Monday, July 1, 2024


I love to learn new things and am always willing to change our diet as the Holy Spirit leads me. I have had to make lots of changes since I learned about what I am about to share, but I call it an honor and a privilege to follow God and His leading.

It is exactly what its name says….a toxin is a poison and exciting is something that excites you, causes excitation. An excitotoxin is basically any substance that causes brain cells to become very excited and they start firing their impulses very rapidly and they fire so rapidly that the cell will become exhausted and dieThis occurs over about a period of an hour, so if you take some brain cells and put them in a Petri (pea tree) dish and expose them to these excitotoxin substances, the cells start firing rapidly, but they look normal during that one hour period and then they just suddenly die! THIS GOES ON IN YOUR BRAIN IF YOU TAKE THESE EXCITOTOXINS INTO YOUR BODY, it does the same thing. The cells in your brain become excited to the point that they will die……not all, just certain ones.

Excitotoxins are a class of commonly used flavor enhancers that over stimulate the brain and are implicated in such diseases as Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s, ADD, ADHD, memory and cognitive decline, as well as a host of other hormonal and neurological problems.

Every medical journal that has anything to do with the brain and nervous system is filled with excitotoxins. Every research lab that deals with brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s, etc.) the #1 thing they talk about is excitotoxins. Despite all the money research labs spend to study the brain and the diseases, hardly anyone has ever heard the word excitotoxins…and not by accident….it’s because the # 1 source of it in our society is in our food by the industries that processes our food and they are adding it in very large amounts!

Russell Blaylock, is a MD, a neurosurgeon in Jackson, Mississippi, he has done extensive research into the effects of excitotoxins on the human brain, what he has found is most shocking.

Dr. Blaylock was warned he would come under attack if he wrote the book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills ….Ralph Nader (consumer advocate) became interested at one point, he was so brow beaten and destroyed by this industry, he said he would never touch it again and he took on General Motors!!!

He was warned they would spend millions to keep him from getting his story out. So when he wrote the book he made the argument so tight and well referenced that NO one could refute it.He spent lots of time going thru 100’s and 100’s of research papers and interviewing the person who coined the term “excitotoxins” and no terrible thing happened (except a couple things but he got thru them) and he got the book published. Even tho there was enormous pressure to keep the story quiet.

He’s been on several radio programs and the 700 Club telling his story……health stores won’t touch this subject because they sell food with excitotoxins and call it “health food” ….there is just too much pressure to keep the story quiet, so many companies and stores won’t talk about it…besides they make money.

In Japan they used a flavoring substance from a sea weed called Kombu and you dry it or grind it up and it greatly enhances the taste of food……they used that for 1000 years….but in 1908research chemist examined Kombu and discovered the taste enhancing compound was glutamate so he made a friendship with Suzuki spice company and formed another company (which meant essence of taste) and manufactured MSG. By 1933 they were producing 10 million lbs. and putting in foodMSG much higher concentration than was in Kombu…..during WW2 …when the rations from Japanese soldiers were tasting better, it was found out it wasbecause of MSG…so they called a conference in 1948 and invited all major food manufactures: Libby, Continnell, Campbell’s, General Mills,  Borden and the quartermasters told them of incredible MSG taste they discovered…and the companies had problems with the taste of their food after it sat in packages and cans for awhile.

It developed a tin taste in cans and they found out that MSG would restore and magnify the taste in the food and make it better. If it’s in soup, it makes it taste very good because it stimulates certain cells in the brain and tongue…so the companies added it and thought it was safe……BUT NO ONE TESTED IT….from 1948-57 it was added to baby foods…then in 1957, two ophthalmology residence did a research project studying a rare eye disease in humans….and they fed mice MSG……found the MSG totally destroyed all the nerve cells in the retina of the eye….so they wrote it up in a report put it in a journal but it was an obscure optomology journal so hardly anyone read it….so it sat there for 10 yearstill 1968 a Nero scientist found it and thought it a good way to study eye cells. He found out it not only destroyed eye cells but critical cells in the brain as well….the parts of the brain  that resembles things we see in strokes, low blood sugar and Alzheimer’s.

