Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Memory Improvement

Number ONE is to study scripture as that is the BEST you can do for your memory and here is the quote

“If medical students will study the word of God diligently, they will be far better prepared to understand their other studies; for enlightenment always comes from an earnest study of the word of God. NOTHING ELSE WILL SO HELP TO GIVE THEM A RETENTIVE MEMORY AS A STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES. Let our medical missionary workers understand that the more they become acquainted with God and with Christ, and the more they become acquainted with Bible history, the better prepared will they be to do their work.”  {CT 483.1} 

You also need to take these herbs: 
Ginko Biloba, Ginseng, and Gotu KolaRosemary, to boost your memory.

Then take coconut oil……working your way up to 1 T. a day and here is how:
Week 1: ¼ t. 3-4 times a day
Week 2: ½ t. 3-4 times a day
Week 3: 1 ½ t. 3-4 times a day
Week 4: 1 T. 3-4 times a day

Also, you need to follow ALL the laws of health, especially getting in the sun and exercising 30-60 minutes per day…..and NO DAIRY PRODUCTS as they are the worst thing for memory!!!

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Got info from another source.

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