Thursday, May 16, 2024


Cheese is made from milk, and milk almost always contains pus. You may comfort yourself by thinking that the pus is pasteurized, and certainly, pasteurization will prevent you from becoming ill, but you’re still eating pus. Look at it like this: you could stick a dog turd in an autoclave and render it biologically harmless with significant pressure and heat. Yet, we’re willing to wager that you’d not be anxious to eat it unless you have some very strange proclivities indeed.
Forget about being vegan – most cheeses aren't even vegetarian. Rennet, a stomach enzyme common to most mammals, is used to make cheese by “digesting” it, leaving behind a solid and a liquid. Rennet is often harvested from the stomachs of cattle in slaughterhouses and used directly in cheese. Though there is vegetarian rennet synthesized by other means, it is difficult to know which cheeses use vegetarian rennet and which cheeses use the stuff scraped out of the stomachs of slaughtered animals. Yum! Cow stomach excretions obviously go great with pus!

In order for you to have your beloved cheese, someone had to produce the milk to make the cheese, and we don’t mean a dairy farmer. That someone in this case is a nameless dairy cow, identified only by a number and probably a radio frequency identification tag in her ear that helps the slave owner farmer track her productivity so he can send her to slaughter once she underproduces. 

In the larger dairy operations, this cow may never go outside, and she will repeatedly give birth to calves who will be stolen from her almost immediately after they are born. She will live a short and miserable life, and end up as hamburger on the plate of some fast food consumer, all because you could not find the guts up to stop eating cheese or drinking milk. And you say you care about animals?

Beyond being a disaster for cows, cheese is a disaster for you. A cup of diced cheddar has a whopping 532 calories, 385 of which come from fat. That includes 28 grams of saturated fat, which is 139% of amount recommended for total daily consumption by the United States government. And really, do you think those figures haven’t already been manipulated by decades of dairy and meat industry intervention in the government?

To all that fat, you can add 139 milligrams of cholesterol and 820 mg of sodium. For comparison, if you decided to reach for a cup of chopped cooked carrots instead, you’d be taking in fewer than a tenth of the total calories (52 calories for the whole cup) and less than 1 percent of the fat (3 calories versus 385 calories) than if you ate the cheese. 
The putrefactive process, which cheese undergoesresults in the production of amines, ammonia, and irritating fatty acids. The carbohydrate is converted to lactic acid. These are all WASTE products that cause irritation to NERVES and the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.

MIGRAINE headaches can be caused by tyramine - one of the toxic amines produced in cheese.

Certain of the amines can interact with the nitrates present in the stomach to form nitrosamine, a CANCER-producing agent.

An intolerance to lactosethe chief carbohydrate of cheese and milk, is probably the most common food sensitivity in America.

Rennet is used in cheese making. It comes from the stomach of calves, lambs, or pigs.


Cheese Unfit for Food

Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach.” {CD 368.4} (1905) M.H. 302

“Butter is less harmful when eaten on cold bread than when used in cooking; but, as a rule, it is better to dispense with it altogether. CHEESE is still more objectionable; it is wholly unfit for food.” {CD 368.5} [C.T.B.H. 46, 47] (1890) C.H. 114

“Many a mother sets a table that is a snare to her family. Flesh meats, butter, CHEESE, rich pastry, spiced foods, and condiments are freely partaken of by both old and young. These things do their work in deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves, and enfeebling the intellect. The blood-making organs cannot convert such things into good blood. The grease cooked in the food renders it difficult of digestion. The effect of cheese is deleterious.” {CD 368.6}

“Children are allowed to eat flesh meats, spices, butter, CHEESE, pork, rich pastry, and condiments generally. They are also allowed to eat irregularly and between meals of unhealthful food. These things do their work of deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves to unnatural action, and enfeebling the intellect. Parents do not realize that they are sowing the seed which will bring forth disease and death.” {CD 369.1}
R. & H., July 19, 1870

“When we commenced the camp meeting in Nora, Illinois, I felt it my duty to make some remarks in reference to their eating. I related the unfortunate experience of some at Marion, and told them I charged it to unnecessary preparations made for the meeting, and also eating the unnecessary preparations while at the meeting. Some brought CHEESE to the meeting, and ate it; although new, it was altogether too strong for the stomach, and should never be introduced into it.” {CD 369.2}

It was decided that at a certain camp meeting, CHEESE should not be sold to those on the ground; but on coming to the ground, Doctor Kellogg found to his surprise that a large quantity of CHEESE had been purchased for sale at the grocery. He and some others objected to this, but those in charge of the grocery said that the CHEESE had been bought with the consent of Brother -----, and that they could not afford to lose the money invested in it. Upon this, Doctor Kellogg asked the price of the CHEESEand bought the whole of it from themHe had traced the matter from cause to effect, and knew that some foods generally thought to be wholesome, were very injurious.