So he thought all he had to do was tell the food manufactures and they would take it out…BUT they said they didn’t care cuz it solved their food taste problems and it WAS A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS by then, so he went to congress and presented the evidence and the food industry was at the hearing, especially those who made baby foods and they saw the handwriting on wall…so they took the MSG out of baby food voluntarily….well not really…10 more years they still added it in disguised names, they even put it in toddler foods and baby formulas!!!

When it all started leaking out about the dangers of MSG, the industry’s reaction was they had their scientists look at it and they told 3 lies.

They claimed their scientists looked at it and said, “Well the doses in the experiments were high and you don’t see babies and children eating that” …and they were using tiny doses.

Humans are more sensitive to the toxicity of MSG than any experimental animals. WE ARE 5X’S MORE SENSITIVE THAN THE MOUSE….20X’S MORE THAN A RHESUS MONKEY….NEWBORNS ARE 4XS MORE SENSITIVE THAN ADULTS. So if  a woman is PG and eating MSG food, it goes to baby and damages baby’s brain because their brain enzymes that normally protect them are immature and have not formed yet and the blood brain barrier is immature and not completely formed yet.

INFANT FORMULA: MSG added is called casein hydrolysates in the formula - so babies are consuming large quantities of free glutamate.

Even if it does enter the blood stream the brain has a protective system called blood brain barrier that keeps certain toxins from your blood from entering your brain and it would keep the glutamate out and not damage the brain.

It does not protect the brain. There are certain areas of brain where there is NO blood brain barriers. So anything in the blood goes to brain…..for instance, the pituitary gland. IF THERE IS A HIGH ENOUGH AMOUNT OF GLUTAMATE IN THE BLOOD IT WILL PENETRATE THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER!!!!!! Look how many ppl have had strokes and mini strokesand they don’t even know itIt occurs in silent areas of the brain and opens up the blood brain barrier and whatever is in your blood will go thru there!


  • Strokes and mini strokes
  • Head injury
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Diabetes
  • Brain surgery
  • Heat stroke
  • High fevers
  • Certain drugs
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Severe hypoglycemia
  • Irradiation (x-ray on head)
  • Infections

When we eat MSG, it makes it worse!! And it lasts days or weeks after. Your Dr. will probably say it’s the natural course of disease and it is NOT, it’s actually poisoning them! Most Dr.’s say to use Nutra Sweet but it opens the blood brain barrier and then they get all those toxins!

Someone said if you eat lots of sugar and carbs it will protect you.

TRUTH: There was an experiment done by the person who says MSG is safe and he fed the animals carbs and found out they blocked the toxicity…..but he was wrong…the report the person wrote up said if you take high amounts of refined carbs it will reduce toxicity but will still CAUSE brain damage! He also said you had to eat 15 pkgs. of sugar to get protection per meal. So his argument fell to wayside.

There is a list of disguised names for MSG…they said they will change the name so the public does not recognize it.

Most frequent is HYDROLYZED VEGETABLE PROTEIN…’s in many soups and many foods that are sold at stores health food stores. When you hydrolyze a protein what you do is you break it down and release its amino acids and one of them is glutamate and another is aspartame.

What are the names of some of these other agents? When you read labels – the 2 most common names to look for are MSG (monosodium glutamate) and ASPARTAME (Nutra-sweet). But just because a label says something is “MSG-Free” doesn’t necessarily mean that it is excitotoxin free.

Look for these names on your labels when you shop—so you won’t drop!

  • Autolyzed Yeast
  • Bouillon
  • Broth
  • Calcium Casseinate
  • Carrageenan (If Injected In An Animal It Caused Inflammation!)
  • Enzymes
  • Flavoring
  • Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
  • Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
  • Hydrolyzed Protein
  • Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
  • Malt Extract
  • Malt Flavoring
  • Monosodium Glutamate
  • Natural Beef or Chicken Flavor
  • Natural Flavoring
  • Plant Protein Extract
  • Protein Extract
  • Seasonings
  • Sodium Casseinate
  • Sodium or Calcium Concentrate
  • Spices
  • Stock
  • Textured Protein
  • Vegetable Protein
  • Whey Protein Extract
  • Yeast Extract

There are more than 70 of these used in processed foods, including many vegetarian foods and seasonings. Did you know that NUTRITIONAL YEAST FLAKES, chicken, and beef seasonings, all of the fake meats from the ABC, TVP, and BRAGG’S LIQUID AMINOS and more are also included in this list? I was shocked when I found that out! I spent some time reading labels in my home and throwing things away and returning what I could to the grocery store.

