Monday, June 10, 2024

How to Cure a Cold or Flu Naturally

Did you know that OTC cold or flu medications will prolong your illness and make it more difficult for you to get better? Instead, try these natural remedies to help yourself feel better and get back on your feet in record time.
At the first tingling sign of a sore throat, make sure you start gargling with salt water at least three times a day. This will soothe your throat, kill germs, and prevent it from getting worse. Often, this prevents the throat from getting sore at all in the first place.

Also, if eating dairy, make sure that you cut all out of your diet when ill. Most people have a very mild allergy to dairy. When you are sick, milk can cause you to overproduce mucus which will make a runny nose and sore throat worse, so be sure to stay far away from anything with milk or cheese in it.

An excellent additional cure for sore throat is hot tea with lemon juice added. IT MUST BE REAL LEMON JUICE, not artificial flavoring. If you do not have tea, plain hot water with lemon in it will do. Drink this tea in addition to the treatments above.

If you have herbs on hand, there are several that can help with cold and flu. Echinacea works best when used to help prevent illness, but is still somewhat useful once you are already sick. It will help boost your immune system. Mullein is the best herb to take for anything wrong with your lungs such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

Slippery Elm Bark is excellent for sore throat. Drink it as a tea. Olive Leaf Extract is good for any kind of bacterial infection. Grapefruit Seed Extract is also an excellent herb to take for bacterial infections.

If you get a fever, don't immediately rush out to take some Tylenol. A fever is not an illness it is a FRIEND.
It is your body's way of fighting the infection. By raising your body temperature high enough, your body can effectively kill off a disease by overheating it. This is your body's last line of defense, so unless your fever becomes dangerously high (over 104 ° Fahrenheit for more than ½ hour) you should never take anything to reduce your fever. You could make yourself sicker. Fever usually indicates that an illness is as bad as it will get, so once the fever breaks, you should feel much better. If you do not, see your doctor immediately.

If you have a cough, a couple of things that may help are elderberry syrup and peppermint. Elderberry syrup can be found with other cough syrups at your local natural food store. Peppermint is a natural expectorant. You can take it in any form, but it works best when taken as a nice warm tea. For congestion, try rubbing some White Flower Analgesic Balm on your chest. It works wonders!

Better yet from the Lord….
“The Value of Eucalyptus Oil.--I am very sorry to learn that Sister C is not well. I cannot advise any remedy for her cough better than eucalyptus and honey. Into a tumbler of honey put a few drops of the eucalyptus, stir it up well, and take whenever the cough comes on. I have had considerable trouble with my throat, but whenever I use this I overcome the difficulty very quickly. I have to use it only a few times, and the cough is removed. If you will use this prescription, you may be your own physician. If the first trial does not effect a cure, try it again. The best time to take it is before retiring.”  --Letter 348, 1908 (To a worker) {2SM 300.2} 

REMEMBER, over-the-counter medicines are not truly beneficial when you have a cold or flu and may actually be harmful. In addition to these remedies, keep yourself in bed (sitting up does not count as resting, you must actually be lying down) and drink plenty water.

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Got info from another source.

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