayan salt is thousands of years old and can only be found pure in Himalayan caves. People still manually remove it and wash it.

First of all, it has been dried naturally in the sun and packed in organic bags. This procedure is done to preserve its purity and harmony with nature. It has an intense taste and so needs to be taken in small quantities.

Except for pressure regulation, it’s quite helpful for people suffering from poor circulation in arms and legs. Let us see how it is done.

Traditionally Himalayan salt is considered very precious. So it was used by aristocracy and called White gold. The highest quality boulders are used in table salt while the bigger grounds are used in baths and other important ingredients.

  • It prevents dehydration of organism by easy absorption.
  • Regulating level of electrolytes and water in our body.
  • Prevents diabetes by controlling levels of sugar in our blood.
  • It is helpful for regulating digestive and metabolic activities.
  • Balances the Ph of our cells.
  • Prevents ageing of body.
  • Supports healthy respiratory tracts specially sinus.
  • Helpful for bones in growing children.
  • Regenerates brain cells and helps in getting deeper concentration and good sleep.
  • Reduces muscle cramps.
  • It improves circulation of blood and maintains healthy vascular system.
  • It helps in normal functioning of liver and kidneys.
  • It is useful in respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  • Helps in blood purification and detoxification.
  • Keeps up our energy levels and maintain a positive attitude.

It has no negative effect and doesn’t harm our stomach and kidneys and other body organs. Food gets a natural taste when it is added to our food. Himalayan salt lamps are much better than traditional lamps and can prevent from harmful electromagnetic radiation. So they can be used near computers and TV’s.

Himalayan salt can be an important part of your bathroom. It can easily be absorbed by skin which is the biggest organ in our body.

  • Various diseases of the skin.
  • Insect wounds, bites and blisters.
  • In skin irritations, rheumatism and diseases of the joints.
  • In post-operative recovery and various gynaecological problems.

Detoxification with Himalayan salt is as good as 3 days of fasting. In order to get full benefits of Himalayan salt bath we need to maintain an amount of 30 gm of salt (1.05 oz.) in 3 liters of water (101 fl. oz.). It is same as in our body.

An average bathtub holds about 100 to 120 liters of water and so salt required for the bath is around 120gms (4.23 oz.). The water needs to be at 37 degrees. And when you are using a bath with Himalayan salt it should last for half an hour and don’t use any soap or oilAfter the bath rub with a clean towel and take a rest for 40 minutes.

Price if Himalayan salt depends on weight and packaging. But it varies around 1 to 3 dollars. You can get it anywhere from local grocery stores in the health food section, health food stores, herbal pharmacies, and on the internet.

The Himalayan salt bath soap contains 100% crustal salt and other additives and impurities. It is helpful for treating dry skin, herpes, cellulite etc. It can be used as a deodorant as well.

When you first apply it there will be a minor tingling of your skin but you should not worry as it is detoxifying your body and will stop in a few minutes. You don’t need any other ointments with this soap.

You can use Himalayan Salt for treating acne, skin rashes and other skin problems. It is recommended that in the morning make a solution of 3 liters of water (101 fl. oz.) and 100 grams of salt (3.5 oz.). It is left to cool and used in the day. Before you start make sure you exfoliated your skin.

Himalayan salt is mixed with essential and base oils of your choice and then use to gently rub and peel your skin. The rubbing needs to be gentle so the oil and salt are absorbed and treat your skin from inside.

Then comes expansion of pores so that salt minerals are absorbed in larger amounts and warms the body. The result you get after the treatment is soft and smooth skin. Exfoliation can be done once or twice a week but face needs to be washed every day to keep your skin healthy.


To prepare this solution, mix a little Himalayan salt and ½ liter of water (16.9 oz.) in a nose syringe. Once the salt has crystallized and settled at the bottom of the container, the solution is ready to be used. Spray once in your nostrils and you will find it easier to breathe.

