Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Turmeric Miracles

1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.

. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.

 Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.

4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.

5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.

6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.

7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.

8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.

9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.

10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.

11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.

12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.

13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.

14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

15. Repairs DNA

16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.

17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.

18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.

19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.

20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.


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Got info from another source.


  1. good morning my friend ;) 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespon per day? with the cauliflower we cook with the cauliflower or we put it raw to the cooked cauliflower? wich quantity?
    thank you and God bless your work

    1. 1 t. 3 times a day.

      Cook the cauliflower as it is a coarse vegetable and all coarse vegetables MUST be cooked to get proper enzymes and nutrients. Use to taste in cooking.