“In regard to CHEESE, I am now quite sure we have not purchased or placed on our table cheese for years. We never think of making cheese an article of diet, much less of buying it.”  {CD 370.1
  • Equals The GREATEST source of Animal Fat.
  • Equals #1 source of saturated fat in the diet.
  • 80% of the protein in cheese is from casein which = the most powerful cancer promoter.
  • Animal rennet is used to make most cured cheeses.  Rennet comes from the digestive system of animals.
  • The stomachs of pigs are also used as rennet.
Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach.” {CD 368.4}

“…Cheese is still more objectionableIT IS WHOLLY UNFIT FOR FOOD.” {CD 368.5}

“…The effect of cheese is deleterious…” (CD 236.2)

Children are allowed to eat flesh meats, spices, butter, CHEESE, pork, rich pastry, and condiments generally…
These things do their work of
  • deranging the stomach,
  • exciting the nerves to unnatural action, and
  • enfeebling the intellect.
·       Parents do not realize that they are sowing the seed which will
  • bring forth disease and death.” (CD 350.3)

“…Flesh-meats, butter, CHEESE, rich pastry, spiced foods, and condiments are freely partaken of by both old and young. These things do their work in deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves, and enfeebling the intellectThe blood-making organs cannot convert such things into good blood…”  (CTBH 46.3)

  • Cancer
  • Clogged Arteries
  • Colon Problems
  • Constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • High Cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Polyps


  • The drawbacks of cheese outweigh the benefits
  • Is a putrefied product
  • Is rotten milk
  • Is high in bacteria.  Fresh cheese can contain as much as 90,000 to 140,000 microbes
  • Some cheeses are bleached
  • Some have synthetics added
  • Some harmful dyes are used to dye some cheese
  • Contains casein
  • Very difficult to digest
  • The average American today consumes 26 pounds each year
  • In 1910, the average American only ate 5 pounds


Cheese is not a suitable food for manWhile it contains desirable food elements these have associated with them undesirable substances which are irritating, and produce a feverish state of the system.” {May 30, 1909 WASe, GCB 217.19}

We may take FOOD THAT IS ALREADY POISONOUS, SUCH AS CHEESE, for instance. A very small piece of cheese contains millions of germs and germ poisons. It is simply decayed milk.”  {February 11, 1895 N/A, GCB 92.1}

Cheese always CONTAINS GERMS IN GREAT NUMBERSWhen six weeks old, a bit of cheese as large as grain of wheat contains thousands of germsThe germs increase as the cheese becomes older.” {February 15, 1895 N/A, GCB 170.9}

The capabilities of the body to destroy germs are limited; and when that limit is passed, we fall a prey to diseaseNow if we persist in taking in food and drink that are filled with germs, such as meat and CHEESE and unsterilized milk and butter may we not expect that when a severe strain is brought upon us, or when some contagious disease is prevalent, the body will be so overtaxed that we shall not be able to resist an attack? If the antiseptic powers of our bodies are taxed all the time to their utmost capacity, we are entirely unprepared for an emergencyThe body can offer little or no resistance to disease.” {February 17, 1895 N/A, GCB 184.1}

But says one, “I have eaten cheese all my life, and it never hurt me.” If you have not been able to notice the injurious effects of it, it is because your liver has been able to destroy the poison. These injurious practices may sometimes be carried on for a long time, but there comes a time by and by when the over-worked system fails, and the health is gone.” {February 11, 1895 N/A, GCB 92.2}

CHEESE is always more or less difficult of digestionbesides being frequently colored by poisonous substances, as annato, arsenic, etc…” {1868 JNL, HBH 190.6}

No, thank you, I'll take no cheese. I like it, but it does not like me.” How often we hear people talk so about some article of food or another! Things that please the palate do not suit the stomach, and to eat them means the pain and distress of a sharp indigestion…” {August 24, 1903 EJW, BEST 414.2}

“Prosecuting Attorney Richolson has received a letter from a leading firm of wholesale cheese dealers, calling his attention to the vast amount of adulteration by the cheese manufacturers. The letter states that there are 100 or more cheese manufacturers in this State who are making adulterated cheese, filled with lard, neutral, cotton seed, and other oilsThe complaint is made that the market is being flooded with this stuff, which is made in close imitation of the best creamery and dairy products.” {October 26, 1888 EJW, SITI 656.20}

A man once came to me, and said: If the stomach has to disinfect the food, why not eat cheese, if you have plenty of gastric juice to disinfect it with? But if the stomach makes gastric juice to render wholesome, ordinary food, it ought not to have the extra burden of unwholesome food; and if this be long continued, of course the stomach will thereby be weakened.”  {February 19, 1897 N/A, GCDB 93.4}
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