Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Pain and Fever Control Without Aspirin

The most common uses of aspirin are pain relief and fever reduction. But aspirin is a major cause of death in children up to 6 years of age, mainly from overdosesChildren, especially, should not be exposed unnecessarily to any drug, and never expose the unborn baby to drugs, no matter how mild, as many infants are marked for life because of a small exposure to a chemical which the mother took while she was pregnant. Often the defect in the child is of a biochemical nature rather than structural damage. This means they may lack certain enzymes needed to digest particular nutrients or make an essential blood component.

To control pain, use hot and cold, or alternating applications of both, applying the heat or cold by a variety of different routes: heating pad, hot water bottle, ice cap, or an ordinary jar filled with ice or hot water and wrapped in a towel. Other methods include a hot tub bath, a hot shower, a short cold bath or shower (30-120 seconds in cold water of 50-65 degrees). Usually, hot water applied directly to the pain, if practicable, is the most effective, the temperature being 105-110 degrees. Generally, the hot application should be as hot as can be tolerated and the cold applications should be as cold as you can get them. Wring a towel from hot water and place it on the painful part for 3-6 minutes. Replace the hot compress with an ice-cold compress for 30-60 seconds. Alternate in this fashion for 3-5 changes.

If headache relief is needed, put the feet in hot water for 30 minutes. The headache will dissolve into the footbath! If you have severe diabetes or have had blockage of arteries to the legs don't use this treatment.

Common fevers can easily be treated by sitting in a hot tub from 105-110 degrees until the skin is quite red, and profuse sweating occurs. Keep an ice-cold cloth on the forehead. Take a cup of hot water or hot tea when sweating begins. When the skin is red and sweating profusely, after 10-20 minutes, then finish off the remedy as follows:

(1) Work fast to take a brief spray of cool water over the entire body from the chin downward;
(2) then a quick friction rub-down with a course towel;
(3) wrap a bathrobe around you, jump into bed and sweat for half an hour;
(4) arise, take a brief, normal shower if needed to cleanse the skin and relieve a sense of chilliness after sweating, and
(5) re-dress.

If the treatment has been a good one, a sensation of weakness may develop after a minute or so of standing, because of the transfer of blood from the interior of the body to the exterior, much as in a sunburn. This is normal, because of extensive reddening of the skin.

If you feel yourself in the very beginning stages of a cold or illness, try the hot bath and cold quick shower, drinking large amounts of warm water to cleanse your system. You may never get the bug because this treatment will put your immune system into high gear.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Arthritis and OTC Drugs


1. Increase your water intake to half your weight in ounces each day. According to the book YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER, ONE OF THE MAIN CAUSES OF ARTHRITIS IS DEHYDRATION.

2. REMOVE ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS FROM YOUR DIET. It has been proven that animal products can cause inflammation in the body, a weakening of the joints and a loss of calcium by having too much protein due to the animal product consumption. (1 Egg can cause inflammation in the body for up to 30 days in many people)

3. BE SURE TO EAT ENOUGH FOOD HIGH IN CALCIUM (Dark Leafy Greens, Nuts (closed fist full each day...they are to be raw and unsalted) and Seeds (2 T. each day)

4. BE SURE YOUR VITAMIN D LEVELS ARE WHERE THEY SHOULD BE (80-100 mg/ml)....if they are not, your calcium won't absorb properly, and you can therefore have arthritic problems....Get plenty of sunshine every day (about 1 hour every minimum day before 12:00 pm)...Not naked or all your skin sure you are covered with proper clothing....all that really needs to be exposed to get the proper amount is your face and hands...Medical Science is now showing that if you want to avoid sun burning and skin cancer, wear more clothes (long sleeves, long pants, long skirts for ladies, etc.)

5. EAT A MINIMUM OF 3 FRUIT EVERY DAY, INCLUDING 1 CITRUS...Fruit are very high in vitamins and antioxidants and have been shown to lessen the symptoms of arthritis.

