Sunday, June 16, 2024

Danger from Microwaves - Worse than You Think

The danger from microwaves is worse than you think!

Many are aware that microwave cooking destroys nutrients, but there’s a whole lot more. Nuking good nutritious food turns it into toxic disease causing food, and international research leaves no doubts about the danger of microwaves.

Early public warnings against microwave use were for warming babies' milk bottles. These warnings were based on the shock of excessively hot milk from a cool bottle after warming it in the microwave. The still cool-to-touch bottles could cause babies to take in liquids so hot their mouths and throats would be burned.
But soon the hard-core information about the danger of microwaves started coming out. Research from Stanford documented the destruction of both nutrients in baby formula and immunity promoting properties from breast milk warmed in microwave ovens.

You can argue the politics all you want, but Russian medical science has not been backward. In some areas, they’ve been ahead of the rest of the world. Back in 1957, Russia conducted testing on radar microwave emissions and the danger of microwave oven cooking. The scientific conclusions of their studies resulted in emission restrictions for radar workers and a ban on microwave ovens in 1976. Russia didn’t have to be concerned about microwave capitalism during those communist days.

The microwave industry had made their ovens relatively emission-proof to humans operating the ovens. But the Russians tested food cooked in microwave ovens and found an incredible array of nutrient destruction accompanied by the creation of cancer-causing agents, especially with microwaved meats.

The Russian research was laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological, and took place over almost two decades. It was very thorough. USA researcher William Kopp published those findings, but he’s been marginalized as a kook or quack by mainstream western “science”.

Never mind though. The Russian ban was lifted during Perestroika, which elevated “free market” principles over health in Russia. This created a greatly expanded market for microwave ovens throughout Russia. Ka-ching, Ka-ching, Ka-ching!


In 1991, a lawsuit was filed in Oklahoma on behalf of a woman, Norma Levitt, who died after a simple blood transfusion for a hip operation. It’s normal for packaged blood to be warmed prior to IV administration, but not in a microwave oven. That time it was, and the patient died almost immediately after the transfusion.

In 1992, Swiss scientist Hans Hertel, assisted by Bernard Blanc, conducted a very thorough study on eight healthy human volunteers in their 20s and 30s. The study included raw and pasteurized dairy products, frozen and fresh vegetables.

The test foods were all consumed in three different modes: raw, normally cooked, and microwaved. Before and after each meal, the blood of the participants was tested. ABNORMALITIES WELL BEYOND NORMAL COOKING WERE PRESENT IN THEIR BLOOD AFTER CONSUMING MICROWAVE-COOKED FOOD, paralleling the findings of earlier Russian studies. Hertel concluded that technologically induced energy damage from microwaves can be passed on to humans with microwaved food.

The blood samples from test subjects who had consumed nuked foods demonstrated decreased lymphocytes (white blood cells), and decreased hemoglobin and cholesterol values (we really do need cholesterol), combined with increased luminescence or energy of luminescent bacteria.

Decreased hemoglobin results in less oxygen for cells. This can force those cells to resort to anaerobic glucose fermentation for cellular energy. This, plus microwave cooking’s production of carcinogenic compounds, is the genesis of cancer.


The two Swiss scientists published their findings and were quickly sued by the Swiss Association of Dealers for Electro apparatuses for Households and Industry, known as FEA. This trade organization persuaded the court to issue a vicious gag order on the two scientists’ findings.

Blanc was so intimidated he recanted, but Hertel stood his ground. In 1998, his appeal was honored by the court’s lifting of the gag order and awarding 40,000 Francs to him from the Swiss Government. Independent journalist Tom Valentine covered this saga completely.

Many scientists scoff at cellular damage from microwave cooking and the cancer connection, without analyzing these and other blood and food tests, or conducting their own! Their denial is typical of all bought-and-sold or unconcerned, unscientific scientists.

Agitated Molecules
Normally cooked food is heated from the outside in. This is the normal function of thermal dynamics: heat transfers to cold. Although raw food advocates will complain of heat destroying nutrients, especially enzymes normal cooking doesn’t create damage like microwave cooking.

In fact, we are counseled to cook our coarse vegetables…here is the quote:

“In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plain. Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, COARSE VEGETABLES, candies, condiments, and pastries FAIL OF SUPPLYING PROPER NUTRIMENT. MANY A STUDENT HAS BROKEN DOWN AS THE RESULT OF USING SUCH FOODS. Many a puny child, incapable of vigorous effort of mind or body, is THE VICTIM OF AN IMPOVERISHED DIETGrains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, in proper combination, contain all the elements of nutrition; and WHEN PROPERLY PREPARED they constitute the diet that best promotes both physical and mental strength.” {Ed 204.3} 

You probably know that microwave radiation heats from the inside out. How is this accomplished? Hertel explained, “Technically produced microwaves are based on the principle of alternating current. Atoms, molecules, and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second.

There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts….This is how microwave cooking heat is generated – friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, and molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality.”

So it’s the water molecules in foods that are first directly agitated to produce frictional heat. Because microwave ovens use AC (alternating current), a rapid polar shift of the subjected water molecules creates a shearing effect.

Hertel went on to explain that the sun’s microwaves are based on a pulsating direct current. This type of microwave radiation doesn’t shear molecules because there is no rapid oscillation of polarity. So go ahead and soak up some sun to manufacture your Vitamin D3.

Besides these thermal modifications, there is direct cellular damage from microwave cooking to cell walls and genes. Gene-altering technology, which includes the biotech food industry, alters genes by weakening them with microwaves. Hertel explained further, “… the cells are actually broken, thereby neutralizing the electrical potentials – the very life of the cells – between the outer and inner sides of the cell membranes.”

In addition to cellular damage from microwaves, strange and mostly unknown compounds are created by microwave energy’s penetration into organic matter. They are called radiolytic compounds. Many scientists argue that these are created from normal cooking as well. However, Hertel’s research has indicated that far more radiolytic compounds are created by microwave cooking.

Hertel concludes that the food damaged from microwaving modifies the cellular activity in human consumers of that food. One’s normal cells are forced by the damaged cells and radiolytic compounds to adapt into an emergency mode of energy production. They are forced from normal cellular oxidation into anaerobic energy production from glucose fermentation for their survival. This is the condition that produces cancer.

Anaerobic glucose fermentation is how cancer cells survive and thrive. Cancer cells cannot exist in oxygen as can normal cells. This is why alternative health practitioners forbid cancer patients from eating sugar or foods made with sugar. The bottom line of microwaves is simple. Exchanging cancerous conditions for convenience doesn’t make sense.

Look further into these sources if you still have doubts:


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Got info from another source.

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