Foods will say NO MSG but will contain 3-4 of the names I just mentionedThe FDA allows it because the law says: ONLY if its 99% pure MSG do they have to put it on the label, it can be 98% and THEY DON’T HAVE TO PUT IT ON THE LABEL!!! They can use one of the other names, so you are not protected when it says NO MSG and the people in restaurants don’t even know it.

Gravy, salad dressings, and soups; (Campbell’s is the worst). There can be as many as 4 different excitotoxins in one can of soup. What do they do when you are sick or in hospital or you have had surgery? They give you soup!  Making you worse!

They remove fat and when you do that you remove the taste, soooooo they put in MSG to make it taste good and they also put it in drinks.

Liquid amino acid preparations……any time you break down a protein to its free amino acid you get a high concentration of excitotoxins…..the company will lie…MS is the salt…….sodium is not the problem it’s the G…..Glutamate!

  • Viral Infection, (Lyme Disease, AIDS)
  • Immune Suppression
  • Episodic Violence
  • Learning Disorders
  • Hypoglycemic Brain Damage
  • Migraine Headaches
  • AIDS Dementia
  • Seizures
  • Degenerative Brain Disorders (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS)
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy 

What makes the difference in the disease is the excitoxicity is producing it in different tissues:

If you get a head injury most of the damage does not happen at the time of the injury….sometimes it can but not usually, it’s delayed several hours…now they discovered it’s excitoxicity...if the brain is injured it releases glutamate from itself because normally glutamate is a transmitter in the brain….it’s the most common transmitter in the brain but very carefully regulated and when injured it can’t regulate and builds up a high level in the brain andproduces the delayed injury that frequently results in severe neurological injury or death.

When you have a stroke you block off a blood vessel to the brainit isn’t lack of blood supply to brain that causes the worst part of the stroke, it just kills a tiny core brain tissue and around that tiny core the brain starts secreting enormous amounts of excitotoxins and that’s what causes the devastating aspects of a stroke.

If we block those excitotoxins, the stroke is less and we can do that with something God created called FOOD!!!!   (The original diet of fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables, which were added later).

Glutamate kills brain cells…it attaches to the brain cells and sends signals down the nerve cells. Similar to what happens in cancer and arthritis. EXCITOTOXINS PRODUCE FREE RADICALS THAT DESTROY BRAIN CELLS. Brain Cells are smart….God made them that way. So why add glutamate to your food and let it in your brain?

They can alter how the brain forms - during last trimester the brain forms in the womb….very sensitive to glutamate…it can destroy brain cells or make them grow in the wrong direction.The weight and size of the baby when born affects its metabolism for the rest of its life if the mother was eating MSG and excitotoxins.

Excessive excitotoxicity in the brain. What triggers that is a different story. Loss of energy in the brain precedes Alzheimer’s by as much as a decade. You can scan the brain of ppl and find out that these areas that are going to be affected are already losing their energy supply, even tho they are perfectly normal at the time….10 years later they come down with Alzheimer’s disease. When you lose that energy, you magnify the excitotoxic process.  Eating MSG does not cause Alzheimer’s, it’s more complex than that but it can be significantly aggravated by MSG… because
Alzheimer’s disease damages the blood brain barrier, you lose your barrier, low energy, cells are damaged by free radicals, so you are at a lot more risk.

It’s in all the foods and we need to go back to eating the way God intended for us – the original diet, plain and simple. Gen 1:29

Check your labels. If the ingredients listed include any of the things I mentioned, that product may pose hazards to your brain and overall physical and mental health. Basically, if all of your food is homemade, the better off you will be.

This is a very serious matter – not a far-fetched scare tactic. The scientific validation of the problem is extensive and compelling. Your brain health and your ability to think, memorize, learn and recall may be at risk.

For more information on excitotoxins, I strongly recommend the book by Russell Blaylock, MD, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills.  

The first one is 1 Cor. 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

The 2nd one is 3 John 2 which says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

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