6. EAT AT LEAST 2-3 VEGETABLES A DAY (be sure 2 are green and 1 is orange) not eat coarse vegetables raw. Cook those until tender....Include CILANTRO & PARSLEY in your diet...GREEN VEGGIES ARE VERY HIGH IN MAGNESIUM, and MANY, MANY TIMES, ARTHRITIS IS MANIFESTED AS A SYMPTOM OF VERY LOW LEVELS OF MAGNESIUM. Go to if you would like your Magnesium levels properly checked (a blood test is an inaccurate test because only 1% of Magnesium is found in the blood...99% of the Magnesium is found in the tissues).

7. TAKE 2 TABLESPOONS OF BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES (by Plantation) EVERY DAY (if you are not diabetic)....THIS STUFF is extremely high in minerals.

8. WALK A MINIMUM OF 1 HOUR OF BRISK WALKING EACH DAY IF POSSIBLE {start out small, 5 minutes and add 1 minute extra each day until you reach 60 minutes (if you have to)}.....believe it or not, walking has a wonderful impact on the helps oxygenate the blood, bringing that blood flow to the painful areas.

9. STAY AWAY FROM ALL “NIGHTSHADES” FOOD (potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes)....these have a tendency of worsening the condition.

10. STAY AWAY FROM ALL FOOD COLORING, MSG (look online for 30+ hidden names of MSG), ASPARTAME, ADDITIVES, PRESERVATIVES, SOY SAUCE, ETC. These harmful ingredients are know to worsen the problem as well.

11. SQUEEZE THE JUICE OF 2 LEMONS INTO 16 OZ. OF WATER EVERY MORNING UPON ARISING. This helps with any pain, inflammation, etc. Lemon Juice helps the body to become Alkaline and not Acidic.

12. EAT MORE ALKALINE FOODS AND LESS ACIDIC FOODS. Be sure that your plate has more alkaline that acidic. Here is a chart where you can see which is which.

Keep in mind that you do need some healthy acidic foods in the diet, but not the majority of your diet for the day.


If the Holy Spirit so impresses you, PLEASE DONATE TODAY (button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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Monday, December 16, 2024

Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

10 T. salt
20 T. olive oil

Combine the ingredients together and pour the mix in a glass bottle. Store it away for a few days until you get a light mixture.

Massage the painful area with this mix for 2-3 minutes the first day. Add another 2-3 minutes to your massage every day until you reach 20 minutes. When you finish with the massage gently remove the excess oil from your skin using a wet towel. This might slightly irritate your skin but you can apply cornstarch on the massaged areas to ease the irritation. The treatment should last for about 10 days.

If you apply this treatment you are going to be surprised by the results. It improves blood circulation, muscle and bone tissue regeneration; it renews cervical spine blood flow, improves your vision and eliminates headaches. During this healing period you’ll see drastic changes as your body will detoxify and this will lead to a fast and steady metabolism. The treatment could make you feel a bit sleepy or dizzy at times, don’t worry, that’s normal and it won’t happen very often. There are no other side effects, you can only benefit from it and be amazed by the results.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Organic Foods

There are currently NO LIMITS set by the USDA for contamination of certified organic foods. A product may be USDA organic and still contain deadly levels of mercury, arsenic, or lead. The USDA does not test or even regulate heavy metals in foods via its organic-certified program!

Learn more here:


Top offenders include Peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes (imported), spinach, lettuce, and potatoes. Always buying these foods organic is ideal.


Fruits and Vegetables: 
With fruits and vegetables, many of them contain thin or edible skins that can contain pesticide residue. In addition, some of them have to be heavily sprayed due to their high level of pests.

Here is a list of fruits and vegetables ranked in order of most or least pesticide load:

(Arranged in order of highest to lowest pesticide load) Fruits: Sweet Bell Peppers, Peaches, Apples, Nectarines, Strawberries, Cherries, Hot Peppers, Grapes, Pears, Raspberries, Plums, Oranges, Tangerine, Cantaloupe, Lemon, Honeydew, Winter Squash, Tomatoes, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Blueberries

(Arranged in order of highest to lowest pesticide load) Vegetables: Celery, Lettuce, Spinach, Potatoes, Carrots, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Sweet Potatoes

Their thick skins protect the fruit from pesticide buildup.

