Q: Where did the Vegetarianism/Vegan Diet originate?
A: In the Garden of Eden, before sin entered this world (Genesis 1:29)
Q: What was the original diet given to man by God? (Genesis 1:29)
A: Seeds of herbs, fruits, nuts, grains (no vegetables were given until after sin) (Gen 3:18)
Because of sin, man would sweat when he tilled the cursed ground that would now have thorns & thistles (Genesis 3:17-19) and in the process of sweating, he would now lose what are called ELECTROLYTES, therefore, God gave the HERB OF THE FIELD (vegetables that grow out of the ground...carrots, beets, lettuce, greens, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, etc....Green beans and peas are not vegetables, they are legumes...anything with a seed in it like avocado, tomato, and eggplant are not vegetables...these existed before sin, and are also very beneficial for health).
God wants us in health (3 John 2) and He tells us to eat that which is good (Isaiah 55:2). He says, that when we are sick, He will give us good things to eat which will in turn renew our youth and give us energy. This will HEAL ALL OUR DISEASES. (Psalms 103:1-5)
The word good in the verse = beneficial. Food that is beneficial for health. Therefore, it does not include processed food, food coloring, additives, preservatives, MSG, Aspartame, Splenda, white products, which have been stripped of their nutrients, etc.
Also, God gave us several things in the Garden that are VERY CONDUCIVE FOR OUR HEALTH AS WELL: Nutrition (a 100% vegetarian diet), Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust in God (if you would like more details on how to apply each properly, just ask and I will send you info).
By following the above, along with REFRAINING FROM ALL FORMS OF ALCOHOL (Proverbs 20:1; Proverbs 23:31-35; Habakkuk 2:15), TOBACCO, TEA (Black, Green, White, Chai...not referring to herbal tea), COFFEE, CONDIMENTS,
SPICES, VINEGAR, FERMENTED ITEMS, COARSE VEGETABLES (see Education 204.3, 1T 680.2, & How to Live 31-33); DRUGS (recreational & medicinal....See Jeremiah 46:11; Ezekiel 47:12 and Revelation 22:2), and DRESSING PROPERLY, according to the Biblical standards, DISEASE WOULD BE VERY RARE AMONG GOD'S PEOPLE & THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD (See Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 6:24; Deuteronomy 28:15, 21-22, 27-28, 34-35, 60-61....these are natural consequences of not following God's original health laws)
Our bodies are to be the temple of the Holy Ghost, and we are not to treat them as we please. If we defile them, we will be naturally destroyed (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) (one of the ways we may defile our bodies is by what we eat and drink) (Daniel 1:8). We were bought with the blood of Jesus, therefore, our bodies are not our own, meaning we can't treat them any way we wish. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
As a result, WE ARE NOT TO TATTOO OUR BODIES (Leviticus 19:28) (if we have done this, just ask for forgiveness, but don't do it anymore (1 John 1:9) (Tattooing causes medical conditions as well. Were you aware that a large percent of those who get tattooed come down with Hepatitis C. HOW YOU MAY ASK? Because even though they change the needles, the ink is contaminated. It's like a back wash after doing a tattoo...the blood from the ink goes through the needle and some can get mixed into the ink inside the gun. A lot of people are unaware of this.
You see, YOU CANNOT SEPARATE GOD FROM TRUE HEALTH & HEALING. It's true. God is the designer of our bodies. (Psalms 139:13-14/Hebrews 10:5 "a body has thou prepared me") And He knows what is best for us.
God is the manufacturer of every human body. And his manufacture's guide is the Bible, and mankind is not to live without it (Matthew 4:4). If they do, they will truly reap their own ways. (Proverbs 14:12; Galatians 6:7)
We are told that the Bible brings healing (Matthew 8:16) (I know of deadly cases that walked out of hospitals 100% healed after being read the Bible).
All throughout the Bible it tells us how to have great health. God wants us to have health in BODY, SOUL, & SPIRIT (1 Thessalonians 5:23) And according to WHO (World Health Organization, this is what TRUE HEALTH IS) ...You see, most people are sick or dying from a sickness...And they that be whole need not a physician (Matthew 9:12) as Jesus tells us.
WHY ARE SO MANY SICK? Because they don't read the word & therefore they have no clue what brings true health. (Hosea 4:6)
Also, were you aware that helping others speeds up your recovery for health like nothing else in this world? (Isaiah 58:6-8)
WHY IS THIS? Because it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).
By the way, God told us that in the last days (see Hosea 3:5-4:3), THE ANIMAL KINGDOM WOULD BE DYING FROM SICKNESS and disease, therefore, He is leading His people back to His original Diet, AND EVEN MEDICAL SCIENCE IS SAYING THAT THIS DIET IS THE BEST FOR HEALTH. A documentary called FORKS OVER KNIVES said this diet could reverse about 90% of ALL disease in America and around the world.
Here is the link:
“Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, in proper combination, contain all the elements of nutrition; and when properly prepared, they constitute the diet that best promotes both physical and mental strength.” {Ed 204.3}
(Therefore, if you eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds every day, YOU DO NOT NEED A B-12 SHOT...Your body makes its own B-12 when all this food is consumed in 1 day).
So, if you want true health, don't skip out on reading the word every day. Follow all that is in here and if you have any questions, you may contact me as I am a Medical Missionary.
By God's grace, I DON'T SUFFER from pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. And it all goes to following God's Health Plan... THIS IS THE BEST HEALTH PLAN YOU COULD EVER BE ON.
P.S. If you or anyone you know is sick and would like to be put on a program that will bring positive results, then contact me. There are many people doing this work who are equipped to help you right where you are.
MORE VERSES REGARDING HEALING: Jeremiah 30:17; Exodus 23:25
***All verses from the KJV Bible.
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