  • Apart from bath and treatment for nose Himalayan salt has many other uses. Like:
  • For Ear infection, you can use Himalayan salt and water as drops.
  • For nausea due to travel, cover your neck with cloth filled with salt.
  • For treating fungus on your feet, dip your feet in a saline solution.
  • For sore throat, gargle with a solution but don’t swallow it.

Himalayan salt lamps can be one of the most useful and important part of your home furniture. It is the healthiest source of artificial light.

If you are suffering from asthma, chronic fatigue, seasonal allergies, depression then this lamp can be your answer to solve your problems. Use it in your home or places of your children to keep everyone healthy.


When the salt crystal is heated, it emits negative ions which is ideal for our health and acts as a natural air purifier. It has no shelf life so it is useful as a gift. It can be bought online or elsewhere at an average price of 20 dollars.

I use some salt, and always have, because salt, instead of being deleterious, is actually essential for the bloodVegetables should be made palatable with a little milk or cream, or something equivalent.”  {CD 207.3} 

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

High Heel Shoes


Well, you wear your heels down there over your feet, so let’s start from feet. What are those high heels doing with your feet?  Normally, your feet act like weight-distributing shock absorbers that cushion your skeleton from jumping, running and pounding. When you pack your feet in high heels, you actually shift much of your weight on the balls of your feet and your tiny, delicate toe bones.

The higher the heel, the bigger and dangerous the impact is. According to a study, they have found that four-inch heel can put pressure on the front of the foot by 30 percent or more.

Keeping your feet curved from heel-to-toe, the transition becomes abrupt, forcing you to keep your feet in slanting position. Staying like this all the time will damage your bone and not to forget blisters and ingrown toenails.

After feet comes calves and legs, wearing heels forces your ankles to bend forward, a position that could restrict circulation of blood in your lower limbs. If you wear high heel every day for long hours, you might end up damaging spell spider veins.

Walking with high heels all day long everyday can also stiffen your Achilles tendons. Achilles tendons anchor your calf muscles up to your heels, causing your calves to bunch up. You might have been having trouble walking in flats or bare feet after getting out of your heels, that’s because your heels are troubling your Achilles tendons.

Now comes knees, don’t get shocked you heels does impact and damage all your body. Knees also work as shock absorbers just like those springs. When you jump you bend your knees a bit while coming down, right? The knee is the largest joint in your body, but the frequent use of high-heels by your feet puts extra stress on the inner sides of the knees. In the long run you might be damaging your knees that won’t be even repairable.

To keep from keeling over in stacked shoes, you have to thrust your hips forward, arch your back, and push out your chest. That familiar sexy stance works the outer hip muscles and tendons hard (and not in a good way).

Do you wear heels? You must be having sore lower back. Yes, that pain is a gift of your high heels. In order to keep your feet in high heels and to help you move easily, your spine needs to sway unnaturally. And when for a long period of time your spine sways unnaturally, it stresses your lumbar erector spine muscle.

Apart from these, wearing high heels can be very risky. You cannot run, there are more chances that you twist your feet while walking in heels and do harm to your muscle tissue or even break your bone.

Like the vital parts of your body, your limbs and bones too need comfort and rest. Your heels give unnatural height to you and impact the comfort of your bone structureAs a result, you have stiffness, pain and in the worst cases you can dislocate your bone. Give some rest to your body parts, avoid wearing heels, try wearing short heels, wedges, or platformsLet your feet relax whenever you can remove your heels. Do not stay on heels every day for long hours, you might be feeling good today, but you are spoiling the tomorrow of your body.

