Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hot Flashes


Black Cohosh – Relieves menopausal hot flashes, relieves menstrual cramps, helps circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, useful for nervousness and stress. In a recent German study on menopausal hot flashes, subjects were given estrogen, a Valium-like tranquilizer or black cohosh (Remifemin, two tablets twice a day). The herb, which is an option for women who can’t take estrogen, worked best. “The vast majority of studies show benefit,” says Mark Blumenthal, executive director of the American Botanical Council.

Note: Do not use during pregnancy.

Flaxseed for Menopausal Discomfort – Safety concerns have reduced the number of women on hormone replacement therapy, but flaxseed is rich in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) that can take the heat out of hot flashes. At Laval University in QuebecCanada, researchers gave 25 menopausal women HRT or flaxseed (1.4 ounces per day, mixed into food). After six months, flaxseed relieved hot flashes as effectively as HRT.

Ginger, sage and peppermint are good for hot flashes too.

Known Conditions Contributing to Health Problem:
Dairy products must be avoided; they contain antibiotics and hormones which disrupt the body’s natural estrogen.  Milk, cream cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese all contain hormones.  Avoid sugar and white products.  Meat should be avoided too as it contributes to hot flashes. Eliminate coffee, tea, alcohol and nicotine Where possible stay away from drugs, they disrupt the body and cause many side effects.  Stress puts a burden on the ADRENAL GLANDS causing them to overwork; therefore, the ADRENALS produce smaller amounts of hormones that are needed to help reduce the side effects of menopause.  The hypothalamus is the area of the brain that regulates the heat producing mechanism of the body.  Hot flashes can be the result of widespread blood vessel dilation when there is overwork/ stimulation of these glands.

Habits that Need to be Changed:
Daily lifestyle habits, such as eating patterns, exercise, mental, emotional and spiritual attitudes need strengthening.  Also improper dressing must be corrected to ensure a balance or circulation throughout the entire system.  Irregular hours of sleeping need to be corrected as adequate sleep and rest are essential for recharging the nervous system.

With good health habits following menopause, the ovaries continue to produce a reduced amount of estrogen and other glands take over.  The ADRENALS begin to form a type of female hormone which is used along with the small amount of ovarian estrogen.  With the right herbs, the body can continue producing the correct amount of hormones needed by the system; even the correct amount of progesterone is produced by other glands.

The LIVER needs to be strengthened and purified.  The LIVER has the job of filtering toxins that prevent the blood from accumulating excess hormones.  Diet change is helpful in cleaning the blood and bowels.

“Exercise would in many cases be better for the health than medicine.”
Exercise is very important during menopause form many reasons.  In particular, exercise may help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. As a result of the theory that impaired endorphin activity within the hypothalamus is a major factor in provoking hot flashes, researchers in Sweden designed a study to determine the effect of regular physical exercise on the frequency of hot flashes.  In the study, the frequency of moderate and severe hot flashes was investigated in seventy-nine postmenopausal women who took part in physical exercise on a regular basis and was compared to that in a control group of 866 postmenopausal women between fifty-two and fifty-four years old.  The study clearly demonstrated that regular physical exercise decreased the frequency and severity of hot flashes.  The women in the exercising group passed through a natural menopause without the use of hormone replacement therapy.  The physically active women who had no hot flashes whatsoever spend an average of 3.5 hours per week exercising, while women who exercised less than this amount were more likely to have hot flashes.  Similar results, including mood elevation in pre, peri, and postmenopausal exercising versus sedentary women, have been reported in other studies.  The benefits of exercise were experienced in women both on and off (Hormone Replacement Therapy: HRT).

The health benefits of regular exercise during menopause are numerous. Conditioning exercise is what is needed.  This is the type of exercise that will increase your endurance gradually. You may use three things to help guide you in the intensity that you exercise:
  • Learn what your safe ten-second pulse rate for your age should be during exercise.  Learn how to count your ten-second pulse beat and exercise up to that degree.
  • Exercise to the intensity that you are barely able to carry on a conversation with someone as you exercise
  • If you should develop chest pain during exercise, stop at that point.  Follow the advice of your physician.