How to Buy It: You want an avocado that is slightly unripe and is firm to the squeeze, they will ripen in a few days of sitting on your kitchen counter. Store at room temperature. Even though you won't be using the skin of the avocado, be sure to rinse it anyway before you open it up.

The banana peel isn't eaten and it's where the pesticide stays.

How to Buy It: You'll want to think of how you are going to use the banana before you choose it.  If choosing green (where the peel is pale yellow and the tips are green), their taste will be somewhat tart. You will want to let them ripen before eating. If choosing where the peel is mostly all yellow, the pulp will still be firm but their starch content will have started to turn to sugar. These, as just as the green ones, may need to ripen a bit more. If choosing a banana with signs of brown spots with the peel a deeper yellow color, the banana will be sweetest in taste and work well mashed and added to baked goods like banana bread recipes. Store at room temperature. If they're unripe, you can place them in a brown paper bag to ripen.

It has a rough and spiny skin that protects it from pests and pesticide residue.

How to Buy it: Although the sweet smell of pineapple can be alluring, you don't want to use your nose on this one because it usually means that it is overripe. Like any fruit, avoid soft spots and also avoid damage to the rind. Store in the refrigerator or on the counter if you plan to use it within a day or two.

Its fuzzy skin acts as a barrier to pesticides, but be sure to wash them before use.

How to Buy It: When buying kiwi, you have to use your nose. Sniff out kiwis that smell good. The kiwi you choose should be plump and yield to a squeeze like that of a ripe pear. Don't pick any with moist areas on their surface or any skin bruising. If unripe kiwi are all that are available, simply take them home and place them in a paper bag at room temperature with other fruits that need more time, such as bananas or pears. Store in the refrigerator vegetable drawer.

This fruit has a thick skin that protects it from pesticides, but you still want to wash it before use. 

How to Buy It: There are different varieties of mangoes, but in general look for those that are bright in color such as red, yellow, or orange. You can use your nose again here because it should have a significant fruity smell, if not don't buy it. They should be slightly firm but yield to your touch somewhat. (Usually, the sweeter mango is the one that is softer to the touch.) However, if it is too soft, it could be rotten inside, so choose carefully. They are best stored in the refrigerator fruit or vegetable drawer.

Pesticide residue stays on papaya skin, but wash the skin before using.

How to Buy it: Papaya colors come in colors ranging between yellow and green. Choose one that is slightly soft and shows no signs of bruising or that doesn't appear shriveled. If they're not fully ripened you can put them in a brown bag once you get home. If they are ripe, store them in the refrigerator.

This vegetable faces fewer threats from pests, therefore needing less pesticide.

How to Buy It: You want firm spears with purplish or bright green tips. Buy about 1/2 pound per person. Try to choose spears that are similar in size and thickness to ensure uniform cooking. Keep them in the refrigerator vegetable drawer and rinse before using (even if you're going to boil them).

Conventional broccoli crops face fewer pest threats, like asparagus, so they require less pesticide use.

How to Buy It: It should be deep green in color and the stalks should be firm and not rubbery. Wash in cool water while changing the water a couple of times in the process before use. Store in the refrigerator vegetable drawer.

Like asparagus and broccoli, it doesn't need a lot of pesticides while it is growing.

How to Buy It: You want a cabbage head where the leaves are tight, you also want it to be heavy for its type and firm. For most cabbage varieties, you'll want to make sure the outer leaves are shiny and crisp. The exception to this rule is savory cabbage, as it forms a looser head and the leaves grow crinkly naturally. Don't buy any heads whose leaves are yellowing. Bok choy should have deep green leaves with their stems a crisp-looking white. Make sure to remove the outer leaves of the cabbage before using it. Cabbage can be washed or spun, just as you would lettuce. Store in the refrigerator vegetable drawer.

As many others listed they don't see as many pest threats, which means less pesticide use.

How to Buy it: You want an onion that is firm and has a distinct onion smell but not but not too strong. You also don't want to choose one with signs of damage or soft spots. Keep in a cool dry place, or in the refrigerator.

Sweet Bell Peppers
Another fruit that usually makes the dirty dozen list because it tends to have high pesticide residue is the sweet bell pepper, in all of its colorful varieties. Nearly 50 different pesticides have been detected in sweet bell peppers.

