Sunday, June 30, 2024

Essential Oil Benefits and Uses

I have been using essential oils for over 19 years and I absolutely LOVE them! 

Essential Oils and Blends can be used in literally thousands of ways. Part of the joy of Essential Oils is learning new ways to use your collection, creating your own recipes by mixing oils, and sharing with friends!

If you’re new to Essential Oils, REVIVE recommends you try as many of these Top 50 as you can and see what you love most.  We also recommend you try things out for 10 days before you decide if you love them. Essential Oils & Blends are most effective when used regularly as a part of everyday living.

1. DRINK MORE WATER AND LESS SUGARY DRINKS.  Add 1-2 drops of Lemon to 12 ounces of water or sparkling water.  Shake well. This tastes great, reduces your cravings for sugary drinks, helps your body flush out toxins, and boosts your energy.  And this is good for the whole family. Great for mornings or instead of an afternoon coffee.

2. SHOWER LIKE YOU’RE AT A SPA. Flick a few drops of Essential Oil onto each wall in your shower and your shower door/curtain.  Roll up a small hand towel, lightly soak in water, and add a few drops of Essential Oil onto the towel. Place the towel on your shower caddy, as close to head level as you can get it. Turn on your shower to the hottest and leave it running for a few seconds until the shower steams. Once the shower steams, set the temperature to your desired temperature. Ta-da, you’ve got a steam shower. Try different Essential Oils and see what you love most.  Our favorites are LavenderLemonPeppermint.

3. REDUCE ANXIETY AND INCREASE BALANCE.  This is one of the most common uses of Essential Oils & Blends.  Lavender, and Frankincense, are the Best Essential Oils for Anxiety.  Fill your diffuser with water and add 3 drops of one of these Essential Oils. Diffuse for 20 minutes. Any time of day.  Add a drop of these Essential Oils to water, or a teaspoon of honey, or 1 drop just under the tongue and consume orally.  Blend 3 drops of Lavender with a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply to the bottoms of your feet, rub on your neck, the rims of the ears, or massage into your skin.

4. IMPROVE OR SUPPORT DIGESTION.  This is one of the most common uses of Essential Oils & Blends.  REVIVE Digest Easy is best.  If unavailable, use Peppermint.  Diffuse, apply to a warm cloth and place on your stomach, add 3 drops to water or tea or a teaspoon of raw honey, or put 1 drop below your tongue.  REVIVE Digest Easy helps reduce gas, bloating, non-chronic indigestion, relieves abdominal spasms, and helps maintain gut health and your gastrointestinal tract.  REVIVE Digest Easy is a great compliment to lunch and dinner – take before or after your meal for improved digestion. Use Peppermint if you’ve got gas, constipation, or diarrhea.

5. GET RESTFUL SLEEP. This is one of the most common uses of Essential Oils & Blends. REVIVE Sleep, and Lavender are all great for sleep.  Fill your diffuser with water and add 3-6 drops of one of these Essential Oils. Diffuse 30 minutes to one hour before bed time.  Another favorite is massaging a few drops into the bottom of your feet, neck, hands, chest, and forehead.  One of our other favorites is adding a few drops to a pot of boiling water, and then sitting with your face over the pot and a towel over your head to create a tent effect (this is known as facial steaming and can provide relief for sleep apnea or nasal congestion).

6. UNCLOG SINUSES NATURALLY.  Inhaling diffused Peppermint oil helps unclog your sinuses and offers relief from a scratchy throat.  Or Diffuse REVIVE Breathe Easy for 20 minutes or rub onto your chest or neck. Or apply 2-3 drops of Peppermint to your temples.

7. TO RELIEVE THE STRESS OF A LONG DAY.  If you’re already feeling stressed/anxious or if you know today is going to be a long or stressful day – REVIVE can help.  Lavender and Lemon, help with stress.  Rub 2 drops directly onto your temples, wrists, or neck.  Pour 2 drops into your palm and inhale for 5 minutes.  Use in a diffuser.  Put a few drops into a scarf or handkerchief and de-stress all day.  Use in a steam shower (see #2!)

8. CREATE A NATURAL DISINFECTING SPRAY.  Fill a spray bottle with purified water.  Add 7-9 drops of REVIVE Immunity Boost (Thieves).  Shake. Spray on counters, door knobs, toys, the sink, etc.  Or if you’ve Witch Hazel, fill a spray bottle ¼ of the way with Witch Hazel. Add 7-9 drops of REVIVE Immunity Boost (Thieves).  Fill the rest with purified water. Shake.

