Monday, June 25, 2018

Epilepsy (Seizures) - Things That Can Help

* Do not eat white breads or pasta, be sure to get whole grains.

* Keep the colon clean. Be sure to eat a high fiber diet. Stay away from ALL animal products. Pressure from a clogged colon can press against the ileocecal valve and release toxins which are absorbed by the bloodstream.

* Eat fresh fruit.

* Include cooked vegetables in your diet.

* Avoid white sugar and white flour products. Avoid fried foods, animal protein, and artificial sweeteners.

* Maintain a well-balanced, nutritious PLANT BASED diet. Do not overeat. Do not take in excess amounts of food or fluid at one time.

* Eat foods high in manganese. A lack of it can produce epilepsy. Women who lack it can give birth to epileptic children.

* Vitamin B6 deficiency has been linked as a factor in some cases of epilepsy.

* Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, folic acid, zinc, and amino acids are also involved. Get these from your fruits and vegetables, NOT supplements.

* Magnesium deficiency may cause muscle tremors and convulsive seizures.

* Avoid alcohol, caffeine, pesticides, and aluminum cookware. High levels of aluminum have been found in the brains of those with epilepsy. Aluminum is a conductor of electricity, and trace amounts in the brain may trigger seizures.

* The artificial sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet) has been linked to seizures.


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Got some info from another source.

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