Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Bursitis is an inflammation of a small sac that contains a minute quantity of fluid to cushion or lubricate muscles and tendons. After middle age, tendons are prone to degenerative changes, and these sacs, located around the shoulders, knees, elbows, and other joints, accumulate calcium deposited in the area of the degeneration, causing inflammation.


Because sloping shoulders increase this pressure, women suffer from bursitis more than men, along with heavy lifters, and sedentary workers. Try these suggestions for relief:

1. Avoid injury to the joints that are especially vulnerable to bursitis. A strain, a direct blow, of overweight, unusual shoulder or knee motions such as from painting, swimming, and lifting heavy objects at arm's length may precipitate bursitis.

2. Allergies and infections may precipitate bursitis, so try to live at a high level of health.

3. Avoid the development of excessive fatigue while doing an unusual motion you are unaccustomed to. When heavy objects must be carried for some distance, the best position is to hold it in front of you using both hands, holding the object somewhat like a tray.

4. Don't allow chilling of the extremities at night -particularly the shoulders, which are especially vulnerable at night. Wear warm sleepwear.

5. Never begin heavy work until you've “warmed up” by doing some light work.


1. Ice compresses can be applied to the affected area, especially in the acute phase. Keep the ice on for about 5-7 minutes. Remove for one minute, and repeat three times.

2. Hot and cold compresses are sometimes helpful in relieving inflammation. Three minutes of hot compresses (as hot as can be tolerated) should be followed immediately by a 20-second ice water compress. Repeat four times. Give the treatment three or four times daily.

3. Do not use deep massage, as it may increase inflammation.

4. A short period of complete rest for the part may decrease the inflammation. But do not prolong a period of inactivity, as a stiff joint may result.


Wall Walking: Place your hands on the wall at arm's length and lean into it. Starting slightly above the level of the waist, walk hand over hand as high as you can reach without pain. As you make progress, reach higher each time before pain or tightness stops you. Repeat the exercise four times daily.

Stooping Arm Swing: Bend forward at the waist until your chest is parallel to the floor. Let your affected arm and hand relax and swing from the, shoulder. Using your shoulder as a pivot, make a motion with your trunk that causes your arm and hand to swing in a circleThe more you improve, the larger the circle you can make without discomfort.

Standing Arm Swing: Slowly extend the affected arm back and up. Raise it outward and up. Repeat this exercise for 10 minutes, using the opposite hand and arm as a symmetrical balance.

Pulley: Rig up an overhead pulley with a five-pound weight on a rope. Pull down on the rope and then allow it to pull the arm up as far as it will go. Start out with five pulls, three times a day; gradually work up to 50, three times a day.

Continue the usual, accustomed activities, as permitted by the pain or stiffness.


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Got info from: 3ABN World- September 2014- Dr. Agatha Thrash

Thursday, November 1, 2018

HEALTH NEWS ~ November

THANKSGIVING will be here SOON, so here is a great recipe to try for the upcoming holiday.

Pumpkin Pie
1-15 or 16oz. can pumpkin
1-12 oz. pkg. tofu, firm or x-firm
1 c. honey
1 t. salt
¾ t. coriander
¼ t. cardamom
1 T. cornstarch (non GMO)

Blend all ingredients until smoothPour into unbaked pie shell and bake at 350º for 1 hour!

How would you like to work all day with no rest OR lie down at night to sleep and then have someone force you to get up and start working?  Well that is what you do to your body when you eat between meals and before bedtime.  Here is what Jesus has to say:

The stomach, when we lie down to rest, should have its work all done, that it may enjoy rest, as well as other portions of the body. The work of digestion should not be carried on through any period of the sleeping hours.” HL 84

The stomach must have careful attention. It must not be kept in continual operation. Give this misused and much-abused organ some peace and quiet and rest. After the stomach has done its work for one meal, do not crowd more work upon it before it has had a chance to rest and before a sufficient supply of gastric juice is provided by nature to care for more food. Five hours at least should elapse between each meal, and always bear in mind that if you would give it a trial, you would find that two meals are better than three.”  CD 173


1. They deprive the stomach and other organs of the rest they normally require.

2. They retard digestion and thus give rise to gas and related symptoms.

3. They tend to increase the total calorie intake beyond actual need.

4. Since snacks are high in sugar and simple carbohydrate content, they deprive the body of the necessary elements such as vitamins and minerals found in a balance diet.

5. Snacks tend to lessen the desire and enjoyment of regular meals and thus reduce digestibility.

X-ray studies conducted have determined the emptying time of the stomach is average 4 ½ - 5 hours.  On some studies conducted it showed that after a normal breakfast 4 people were tested. 

The 1ST PERSON had an ice cream cone 2 hours after breakfast and had residue in their stomach after 6 hours.

The 2ND PERSON ate a peanut butter sandwich 2 hours after breakfast and after 9 hours had residue in their stomach.

The 3RD PERSON (2 hours after breakfast) ate a ½ slice of bread and butter repeated every 1 ½ hour interval and ate no dinner. After 9 hours more than ½ his breakfast was still in his stomach.

The 4TH PERSON, after breakfast, ate twice in the morning, twice in the afternoon and a bit of candy and 13 ½ hours later more than ½ of the morning meal was still in the stomach!!!

WOW!  This goes to show you that SNACKING IS NOT GOOD. You want your stomach completely emptied before you put more food in it.  It needs a rest too after doing all that work.

When the morning meal is skipped one tends to become hungry before noon and resorts to snacking. The snack slackens the appetite for lunch; less is eaten, but before long, hunger returns.  Snacking in the afternoon becomes the logical solution, and then there is no desire for food at suppertime so it is delayed till later at nite.  This requires the stomach to work during sleeping hours and a restless night follows.

“In many cases the faintness that leads to a desire for food is felt because the digestive organs have been too severely taxed during the day. After disposing of one meal, the digestive organs need rest. At least five or six hours should intervene between the meals.”  CD 173

I am astonished to learn that, after all the light that has been given in this place, many of you eat between meals! You should NEVER LET A MORSEL PASS YOUR LIPS BETWEEN YOUR REGULAR MEALS. Eat what you ought, but eat it at one meal, and then wait until the next.”  TSDF 38

Three meals a day and nothing between meals -- not even an apple -- should be the utmost limit of indulgence. Those who go further violate nature's laws and will suffer the penalty.” R. and H., 1883, No. 19. {HL 86.1}

Food taken into the stomach at untimely seasons leaves an influence on every fiber of the system.” H.R. {HL 86.3}

Often when you think you need to eat; you really only need water. TRY DRINKING WATER instead of those snacks.  Not soda pop or other harmful liquids, but good old water that God created for us.
1 Cor. 10:31 says, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” How can we be glorifying God when we are not obeying Him?

Wow! Those are really some powerful quotes. God is very clear about NOT eating between meals.  If you quit eating between meals and before bedtime, your body will get the rest it needs and not have to be digesting food all day or all night long. You will definitely feel better if you are well rested.

I pray that God will give you the victory over this as you surrender it to Him. 


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.