Monday, February 6, 2023

Carrageenan – Is It In Your Fridge?


The way CARRAGEENAN is chemically structured triggers an autoimmune response. Autoimmune responses lead to inflammation within the body.

The inflammation has been noticed more specifically in the gastrointestinal system. Ranging from belly bloat”, to (IBS) irritable bowel syndrome, to (IBD) Irritable bowel disease.

Prolonged inflammation within the body is a precursor to more serious health morbidity.

There are many inflammatory diseases that have been associated with the human body: inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, as well as cancers.

There is concern by scientists that the acidity found within the stomach causes “food grade” carrageenan to “degrade”, which would expose your digestive system to a recognized carcinogen.

“Carrageenan exposure clearly causes inflammation; the amount of carrageenan in food products is sufficient to cause inflammation; and degraded carrageenan and food-grade carrageenan are both harmful.” – Dr. Joanne Tobacman, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago Click here to read more from Dr. Joanne Tobacman

 “[Dr. Tobacman] explained that all forms of carrageenan are capable of causing inflammation. This is bad news. We know that chronic inflammation is a root cause of many serious diseases including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and cancer. All told, I recommend avoiding regular consumption of foods containing carrageenan.” – Dr. Andrew Weil

According to Bhattacharyya, Dedeja, and Tobacman’s journal article in 2008, numerous studies have been published identifying carrageenan’s unique chemical structure and how it triggers an immune response in the body, which is similar to the effects of pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella.

Carrageenan is a commonly used food additive that is extracted from red seaweed by using powerful alkali solvents. These solvents would remove the tissues and skin from your hands as readily as would any acid.

Carrageenan is a thickening agent. It's the vegetarian equivalent of casein, the same protein that is isolated from milk and used to thicken foods. Casein is also used to produce paints, and is the glue used to hold a label to a bottle of beer. Carrageenan is the magic ingredient used to de-ice frozen airplanes sitting on tarmacs during winter storms.

Carrageenan is about as wholesome as monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is extracted from rice, and can equally be considered natural. Aspartame (NutraPoison) is also natural, as it is extracted from decayed plant matter that has been underground for millions of years (oil). So too are many other substances such as carrageenan that can also be classified by FDA and USDA as wholesome and natural food additives.

Just because something comes from a natural source does not mean that it is safe. The small black dots in the eyes of potatoes contain substances that are instantly fatal if eaten. Got poison? You will if you eat the black dots on the "eyes" of potatoes.

Carrageenan is a gel. It coats the insides of a stomach, like gooey honey or massage oil. Digestive problems often ensue. Quite often, soy eaters or soymilk drinkers react negatively to carrageenan, and blame their discomforting stomachaches on the soy.

The largest selling soymilk in America is SILK. SILK tastes better than any of the commercially available soymilks. Unfortunately, consumers sacrifice good health for good taste. That is not a fair trade, particularly for our children.

SILK uses carrageenan.
Got info from following sources.


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Got info from another source.

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