9. CREATE A NATURAL AIR FRESHENER. FOR THE BATHROOM. FOR PETS.  Combine 1 cup of distilled water with 8  drops of Lemon in a spray bottle.  Shake well! Spray as needed.

10. SOOTHES MUSCLES AFTER A DAY OF WORK OR AFTER A WORKOUT.  Mix a few drops of coconut oil with 2 drops of Peppermint in the palm of your hand.  Rub wherever you need it.

11. WAKE UP ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED EVERYDAY.  Fill your diffuser with water and add 3 drops of Lemon and 3 drops of Peppermint .  Diffuse for 20 minutes.

12. AS AN AFTERNOON PICK ME UP.  Fill your diffuser with water and add 6 drops of Lemon  Diffuse for 20 minutes.

13. RELIEVE OR REDUCE HEADACHES.  Apply a few drops of PeppermintFrankincense, or Lavender to your temples, the back of your neck, and forehead. Or diffuse for 30 minutes or until the headache is relieved.

14. SEASONAL ALLERGY RELIEF.  Don’t let Allergies slow you down.  For most, Essential Oils are a better alternative to harmful chemicals as a way to deal with allergies.  REVIVE Breathe EasyPeppermintFrankincense, and Lemon are good essential oils to use.  Diffuse, rub 3 drops onto the chest or neck, or apply 2 drops to temples.

15. TO SOOTHE A SUNBURN.  Ouch!  Combine 3 drops of Lavender with one tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to the sunburn to reduce swelling and pain and improve skin health.  Apply directly or with a cotton ball.

16. INCREASE ENERGY.  Pour 2-3 drops of  PeppermintLemon, or Lavender into the palm of your hand, inhale and rub into your temple.  Mix a few drops of coconut oil with 3 drops of Peppermint and rub into your muscles.

17. DURING STUDY. (My version)  Try reading the Bible or SOP for 5 minutes everyday for 10 days. Fill your diffuser halfway, add 4 drops of Frankincense, or Lavender and sit or lay comfortably.  Breathe deeply and fill your mind with the WORD for 15-60 minutes. Now your mind is ready for the chaos of your day.

18. BATHE LIKE YOU’RE AT THE SPA.  Fill your bath with hot water.  Add as many drops of your favorite Essential Oils to the bath.  REVIVE recommends Lavender or REVIVE Immunity Boost (Thieves).  Optionally, add sea salts. Get in and relax.

19. IMPROVE YOUR MOOD!  Take 1 drop of Lemon. Apply to your wrists.  You’ll feel better instantly!

20. KEEP YOUR TRASHCAN SMELLING FRESH.  Add 2 drops of Tea Tree and Lemon to a cotton ball and put the cotton ball at the bottom of the trashcan. Tea Tree and Lemon will disinfect and deodorize, keeping your trash can smelling fresh and clean!

21. KEEP YOUR DISHWASHER CLEAN.  Put 2 drops of Lemon in with your dishwasher detergent. This will keep the dishwasher smelling clean.

22. CLEAN YOUR MICROWAVE. (hopefully you don’t use one but if you do…) Splatters, grease, and gunk on the inside of your microwave? Microwave a bowl with about a cup of half water, half white vinegar water, and 5 drops Lemon for about 3 minutes. Use a potholder to remove the very hot bowl of water and wipe your microwave clean. Sparkling clean and your kitchen will smell great! Lemon essential oil can also be use to get rid of adhesive sticky messes- like removing labels from bottles, unsticking stickers that your kids used to decorate your refrigerator, and removing gum.

23. FRESHEN YOUR REFRIGERATOR. When cleaning out the fridge or freezer, use this as an opportunity to freshen it.  Add a few drops of Lemon to water and apply to the inside shelves and surfaces.

24.  FOR LAUNDRY: PRETREAT STAINS.  When someone gets a stain on their clothing, act quickly! Add 4 drops of Lemon to 6oz of water.  Mix and apply to stains on clothing before washing. Be sure to check the clothes when they come out of the wash to make sure that the grease stain is all gone. If it is, great! Put it in the dryer as normal. But if a little grease remains, repeat with a few drops of Lemon, rub in and rewash before putting it in the dryer.

