Monday, November 21, 2022

Red Cabbage

Red Cabbage is one of the most healthful and least expensive vegetables available today. It is rich in vitamins C, K, & B-complex and minerals such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. It is also high in anthocyanin polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants that contain potent anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties.

Red Cabbage is well known for its high percentage of phyto-chemicals such as isothiocyanates, zea-xanthin, and lutein which can help to effectively protect the body against colon, breast, stomach, lung, and prostate cancer. It has also been shown to help lower cholesterol levels by working with bile acids in the digestive process to remove cholesterol from the blood. 

Red Cabbage is an ideal food for a healthy digestive tract as it is known to help reduce bad bacteria and promote good friendly bacteria (such as acidophilus) in the gut. Red cabbage is particularly beneficial for the nervous system and has even been shown to help reduce buildup of plaque in the brain that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. It is also an excellent food for ulcers, osteoporosis, constipation, heart disease, candida, age related macular degeneration, fibromyalgia, dementia, and weight loss.

Red Cabbage is also great for boosting the immune system and reducing chronic inflammation in the body.

Eat your red cabbage COOKED, as it is a coarse vegetable and raw vegetables steals iodine from the body and the enzyme is not released for proper mineral absorption.

In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plain. Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, COARSE VEGETABLES, candies, condiments, and pastries fail of supplying proper nutrimentMany a student has broken down as the result of using such foods…”  (Ed 204.3)

“Albumen of vegetable origin is better when cooked...”  {May 7, 1903 EJW PTUK 301.8}

“A Scotchman is launching a new form of vegetarianism in Paris. Its members eat and drink nothing but uncooked vegetable foods and natural liquids.”  {June 21, 1894 EJW, PTUK 398.13}

***Notice how in 1894, some Scotch man came up with the raw diet in food and drink.  THIS DID NOT COME FROM ADVENTISTS.  IF THIS WAS THE DIET FOR US, GOD WOULD HAVE GIVEN ELLEN WHITE THAT COUNSEL IN 1863 WHEN HE GAVE HER THE HEALTH MESSAGE.

Red cabbage pairs well with scallions, ginger, and/or sesame seeds.

Red cabbage can be readily found at your local grocery and health food store.


1. Improves Immunity
Vitamin E is said to improve overall immunity by producing a greater number of antibodies in the body. It also improves metabolism and helps in DNA repair. This vitamin is present in a high quantity in red cabbage.

2. Anti-ageing Properties
Red cabbage, which is a very rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, reduces the process of ageing. These vitamins give naturally beautiful and glowing skin. Vitamin E, which is present mostly in the outer leaves, gives the natural glow while Vitamin C which helps in anti-oxidation, maintains beautiful skin.

3. Prevents Free Radicals
Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant, is present in a high concentration in red cabbage. It prevents free radicals in the body. These radicals harm the tissues and also cause cancer.

4. For Healthy Eyes and Healthy Skin
Vitamin A maintains clear eyesight and this is present in a high amounts in red cabbage. This vitamin naturally acts as a moisturizer, thus keeping your skin soft, healthy and beautiful.

5. Low Fat with High Vitamins and Minerals
Red cabbage is one of those foods that contain very less fat and is a very good source of vitamins and minerals. It is also very low in calories.

6. Cleans the Body and Helps in Proper Digestion
Various minerals, especially sulfur which is present in a high quantity in red cabbage, is involved in cleaning the bowels. Helps in preventing indigestion and constipation.

7. Keeps Away Osteoporosis
Red cabbage is a rich source of calcium which should be taken by everyone. Including calcium in your daily diet can prevent osteoporosis in old age. Calcium-rich red cabbage can be easily found and taken regularly. This will help in strengthening your bones.

8. Cures Ulcers
The amino acid, glutamine cures ulcers well, especially peptic ulcer. It is present in a high concentration in red cabbage due to which its juice is used to treat ulcers since ages.

9. Fights against Cancer
Can you believe that red cabbage has 36 different anti- cancer chemicals in it? Anthocyanin is a class of flavonoids which protects the body from cancerous cells. Some of the anthocyanin flavonoids have double the anti-oxidant effects of Vitamin C. This anthocyanin is present in a high concentration in red cabbage. It’s also a rich source of indoles which prevent breast cancer in women. It inhibits the growth of tumor cells.

10. Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s
Anthocyanins are present in high concentrations in red cabbages when compared to that of white or green cabbages. These anthocyanins in red cabbage help in the prevention of plaque formation in the brain that is the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

11. Prevents Heart Inflammation
The high content of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants prevents inflammation in the heart which actually leads to blocking of the arteries.

12. Blood Pressure
Potassium in red cabbage helps in maintaining a healthy blood pressure which is good for the heart as well.

13. Helps in Weight Loss
The high fiber content in red cabbage always makes you feel full. It also contains fewer calories due to which you have a chance of low calorie intake, leading to weight loss.

14. Reduces Muscle Pain
Lactic acid which is rarely found in foods seems to reduce muscle painThis lactic acid is released while cooking the red cabbage or when a bacterium ferments the sugar in the cabbage.

The humble red cabbage is packed with lot of good things. So, include it in your regular diet but be sure to only eat it cooked.


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Got info from another source.

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