Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Over nutrition is the crucial factor in gallstone development, and refined carbohydrates are a prominent culprit. The refined foods abundant in our semisynthetic diets are a product of civilization-as are gallstones, since those who live in countries that take their food in a natural state do not produce them.

When fiber is removed from food it is rendered less bulky, less chewy, sweeter, and more fattening. All this makes it prone to cause saturation of the bile. When bile becomes saturated, it may crystallize certain materials dissolved in it, forming a tiny grain on which other crystals can develop into gallstones.

Refined fats are just as instrumental in gallstone formation. The more fat in a meal, the more bile is released-and the more concentrated it is with cholesterol and bile salts. Generally, people eat much more fat than can be taken care of by the 1-2 ounces of bile stored in the gallbladder. Therefore, more bile must be produced to emulsify the fats and accompany them through the wall of the intestine into the bloodstream. This overworks the liver, since this cycle is quite energy consuming.

In addition, decreased exercise - a national disease in America is also instrumental in the formation of saturated bile.


Gallstone symptoms include belching, regurgitating food, and finally, obstructive symptoms, including pain in the right upper abdominal quadrant. The pain is of a colicky nature, and is often intense and accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting.

To treat gallstones, one should immediately reduce overweight and maintain normal weight. (To calculate one's normal weight, allow 100 pounds for the first 5 feet. Then add five pounds per inch of height thereafter for a woman, and six to seven pounds for men, depending on how muscular he is.)

The first dietary measure should be to remove free fats from the diet and decrease the number of rich foods served. One may eat freely of fruits and vegetables prepared in a simple way, without sugar or fat. One should reduce one's salt intake, since it is dehydrating to many body fluids, including bile. All heavy foods, such as meat, milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, wheat germ, margarine, cooking oil, sugar, and salt, should be removed immediately until symptoms subside. If one is overweight, sugar, oil, and margarine should be permanently omitted.

It is wise to avoid gas-forming foods such as radishes, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, dried beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and so forth. Coffee and candy should be avoided, as should the use of fresh breads (except for quick breads). Eating between meals should be forbidden, as well as large meals.

Drugs reported to reduce gallstones have unwanted side effects, and oral contraceptives have been reported to increase the likelihood of gallstones. However, vitamin C has been reported to reduce their incidence. To insure plenty of vitamin C, something raw should be eaten with each meal.

The first dietary measure should be to remove free fats from the diet and decrease the number of rich foods served.

Hot fomentations over the upper abdomen can greatly reduce gallstone pain. The use of catnip tea can quiet the gastrointestinal tract and the gallbladder, and an ice rub over the area of pain can bring great relief. Swelling and inflammation around the bile duct produces a large portion of the pain. Both heat and cold can be helpful in reducing swelling and promoting drainage by increasing the concentration of white blood cells in the area to help eliminate products of inflammation.

NOTE: This article presents principles designed to promote good health, and is not intended to take the place of personalized professional care. The opinions and ideas expressed are those of the writer. Readers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions about the information presented.


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Taken from: Dr. Agatha Thrash

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