Saturday, April 2, 2022

Peroxide (Part 1)

Using strait peroxide to clean your kitchen or bathroom with & as glass & chrome cleaner & even a laundry spot pre-treater couldn’t be easier, just put a sprayer top on a 32 oz. bottle of peroxide & you are ready to go. This method works best because peroxide needs to stay out of sunlight, so if you must add peroxide to another spray bottle make sure it is sitting in a dark cupboard when not in use.

Simply add the spray top, spray & wipe as you would with any spray cleaner. It is as simple as that. Peroxide is a natural antiseptic and disinfectant that is awesome for cleaning, deodorizing, & freshening. In fact, it is a safer effective natural substitute to using chemical/Toxic chlorine bleach. & when combined with the amazing cleaning & disinfecting power of vinegar you know it is not only safe for little hands but it works. The disinfecting power of natural products like peroxide, vinegar, baking soda, Borax, colloidal silver & essential oils are not at all like commercial cleaners that not only leave toxic residue behind, but commercial cleaner kill the good and the bad germs & bacteria thus weakening your immune system. So with these natural DIY products you can have a natural safe home, it is a win, win!

How Hydrogen Peroxide Kills Bacteria
Hydrogen peroxide is always in a dark-brown bottle as light decreases its potency. Hydrogen peroxide is created from oxygen and hydrogen molecules. It is the oxygen responsible for the killing of germs. When hydrogen peroxide is applied to a surface, it reacts quickly and then breaks down into water hydrogen.  At the same time, free oxygen radicals are released; these create oxidation, a chemical process in which oxygen combines with another substance to break down or change the function of the molecules. Through oxidation, the bacterium decomposes, rendering it harmless.

Hydrogen peroxide is a mildly acidic disinfectant that has many uses beyond the medicine cabinet. It is an effective household cleaner for the laundry, bathroom, kitchen, and floors. Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use with many fabrics and common household materials like ceramic tile, grout, laminate surfaces and most types of flooring. It also may be safer to use in a home where there are children, immune system compromised adults and pets since it has no harmful fumes or residues. Using peroxide in the garden also benefits plants and the soil.

Cleaning power – Peroxide is great used alone to clean all over the house, toilets, tubs, mirrors, sinks, chrome, stainless steel, counters floors, tiles grout, laundry, stove on & on.

For those times when you need a stronger cleaner like for counters & cutting boards after preparing food, the below system works better than bleach & better than just vinegar or just peroxide.

Super Disinfectant sprays
(2 bottles create one system of disinfecting)
1 spray bottle of straight white vinegar
1 spray bottle of straight 3% peroxide

Here is a simple trick, just add the spray top off your spray bottles, 1 to a 32 oz. bottle of white vinegar & one to a 32 oz. brown bottle of peroxide, if you decide to add the peroxide to a normal spray bottle keep it in the dark when not in use. It doesn’t matter which you use 1st, spray with the vinegar then spray the peroxide, or spray the peroxide then spray the vinegar. You won’t get any lingering taste of vinegar or peroxide, and neither is toxic to you if a small amount remains on the produce.

Great for cleaning up all surfaces (not vinegar on granite or stone). Pairing the two mists killed virtually all Salmonella, Shigella, or E. coli bacteria on heavily contaminated food and surfaces when used in this fashion, making this spray combination more effective at killing these potentially lethal bacteria than chlorine bleach or any commercially available kitchen cleaner. The best results came from using one mist right after the other it is 10 times more effective than using either spray by itself and more effective than mixing the vinegar and peroxide in one sprayer. Simply spray one then the other wipe & rinse if needed, then mist one then the other & allow to air dry.

Peroxide for Hair:
Peroxide can be used in your no poo routine in your shampoo or conditioner combo. Even if you have dark hair, it does not mess with the color unless you leave it in like an hour. It is great for the scalp & it also is very good at killing lice.

How to:
Simply add a cap of peroxide to the water with your baking soda to wash your hair, or you can even use alone or with borax in the water. Do the same way for conditioner.

For cleaning:
Mix enough with baking soda to form a paste, you could add a drop or two of clove &/or peppermint essential oils.

How to: Make it ahead & store in air tight containers or make as needed. This makes a great soft scrub substitute, make the paste as thick or as thin as you want it.

Laundry: Peroxide is great in laundry as a spot remover, a pre-treater, a bleach alternative, whitener, brightener laundry booster & a fabric softener. For more info on using peroxide in laundry go here.

Pet accidents: A paste made with peroxide, baking soda & eucalyptus essential oil can get out set in urine & poop smells & stains, applying peroxide then vinegar to accidents can stop strong smells.

Room deodorizing sanitizing spray: 1 part pure water & 1 part peroxide, add to spray bottle a mist in rooms, options to add essential oils of choice.

Carpet stain remover, & flea killer:  Make a thick crumble like paste of peroxide & baking soda work into carpet & furniture with broom, allow to dry & vacuum up. (More info & ideas here & here

Houseplants, Roses, Garden: I add 2 to 4 caps of 3% peroxide to my watering can I use for my houseplants, outside potted plants & rose bushes (watering can is almost a gallon of water). Please use food grade peroxide if it is going on a plant that you will be eating its fruitage. Just water as normal, or add to a spray bottle & spray plants as an insecticide or fungicide.

Safe peroxide instead of bleach to purify water in a disaster:
Using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to purify water instead of Toxic Bleach. Better to use food grade peroxide to do this if for daily use because of the health benefits, but in a pinch regular peroxide will work just fine & is still safer than bleach.

Add 1/8 a cup of 3% peroxide to one gallon of water stir well. Let sit overnight for mild contaminates like tap water, let sit 24 hours is water is a danger, then drink as normal, the water can be stored up to 6 months is in sealed jars.

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Got info from another source.

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