25. FOR LAUNDRY: NATURALLY SCENT YOUR LAUNDRY.  Add 2–4 drops of Lavender to unscented dryer sheets, wool dryer balls, or a clean washcloth to add a fresh scent to your laundry. And get rid of your scented dryer sheets that have loads of chemicals! Do you ever forget and leave your laundry in the wash for too long? Add 2-3 drops of Lemon to the laundry and re-wash. And viola, laundry is as good as new! Not only does it smell fresh and clean, but it is fresh and clean.

26. FOR IRONING. Add a drop of your favorite oil to a damp cloth and place on top of clothing when ironing to infuse your ironed clothing and sheets with fragrance.

27. ADD LAVENDER TO YOUR BEDSHEETS TO PROMOTE RESTFUL SLEEP.  Add a few drops of Lavender to the rinse cycle when washing your sheets. Lavender is calming and will promote restful sleep.

28. KEEP BUGS OUT OF THE PANTRY.  Wipe down shelves with a mix of white vinegar and a few drops of Tea Tree (Melaleuca), or Peppermint.

29. FOR NAUSEA & MORNING SICKNESS.  Add a few drops of Lavender to the rinse cycle when washing your sheets. Lavender is calming and will promote restful sleep.

30. FOR COLD AND FLU SEASON.  During cold and flu season, use REVIVE Essential Oils to prevent contracting a cold or the flu.  Or use it to address symptoms or reduce the length.  Take three drops each of Oregano and Frankincense with a 12 ounce glass of water once a day if you’re not sick and three times a day if you are.

31. REDUCE STRETCHMARKS.  Mix 5 drops each of Frankincense and Lemon with Coconut Oil.  Massage into stretch marks for 2 minutes.  Repeat daily.

32. REDUCE WRINKLES.  Add a few drops of Lavender to the rinse cycle when washing your sheets. Lavender is calming and will promote restful sleep.

33. REDUCE AGE SPOTS AND SUN SPOTS.  Apply Frankincense 3 times a day directly on skin with age spots or sun spots.  Repeat daily for 30 days.

34. TO WHITEN TEETH.  Combine 3 drops of Lemon, Coconut Oil, and Fresh Strawberries and rub onto teeth for 2 minutes.  Rinse.  Repeat daily for 10 days.

35. REDUCE SCALP ITCHINESS.  Add 3-5 drops of Lavender or Cedarwood to your Shampoo in the shower.  Rinse off.  Repeat until you’re scalp stops itching.

36. REDUCE HOT FLASHES.  Apply 1 drop of Peppermint to the bottom of each foot.  Apply 1 drop of Peppermint to the back of your neck.

37. REDUCE ACNE.  Apply 2-3 drops of Tea Tree (Melaleuca) to a cotton ball and apply to the acne.  Repeat for 10 days. Make a homemade face wash by mixing 5 drops of Tea Tree (Melaleuca) with a teaspoon of raw honey.  Rub on face and then rinse of with water. Repeat daily.  If you have acne scars or to prevent acne scars, do the following: Make a paste by mixing the following ingredients: 2 teaspoons raw honey, 3 drops  Lavender, 3 drops Tea Tree (Melaleuca), 3 drops Frankincense.  Wash and dry your face, then apply the paste and let it sit for an hour before rinsing off.  Repeat as appropriate.

38. FRESHEN BREATH.  Use 1 drop of Peppermint below the tongue to naturally freshen breath.

39. NATURALLY THICKEN HAIR.  Add a 3 drops of Rosemary to your shampoo in the shower to naturally thicken hair.  Use regularly for best results.

40. FOR MASSAGE THERAPY.  Add 2-3 drops of Lavender or Cedarwood to an unscented lotion.  Massage into your skin.

41. TO IMPROVE BRAIN FUNCTION, HELP YOU CONCENTRATE OR STUDY.  REVIVE recommends Peppermint, or Lavender.  These oils help improve brain function, help with focus, concentration, productivity, studying, and memory.  Diffuse or apply topically to your wrists or temples.