Note: High heels cramp the movement, injure the carriage of the person, and often deform the feet. The bend given to the body by the extreme fullness of the skirt behind is very ungraceful.” HR May 1, 1872 Par. 7


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Got info from SOP and MMT classes.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

High Calcium Foods

Almonds, 75 Milligrams in about 23 whole almonds

Black-Eyed Peas, 185 mg in ½ cup canned

Bok Choy, 74 Milligrams per 1 cup Shredded

Broccoli Rabe, 100 milligrams in one 2/3-cup serving

Broccoli, 86 Milligrams in 2 cups raw, but cook till tender, do not eat raw

Collards, 268 milligrams per 1 cup cooked

Edamame, 98 Milligrams in 1 cup cooked

Figs, 121 milligrams per ½ cup dried

Green Beans, 55mg milligrams in 1 cup cooked

Kale, 101 milligrams in 1 cup raw

Blackstrap Molasses, 172 mg in 1 tablespoon

Mustard Greens, 64 milligrams per 1 cup

Okra, 82 Milligrams in 1 Cup

Oranges, 74 milligrams in one large orange

Parsley, 5 milligrams in one tablespoon

Sesame Seeds, 88 Mg in 1 T.  – Grind and put on salad or in your soup or hot dish etc.

Tofu, 434 milligrams per half cup

Turnip Greens, 197 milligrams in 1 cup cooked (chopped)

White Beans, 63 milligrams in ½ cooked

  • Garlic and onions contain sulfur which is needed for healthy bones.
  • Eating flaxseeds help the body produce hormones needed for good bone development.
  • Chew your food well so it is properly absorbed.
  • You can deplete the body from calcium by drinking soda.
  • Also, too much phosphorus, lack of exercise too.
  • Getting outside in the sunlight for Vit. D is very helpful.
  • Vitamin A helps increase the rate of bone growth.
  • Vitamin K (found in alfalfa, greens, and other chlorophyll foods) is good for bones.

  • Silica
  • Horsetail 
  • Oat Straw
  • Boron 
  • Alfalfa
  • Comfrey
  • Slippery Elm

  • White sugar products, white flour products, high phosphorous foods, foods with preservatives, soda (sucks calcium from the bones), chocolate, caffeine products, vinegar, and meat.
  • Do not eat meat if you want strong healthy joints.
  • A diet high in animal protein tends to cause the body to excrete increased amounts of protein.
  • Beef for example contains 25 times as much phosphorus as calcium!!!
  • A high meat diet will lead to calcium deficiencies.
  • High protein diet causes calcium loss.
  • Exercise strengthens the bones.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hiccups In Babies

In general, occasional hiccups are not dangerous to a baby. They can occur from time to time in your infant and resolve on their own. Curing hiccups in a baby doesn't require any action.

Hiccups happen when something causes the diaphragm to spasm, and the vocal cords quickly shut. Air is forced out through the closed vocal cords, creating the hiccupping sound.

However, if you notice the baby seems to be hiccupping frequently and the hiccups are causing your baby pain or accompanied by vomiting after feedings, it is best to consult with a doctor.

Hiccups in babies tend to occur for no apparent reason, but feeding can occasionally cause the diaphragm to spasm. They may happen when a baby:

  • Overfeeds
  • Eats too quickly
  • Swallows too much air


Latching Correctly During Nursing

Holding Bottle Correctly

Massage Baby’s Back

Rubbing the baby's back
Rubbing their back and rocking the baby back and forth can help them to relax. This may stop the spasms that cause hiccups.

A small amount of sugar on its tongue to stop them… 9 times out of 10 it will work. The logic behind this is, the sweetness of the sugar will distract the nerves, thus, preventing the diaphragm from contracting, and eventually stopping the hiccups in newborns.

Anise Seeds:
Anise seeds are also said to work effectively as a home remedy for hiccups in babies. Put one cup of hot water over a tablespoon of anise seeds. Once the mixture cools, give the baby a tablespoon of it.

Using a pacifier
Sucking on a pacifier may help to relax the diaphragm and stop hiccupping.

Taking a break to burp the baby
It is a good idea to burp bottle-fed babies every time they consume 2 to 3 ounces.

If a baby is breastfed, it is a good idea to burp the baby while switching between breasts.

Hiccups are often not preventable, but following the strategies below may help:

  • Feeding the baby before they become very hungry, to keep them calm
  • Sitting the baby upright for half an hour after each feeding
  • Repositioning the bottle so that no air is near the teat
  • Ensuring that the baby's mouth is latched over the whole nipple

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