America's favorite vegetable is the potato; unfortunately, more than 35 pesticides have been detected on potatoes in USDA testing. Sweet potatoes offer a delicious alternative with less chance of pesticide residue. Because they're root vegetables they absorb just about anything that's in the soil, so any excess chemicals in the soil will likely make their way into the plant, according to the article. And to make matters worse, potatoes are among the most-sprayed vegetables.

Blueberries usually make the dirty dozen list, since more than 50 pesticides have been detected as residue on them. Frozen blueberries have proved somewhat less contaminated. Unfortunately, obvious alternatives like cranberries and cherries, while they may not make the dirty dozen list this year, are often contaminated themselves. For breakfast cereal, if you can't find blueberries, consider topping with bananas.

If the cost of buying all organic isn't within your budget, fear not. Check out The Daily Green's list of fruits and vegetables so clean of pesticides that you don't have to buy organic. (Of course, buying organic is always a good choice for the health of farms and farm workers, regardless of the residue left on the end product.) The feature also includes tips for buying, cleaning, storing, and using each fruit and vegetable – as well as delicious recipes! Here's a look at the Environmental Working Group's 2011 Clean 14 list:

1. Onions
2. Sweet Corn (I disagree, corn is GMO)
3. Pineapple
4. Avocado
5. Asparagus
6. Sweet peas
7. Mango
8. Eggplant
9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
10. Kiwi
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Sweet Potatoes
14. Grapefruit

If you only buy some items organic, you should prioritize the twelve items the group labels “The Dirty Dozen”: Peaches, Apples, Nectarines, Strawberries, Cherries, Imported Grapes, Pears, Sweet Bell Peppers, Celery, Lettuce, Spinach, and Potatoes.

The most consistently clean produce: Avocados, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi, bananas, onions, sweet corn, asparagus, sweet peas, cabbage, broccoli, and eggplant.


Here's a reliable source review of what to buy organic. Of course, it would be optimal if we could buy everything organic, but with soaring produce and food prices, this list can help you pick and choose the organic produce that you should buy.

  1. Peaches (worst: highest pesticide load)
  2. Apples
  3. Sweet Bell Peppers
  4. Celery
  5. Nectarines
  6. Strawberries
  7. Cherries
  8. Lettuce
  9. Grapes-imported
  10. Pears
  11. Spinach
  12. Potatoes
  13. Carrots
  14. Green Beans
  15. Hot Peppers
  16. Cucumbers
  17. Raspberries
  18. Plums
  19. Oranges
  20. Grapes-Domestic
  21. Cauliflower
  22. Tangerine
  23. Mushrooms
  24. Cantaloupe
  25. Lemon
  26. Honeydew Melon
  27. Grapefruit
  28. Winter Squash
  29. Tomatoes
  30. Sweet Potatoes
  31. Watermelon
  32. Blueberries
  33. Papaya
  34. Eggplant
  35. Broccoli
  36. Cabbage
  37. Bananas
  38. Kiwi
  39. Asparagus
  40. Sweet Peas-Frozen
  41. Mango
  42. Pineapples
  43. Sweet Corn-Frozen
  44. Avocado
  45. Onions (best: lowest pesticide load)

The fruits and vegetables on “The Dirty Dozen” list, when conventionally grown, tested positive for at least 47 different chemicalswith some testing positive for as many as 67. For produce on the “dirty” list, you should definitely go organic — unless you relish the idea of consuming a chemical cocktail.

“The Dirty Dozen” list includes:
  • Apples
  • Celery
  • Cherries
  • Domestic Blueberries
  • Imported Grapes
  • Lettuce
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach, Kale, and Collard Greens
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Bell Peppers

All the produce on “The Clean 15” bore little to no traces of pesticides, and is safe to consume in non-organic form. This list includes:
  • Onions
  • Avocados
  • Sweet Corn
  • Pineapples
  • Mango
  • Sweet Peas
  • Asparagus
  • Kiwi Fruit
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Grapefruit
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Sweet Onion


1. Baby Food – The very young are extraordinarily susceptible to pesticides. Here are some organic baby food brands, Earth's BestTender Harvest, and Healthy Times, which are available for your baby's safety and health. Or better yet, make your own baby food by cooking and pureeing organic produce. See “Make Your Own Baby Food”.