42. TO IMPROVE CIRCULATION.  Our circulation system is in charge of moving our blood through our body, as well as oxygen, nutrients, and other compounds that help you move.  The body’s circulatory system is responsible for moving blood throughout the entire body. When this flow is disrupted, you can suffer from a variety of health problems. However, the majority of circulation blockages are caused by a lack of oxygen in the body. This can reduce your overall health and effectiveness of your lymphatic system.  To improve circulation, REVIVE recommends diffusing Lavender throughout the day.

43. TO LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE.  The best way to improve blood pressure is through diet and exercise.  Don’t skimp on those. Alongside diet and exercise, we recommend  Lavender, and Frankincense. Essential oils can lower blood pressure by dilating arteries, acting as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and by decreasing emotional stress.

44. FOR NATURAL MOTH BALLS.  Make your own natural mothballs. Put a few drops of Lavender  on a few cotton balls and place them in your closet and drawers. This should keep the moths away and give you great, fresh smelling clothes!

45.  KEEP SPIDERS AWAY.  Spiders hate the smell of Peppermint . Mix 15 drops of Peppermint and a cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake well and then spray all around your home (inside and out) where spiders hang out or might enter your home. Make sure to get corners or rooms, baseboards, around porches, doors, and windows.

46. FRESHEN STINKY SHOES.  Get rid of that funky smell in your shoes or boots using a cotton ball and Essential Oils. Apply a few drops of  Tea Tree (Melaleuca)Lemon, or Lavender to cotton balls.  Put one cotton ball inside each shoe.  Leave it overnight and the odors should be gone in the morning.  If not, repeat for a couple of nights.

47.  DIFFUSE YOUR HOME WITHOUT A DIFFUSER. Take your favorite Essential Oil or Blend (for us that’s REVIVE Immunity Boost (Thieves)) and put a few drops on wooden clothespins.  Then clip the clothespins to all your vents in your home. When your heating or air conditioning runs, air will flow over the clothespins and your whole house will smell great! Refresh weekly with more drops of Essential Oil.

48.  STRENGTHEN YOUR FINGERNAILS & TOENAILS. If your nails don’t look the way you want, if they’re dry or brittle or otherwise unhealthy: Add 1 drop of Tea Tree (Melaleuca) to 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and then apply this mixture directly onto your nails and massage in to strengthen them.

49. AS A CAR AIR FRESHNER. Take a wooden clothespin. Add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to the wood of the clothespin and clip the clothespin to your car’s AC vent. When you turn on your car’s fan and air comes out of your vents, the air will blow over and around the clothespin and circulate the essential oils in your car.

50. MAKE MINT HOT CAROB. What can you add to Hot Carob?  Add 3 drops of Peppermint to Hot Carob and voila, you’ve got Mint Hot Carob!!!

To order essential oils here is the link to great oils with FREE shipping and FREE returns.

They have a referral program where you can refer your friends to REVIVE. 

Follow the link below so you can receive a $10 gift card for a $50+ purchase, and I'll get a $10 Gift Card for my next $50+ purchase.




PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got the info from:

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ener-G Baking Powder

The use of soda or baking-powder in bread making is harmful and unnecessary. Soda causes inflammation of the stomach, and often poisons the entire system. Many housewives think that they can not make good bread (or anything else) without soda, but this is an error...”  {TSDF 143.6  

I was on a very conservative SDA website and saw a delicious recipes for one of my favorite type of cookies.

I was very saddened to see that they use “aluminum free” baking powder and/or soda.


Our message is to stay away from baking powder and soda (aka saleratus) of ALL kinds.

“...Saleratus in any form should not be introduced into the stomach; for the effect is fearful. It eats the coatings of the stomach, causes inflammation, and frequently poisons the entire systemSome plead, “I cannot make good bread or gems unless I use soda or saleratus.” 

Here is a definition from 2 different websites


saləĖˆrādəs/ noun

1. Sodium Bicarbonate (or sometimes potassium bicarbonate) as the main ingredient of baking powder.


A leavening agent consisting of 
potassium or sodium bicarbonate.

Calcium Bicarbonate or Carbonate does the same thing as far as the lining of the stomach goes.


1. Hain's Featherweight has Potassium Bicarbonate
To Use In Your Favorite Recipes: In any recipe calling for regular baking powder, replace with the same amount of Featherweight Baking Powder. Cannot be used as a replacement for baking soda. Other Ingredients: Monocalcium phosphate, potato starch and potassium bicarbonate.

