Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Garlic and Cancer

One vegetable in particular---garlic---contains substances that are especially powerful weapons against cancer, says the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Cell culture studies have shown that garlic can help cancer cells die off, reports the American Cancer Society. The National Cancer Institute also says that garlic can induce the death of cancer cells and that garlic can reduce the rate at which cancer cells proliferate, thereby slowing the progression of cancer in the body. In laboratory studies, garlic has killed leukemia cells, and in animal studies, garlic has killed cancer cells in the lungs, breasts, stomach, esophagus, and colon, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Dr. Sujatha Sundaram, a researcher at Pennsylvania State University, found that it caused human bowel cancer tumour cells to shrink and die when transplanted into mice.

Dr. Sundaram was also responsible for finding another compound found in garlic that slowed the growth of breast cancer in rats.

Suggestion: Use Raw Garlic in your salads.


Raw Garlic: It is very well known that garlic contains all the elements except Vitamin D. It is also known that garlic essence warms the body and promotes better circulation of the blood .... Allicin, an oily substance contained in garlic, diluted as much as 200 times can kill typhoid germs. Its indeed Natural antibiotic!



Garlic Poultice

One of the Amazing natural remedy when someone in family is sick is garlic! Garlic is known to have strong antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal propertiesand there are no known side effects (other than smelling like garlic!) The most used garlic remedy in our household is a garlic poultice. It’s super easy to make and very effective! We use it on everyone (babies and adults) and it has helped to reduce fevers and to get rid of coughs & congestion. You can use garlic poultices on yourself (like if having flu-like symptoms) and it will make a huge difference!


First, get a few paper towels or a cheesecloth and lay it on the counter.

Second, crush or mince a few cloves of garlic into the middle of the paper towel or cheesecloth.

Third, fold the paper towel or cheesecloth to cover the garlic area. You can even staple it so it won’t fall out, but you don’t have to do that.

Fourth, get the paper towel or cheesecloth wet with hot water (but NOT boiling).

Lastly, put the wet garlic poultice on whatever area is bothering you. For example, if you have a cough/congestion then you would put it on your chest. You can also put it on the bottoms of your feet if the smell bothers you. Just make sure you don’t leave it on too long (more than around 90 seconds) because garlic can eventually cause burns. To avoid burning add some Olive oil or Castor Oil.

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