Thursday, July 11, 2024

Food Additives, Colorings, Etc.

TVP – The flour can be dissolved in lye and then treated in an acid bath so that the protein is deposited in finely spin threads which are then wound on a spool. It is then glued, colored, flavored, and cut in to meat sized chunks.

The FDA does NOT require manufactures to list specific flavoring ingredients on food labels. Because of this, it also has MSG in it.

MSG – A known Excitotoxin which causes brain cell damage or death within 1-3 hours after ingestion. In laboratory experiments, every species of animal fed MSG developed brain lesions.

Propylene Glycol – (Antifreeze) - Implicated in contact dermatitis kidney damage and liver abnormalities can inhibit skin cell growth in human tests and can damage cell membranes causing rashes, dry skin, and surface damage.

It may be harmful by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. It may cause eye irritation, skin irritation. Exposure can cause gastro-intestinal disburbances, nausea, headache and vomiting and central nervous system depression.

A published clinical review showed propylene glycol causes a significant number of reactions and was a primary irritant to the skin even in low levels of concentration.

Used in many things but in ice cream to make it get hard.

Lactose – It is present only in the milk of mammals and is subject to a genetic disease called galactosemia.

Caramel Color – The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the use of ammonia compounds in the production of caramel for food was unacceptable. It produced convulsions in test animals. Yes the FDA considers it safe!

Blue No. 1 – Causes cancer when ingested and malignant tumors at the site of injection. It has been banned in all the European Commonwealth Countries as well as Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland…But GRAS by the FDA!!!

Red No. 3 – Studies on animals have verified that this dye is a carcinogen. This dye may be linked to gene mutation.
Carrageenan – Has cancer causing abilities.

Disodium Inosinate – Inosinic acid is prepared from meat extract, also from dried sardines.

Lactic Acid – Produced commercially by fermentation of whey, cornstarch, potatoes, and molasses. It is caustic (burns) in concentrated solutions when taken internally or applied to the skin.

If take this in our bodies, what is it doing to our bodies???

Potassium Chloride – Small intestinal ulcers may occur with oral administration. Large doses ingested can cause gastrointestinal irritation, purging, weakness, and circulatory collapse.

Get and read a book called – ‘Consumers Guide to Food Additives’ - By: Ruth Winters

GMO – Genetic engineering is the practice of altering or disrupting the genetic blueprints (DNA) of living organisms, then patenting these altered genes and sellingthe result and gene-foods, seeds or other products for profit.

These are the main foods to buy OG because they are GMO – Corn, Soy, Potatoes, and And Tomatoes.

God desires His people to be light bearers to a world lying in midnight darkness.”  (CH 445)

Seeds of Deception by Jeffery Smith is also a great book.
Eat Your Gene


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Got info from another source.

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