Exercise a minimum of 20-30 minutes at the peak of endurance daily of at all possible, if not daily, at least every other day.  The body forces seem to “escape” from good condition rather easily. Walking is the best exercise. 

There is no exercise that can take the place of walking. By it the circulation of the blood is greatly improved. . . Walking, in all cases where it is possible, is the best remedy for diseased bodies, because in this exercise all of the organs of the body are brought into use.”  -- T., V. III, p. 78.  {HL 129.5} 

Drink: Red Raspberry Tea (warm) no sweetener
Eat black mission figs and sunflower seeds daily.
Take one tablespoon blackstrap molasses each morning.

HERBAL DOSAGE – Take two (2) capsules of these herbs three times daily
Black Cohosh: The herbal female hormone.  (If headaches occur, reduce amount)

Siberian Ginseng: Aids in relieving depression and stress.  Aids in the production of estrogen

Dong Quai: Used in the treatment of female problems such as hot flashes, menopause and Vaginal dryness.

Licorice: Stimulates estrogen production. (If you have high blood pressure or its tendencies, please do not take licorice)

Also Damiana, Sage, Squaw Vine, are helpful in treating menopause.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Honey Remedy: A Natural Antibiotic

When you get the first symptoms of colds, flu or any other disease, make the Golden Honey mixture and consume it in this way.

3 ½ oz. honey (4.64 T., so 4 ½ plus a bit more)
1 T. turmeric powder

Add 1 T. turmeric in 3.5 oz. (100 grams) of honey, mix well and place it in a glass container.

Upon the first symptoms of colds and flu:
Day 1 – Take ½ tsp. every hour during the day.
Day 2 – Take ½ tsp. every two hours during the day.
Day 3 – Take ½ tsp. three times a day.

The Golden Honey mixture should stay in the mouth until its complete dissolution. Many have prevented cold without taking any drugs and pills, thanks to this mix.

You can also use this Golden Honey mixture in the treatment of respiratory diseases: Take ½ three times a day during the week. You can add coconut milk or tea into the mix.

This mixture is ​​an excellent choice in weight management as it aids in fat metabolism.

It is also a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, this is because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I just want to let ya’ll know I am in the process of moving and I won’t be blogging (except maybe on Sabbath) until I get settled again.
I am busy packing and then will be unpacking. I will be blogging again soon! 
I appreciate your patience. Please keep us in prayer. Thanks and God bless.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Honey & How To Test If Real or Fake

Here are some tips to test if the honey you are eating is real or fake.


Read the ingredients. Anything with additional ingredients, additives or added flavors is adulterated honey.

The USDA does not test for honey purity, so a USDA logo doesn’t mean it’s real. Check the label for phrases that flag a product might be fake, like “honey blend” or “honey product.”

Most authentic honey brands will proudly say so. Research where your honey is coming from, and buy direct from the farm if you can.


Drop a spoonful of honey into a glass of water. If the honey sinks to the bottom in its entirety, it’s probably real. If it dissolves or leaves white traces, it’s fake.

Dip a matchstick in the honey and try to light it. If it ignites and the honey burns, it’s likely authentic. If not, it’s been watered down. You can also heat the honey itself in a pan or on a spoon – it should caramelize and bubble easily.

In a glass, combine a spoonful of honey, a few drops of vinegar and a small amount of water. If the mixture starts to foam, the honey is adulterated.

At Adee Honey Farms, we never adulterate or dilute our honey – it’s as real as honey gets. From the hive to your home, every jar is authentic Midwestern honey, with all the flavor and health benefits you expect.

For four generations, we’ve been passionate about preserving the process of making real, authentic honey for your family, for our honeybee population and for our future. And that’s the unadulterated truth.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

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