Thursday, July 18, 2019

Weight Loss Drink

8 glasses water
1 t. grated ginger root
1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and cut into slices
1 medium-sized lemon cut into slices
12 fresh mint leaves
1 t. dried mint

Just mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, leave them overnight, and it is best if you keep the bowl in the fridge. Consume 4-5 glasses during the whole day. You can start drinking it in the morning before your breakfast for better and instant results. You will feel like you have lost 1 pound after the first two hours. Nutritionists say that by regular consumption of this drink and moderate physical activity, it would melt the belly fat and help you finally get that flat stomach.

People who have consumed this drink regularly say that the results they achieved are more than fantastic if you take in consider that you could lose up to 26 pounds! Consume this drink for 4 days, and then take a one-week break!

As we said, if you want to get the best results of this drink, you should also be physically active. This drink will boost the weight loss process and help you lose more weight, and the physical activities will restore the stability of your muscles and your skin.

Note: I found this online and am not sure it works but sounded good. If nothing else it is a healthy drink. :)


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Got info from another source.

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