1. A firm red bump.
2. Pus that drains from the bump that is either white, yellow tint, green, or a mixture of the three with blood.
3. Lastly, tenderness or swelling around the area of the bump.
The Lord has supplied many natural remedies for those who would solely rely upon His resources for healing. While there are many remedies for treating a boil, I have found that organic garlic and turmeric made into a paste, have been the most effective in treating boils.
Garlic contains a sulfur compound called allicin, which is a natural antibiotic. When crushed, garlic releases allicin allowing the garlic to then be used for the healing of infections and various diseases.
Turmeric, another powerful remedy, contains multiple healing properties, one of the main healing properties is carcumin. Carcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric is another natural antibiotic. Curcumin is well known for its effectiveness against bacteria, viruses, and even fungi.
To treat a boil at home, simply crush a clove of garlic, add 1/4 t. turmeric to the garlic, and a few drops of water until a paste is formed. Then, apply the paste mixture to the boil and put a bandage on top. This should be done twice a day. You will notice during the process that there is burning where the boil is located, this is a normal process as the boil begins to open and drain.
Continue this process until the boil has completely drained. It is also important to know that while a boil is not contagious, the bacteria that causes a boil is. You can prevent this bacteria from spreading by keeping proper hygiene and washing all clothing in hot water.
“There are simple herbs that can be used for the recovery of the sick, whose effect upon the system is very different from that of those drugs that poison the blood and endanger life.” -MS 73. 1908
Got info from another source.
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