Sunday, June 9, 2024

Crime and Nutrition


  • Adult felons had deficiencies of Magnesium, Zinc, Folate or B6
  • Violent offenders had 5-9 deficiencies in all 5 states
  • Change of diet resulted in 43% reduction in serious crime (high fat and sucrose in offenders)
  • Brain Wave abnormalities EEG in felons
  • Went from 14-2 by switching diet
  • One child went from 6 to 0
  • Deficiencies cause depression and confusion
  • High selenium supplementation (227ug/d) saw significant improvement in mood
  • Newer studies show that selenium plays a major role in brain function
  • 1900 4 lbs. yr
  • Now 129 yr 2500% increase
  • 57% of this comes from processed foods
  • Leading source is fruit juices and sodas (43%)
  • Apple juice, 35g of sugar all berry juices extremely high in sugar
  • Since 1974 consumption of sodas has doubled, teens are drinking 54 t. sugar a day
  • Limit should be 10 t. day
  • Study from UNC chapel hill found:
  • Adults ages 40-59 increased intake of soft drinks 250% between the years 1972 and 2001
  • Those over age 60 increased 300%
  • Sugar increased the free radicals in brain automatically, and makes every cell in you body age much faster  esp. brain cells
  • Alzheimer’s 6x’s high with sugar intake
  • Estimates that  50% of people have reactive hypoglycemia, which means if u eat or drink something with sugar, your blood sugar will fall dramatically cuz of over secretion of insulin…….some ppl pass out and some can die
  • Strong connection between alcohol abuse, hypoglycemia and criminal behavior. The most violent felons in prison are mostly hypoglycemic and alcohol abusers and violent felons when drink, blood sugar drops significantly
  • 97% of alcoholics are hypoglycemic vs. 18% for controls…….it gives tremendous energy when drinking.
  • When it is treated 71% became sober, AA only 25%
  • Associated with aggression, esp. those with temporal lobe dysfunction.  These are the ppl who have road rage and kill /stab someone for minor things
  • Most violent ppl are alcoholics their blood sugar is low and it drives them like wild animals
  • Indians of Peru – 55% hypoglycemia and aggression very high
  • Aspartame (Nutra Sweet) and MSG both stimulate insulin release from the pancreas and induce hypoglycemia
  • Aspartame causes weight gain not loose weight, cuz it causes hypoglycemia and makes you eat more, snack etc and so does MSG
  • MSG can induce intense rage with microinjections into the hypothalamus (part of the brain) can make a mouse attack and kill a cat
  • If have hypoglycemia and add MSG, greatly magnified. Doritos are high in MSG that’s why they taste so good. Excitotoxicity destroys brain cells
  • Several amino acids can make you hypoglycemic
Study of violent offenders in prison…changes in blood sugar causes these antisocial behaviors and make you do things you would not normally do.

  • Children eat 40% calories as sugar
  • ADD and ADHD
  • Giving sugar equal to one coke decline in mental performance by 30 min and highly significant at 1 hour (made 2x’s as many mistakes)
  • Harmful effect subsided about 1.5 hours after they consumed the drink
  • Can create killer mice by lowering brain serotonin
  • Main diet mostly potatoes
  • Quolla Indians in Andes of Peru very aggressive cuz 55% of male were hypoglycemic
  • Docile males, normal blood sugar
  • 76 hyperactive children on low carob 29:11

So as you can see what we eat makes a HUGE difference in what we do. I pray God will help you to make those necessary changes in your diet.


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Got info from another source.

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