2. Strawberries – Enjoy them while they are in season from local organic farms or buy frozen organic strawberries from your local whole market.

3. Rice – Domestic rice has mega-doses of pesticides, and now, the chemicals companies are producing “pharm” rice a crop used to produce and store pharmaceuticals. Buy organic rice where you can find it! Store it in an airtight container. It stores very well.

4. Green and Red Bell Peppers – Super sources of Vitamin C, but wrought with pesticides if grown “conventionally”. Buy organic, or, better yet, grow your own. Seeds of Change has a plethora of organic seeds, and pepper plants prove to be a hardy bunch!

5. Got Milk? We hope not, at least, not from conventionally raised cows. Today's commercial brands are loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones. Milk and other dairy is filled with rBST, rBGH, and antibiotics.

If you are feeding your child goat milk, and/or goat products, be aware that our science community has now genetically-mutated a goat to spin silk (yes, clothing silk) in her milk. See the New Scientist article.

6. Corn – Corn is typically not a scale tipper when it comes to pesticide residues. But, take into account that 75- 90% of all domestic corn has been genetically modified, that the average American eats 11 pounds of it, that most cooking oils include corn oil, and that most everything is sweetened with corn syrup, and suddenly, buying organic corn and corn products, makes more than a little sense. Eat local organic corn in season and freeze some for later, or, leave some kernels to dry, and plant them in the spring. 

7. Bananas – This tropical favorite has a short window of ripeness and a very long distance to market (quick, how many local banana farms does your town have?). All of which adds up to a lot of heavy chemical dousing along the way.

8. Green Beans – Over 60 different pesticides are used on green beans. Even beans used in baby food have been found to be contaminated.

9. Peaches – Nothing beats a peach. Until you realize that they often have the highest rates of illegally applied pesticides. Isn't that just peachy?

10. Apples – A decade after the dangers of Alar were exposed, apples are still soaked in pesticides. Put only organic apples in your pie.

11. Cherries – Cherries, so expensive, so rich, so fabulous . . . so heavily doused in poison. Make sure that the cherries in your diet are as clean and wonderful as they were meant to be.

12. Celery – Why would anyone think of spraying the heck out of that innocuous little stem vegetable?! But they do. Stay organic, the taste of organic celery will amaze you and make you a celery lover once again.

13. Apricots and Grapes – Apricots, Peaches, and Grapes, what would summer be without them? Less toxic! Keep conventionally grown fruits and veggies, and their pesticide residuals, out of your system or minimize them with a vegetable rinse, such as the one by Healthy Harvest.

14. Soybeans – If you are not yet a label reader, it is time to start. Everything you buy, from bread to cookies to crackers to margarine to dry mixes, has some sort of soy product in it. Most soybeans in the USA are genetically modified.

Monsanto, in an effort to increase the use (and profit potential) of Round-Up Ready, spliced the herbicide into soybean plant DNA. Two problems with this action.

1) No matter what you or I do, we can never wash RoundUp Ready herbicide off the soybean--EVER. It is “permanently imbedded”.

2) It appears that soy increases the production of estrogen. High estrogen levels facilitate the potential for contracting various cancers and for hastening puberty in young children.

15. Potatoes – Mashed potatoes are delicious and worth the calories unless they're laden with pesticides or have been genetically modified.

When genetically modified, potatoes impair the immune system and shrink the brain, liver, and heart.

So, mash a clean, real, organic potato and forgo the new-fangled monstrosity.

Got soft, green-sprouting organic potatoes? Don't throw away those sprouting, wrinkly potatoes, bury them! They will grow wonderful potato plants! To get more of a yield, quarter the “old” potatoes before you plant them and you will get FOUR new potato plants!

16. Raisins – Concentrated little grapes, concentrated levels of pesticides.

17. Cucumbers – Ever wonder why this delicious crisp vegetable was losing its appeal on your palate? Yep! The answer is, once again, pesticides. The answer to pesticides, is, once again, go organic, or grow your own. :)


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