2. Rumford's Aluminum Free also has Sodium Bicarbonate

3. Egg Replacer has Calcium Carbonate
Ener-G Egg Replacer Ingredients: Potato Starch, Tapioca Flour, Leavening (Calcium LactateCalcium Carbonate, Cream of Tartar), Cellulose Gum, Modified Cellulose.

EnerG Baking Powder:  Ener-G Baking Powder. Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Glucono Delta Lactone, Citric Acid.


Here is what their website says…

CALCIUM CARBONATE, (a white, insoluble solid occurring naturally as chalk, limestone, marble, and calcite, and forming MOLLUSK SHELLS and stony corals.) It is a poison to the body!

MAGNESIUM CARBONATE, (Magnesium carbonate, MgCO₃, is an inorganic salt that is a white solid. Several hydrated and basic forms of magnesium carbonate also exist as minerals.) Not a good ingredient….also a poison to the body.

We shouldn't be getting calcium from anything but our food. Carbonates and bicarbonates are poison.

GLUCONO DELTA LACTONE, (Glucono delta-lactone, also known as gluconolactone, is a food additive with the E number E575 used as a sequestrant, an acidifier, or a curing, pickling, or leavening agent. It is a lactone of D-gluconic acid.)

CITRIC ACID (Citric Acid is FERMENTED – it comes from GMO BLACK MOLD, Not Fruit – Citric acid is obtained also by fermentation of glucose with the aid of the mold Aspergillus niger and can be OBTAINED SYNTHETICALLY FROM ACETONE OR GLYCEROL. Citric and lactic acids are produced by fermentation which utilized a carbohydrate source such as corn based starch and sugar beet molasses. Fermentation yields a crude purity product which requires further refiningOne refining technique utilities a precipitation process, this process first uses lime to produce calcium citrate solids, this is then contacted with sulfuric acid which produces a partially purified soluble citric acid and calcium sulfate by product. Another technique used is solvent extraction. These processes produce streams which require demineralization by ion exchange.

So after reading all of this I say this is NOT a healthy product.....besides the fact we have this counsel:

“…SALERATUS IN ANY FORM should not be introduced into the stomach; for the effect is fearful. It eats the coatings of the stomach causes inflammation and  frequently poisons the entire system…” (CD 343.5)

saləĖˆrātəs / noun
Sodium bicarbonate (or sometimes potassium bicarbonateas the main ingredient of baking powder.

***Calcium bicarbonate is the ingredient found in Baking Soda



PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Friday, June 28, 2024

End Of The Road For Antibiotics? What?

Below is a list of problems people get taking antibiotics and teaching what you can do naturally instead for the problem.

¼ -½ cup olive oil 
6-8 cloves of garlic chopped

***Put the olive oil in a small pot on the stove and turn on flame low, then add the chopped garlic and only keep in long enough until the oil is heated, but garlic is not not cook the garlic. Remove from heat and let cool. You can strain the garlic and put this oil in a glass jar and keep in a dark place (somewhere in your cabinet). When needed, dip a cotton ball in the oil and then put 3-4 drops into affected ear. Plug ear with either tissue or small piece of cotton ball.

***CAUTION: DO NOT USE THIS REMEDY IF THE PERSON PUNCTURED THE EAR DRUM (you should find out if they were putting anything in their ear before the pain started)

3 Grapefruit (cut in 1/8ths...squeeze the juice into stock pot and put peels in there as well) 
2 Onions (chopped in medium-sized pieces) 
2 Lemons (cut in 1/4ths; squeeze the juice into a pot and put peels in the pot as well) 
Garlic bulbs (not the small cloves but the whole bulb) peeled and chopped fine 
1 t. cayenne pepper 
1/2 t. peppermint oil (opt., but highly recommended. Can purchase at 
1/2 tsp Echinacea (optional) 
8 c. water

***Put all ingredients into a stock pot. Bring to a boil, then turn the flame down, cover, and simmer x 10 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup every half hour...
***CAUTION: Do not use grapefruit if you are on statins (medications for cholesterol), or some blood pressure medication. Use oranges instead if you are not diabetic. If you are diabetic, use 5 lemons.

In a large Coffee Mug, more like a soup Mug, put the following:
Juice of two lemons
1/4 - 1/2 t. cayenne pepper
4 garlic cloves chopped
1 inch piece of fresh ginger grated
1 t. Vitamin C powder (if you don't have the powder, give them 1000 mg tablet or capsule the first hour in the morning, then 500 mg every hour x 8 hours
2 drops of Eucalyptus oil (don't worry if you don't have it)
1 T. honey
Fresh squeezed juice of 1/2 grapefruit (optional, but this is great stuff...never give to someone who is on cholesterol meds)

Pour boiling water over this and cover with a saucer for 15 to 20 minutes...and drink...this works like a charm.

• ¼ c. honey from Trader Joe’s, a Farmer’s Market, or Honey Farm(best not to use raw honey with this recipe)
• 16 cloves of fresh garlic chopped or minced
• 1 tsp. cayenne pepper(90,000 heat units….may use store kind, but do 2 tsp., instead of 1)

***Mix the above well. Take ½ tsp. every ½ hour x 12 hours. OR 1 tsp. every hour x 12 hours. In 12 hours, you would have finished the concoction.
***YOU MUST FOLLOW protocol 100% or this will not be effective.
***One recipe is for one person for a 12 hr. period.

• Immediately, into 1 ½ inches of water in a small cup, put 1 full dropper of Lobelia Tincture + 2 full droppers of Mullein Tincture

ALSO, Place a couple of drops each of Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oil into a pot of boiling water and stand over inhaling or place a couple drops of each in the HHN (Hand Held Nebulizer)

Also do water treatments to chest/back area where lungs are (10 minutes hot, 3 minutes cold…Do 3 rotations)
Also, do deep breathing exercises in the open air
Rub Eucalyptus oil mixed with Olive Oil over chest/back lungs area
One more thing...1 drop of Propolis dropped in a Hand Held Nebulizer (HHN) will help zap the bacteria out.

Also, add 2 drops each of eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil with a little water in the handheld nebulizer to do 
breathing treatments.

Eat 2 cloves of raw garlic, 2-3 x day.

Do the same as for Asthma 
Eat 2-6 large cloves of garlic every day as long as not on any blood thinners

1 dropperful of Lobelia
2 dropperfuls of Mullein 

Put those dropperfuls into 1 ½ inches of warm water in a small cup…Stir in and drink. Do this 2 x day
• THIS MAY BE USED FOR ALL BREATHING DIFFICULTIES (tinctures should be non-alcoholic)

½ c. olive oil
3 drops eucalyptus oil 
3 drops peppermint oil  
***Mix together well. Rub over chest and back area (where lungs are) and bottom of the feet.
Be sure to put socks on afterwards to keep oil on feet.

Clove Oil + activated charcoal
Mix 1-2 tsp. activated charcoal with a couple drops of clove oil. Add a few drops of water. 
Mix and spread in quarter size piece of gauze, folding the gauze then placing back in infected tooth area
May spread a charcoal paste over the jaw area on the outside of mouth as well

MRSA (AKA Staph Infection)
• The best two foods to eat and apply topically are:

Juice 1-2 large garlic cloves or mince finely and mix with ¼ to 1/3 c. honey
Apply to affected area
Eat 1 Tbsp. honey 1-2 x day
Eat 2 cloves garlic 2-3 x day
Do this x 7 days

1 fresh Lemon Juice drop in each eye
Charcoal compresses over the eye for 30 minutes 2 x day. Look on YouTube on how to make a charcoal poultice. Use a Bounty Paper Towel to wrap your poultice in.


Immerse in hot water as hot as can be tolerated and soak x 3 minutes.
Switch to very cold water x 30 seconds
Do 5 rotations of this 2 x day (preferably morning + evening)
Apply honey over the affected area

Be sure to only use honey from Trader Joes, a Farmer’s Market, or a Honey Farm, because the pollen has been removed from all other honey, making it non-medicinal, less effective

To order essential oils here is the link to great oils with FREE shipping and FREE returns.

They have a referral program where you can refer your friends to REVIVE. 

Follow the link below so you can receive a $10 gift card for a $50+ purchase, and I'll get a $10 Gift Card for my next $50+ purchase.



DISCLAIMER: The information provided below has been proven both effective and beneficial for hundreds of years. However, due to certain laws/restrictions, the information provided is not to diagnose, claim to prevent, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to provide a diagnosis. Therefore, if you are ill, have any disease, are pregnant, or just improving your health, we are required to tell you to consult a medical doctor for medical advice, treatment and services.

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.