Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Vitamin K For Babies

I think the question that everyone misses is this…

Are babies born 'deficient' in Vitamin K?

Why do they think this is?

Did our Creator make a mistake?

From a sperm and egg to the miracle of birth…yet God forgot to give them adequate Vitamin K at birth so that man has to step in and fix that mistake?

That is utterly foolish...

A newborn's natural prothrombin levels reach normal levels between days 5 and 7, peaking around the eighth day of life, related to the buildup of bacteria in baby's digestive tract to produce the vitamin K that is necessary to form this clotting factor. Day 8 is said to be the only time in a baby's life when his prothrombin level will naturally exceed 100 percent of normal. First, in order to absorb vitamin K we have to have a functioning biliary and pancreas system.

**Your infant’s digestive system isn’t fully developed at birth which is why we give babies breast milk (and delay solids) until they are at least 6-months-old, and why breast milk only contains a small amount of highly absorbable vitamin K.

Too much vitamin K could tax the liver and cause brain damage (among other things). As baby ages and the digestive tract, mucosal lining, gut flora, and enzyme functions develop, baby can then process more vitamin K. Low levels of vitamin K at birth just…makes…sense!!!???

**Secondly, cord blood contains stem cells, which protect a baby against bleeding and perform all sorts of needed repairs inside an infant’s body. Here’s the kicker, in order for a baby to get this protective boost of stem cells, cord-cutting needs to be delayed and the blood needs to remain thin so stem cells can easily travel and perform their functions. Imagine that, baby has his/her own protective mechanism to prevent bleeding and repair organs…that wasn’t discovered until after we started routinely giving infants vitamin K injections.

**Third, a newborn might have low levels of vitamin K because its intestines are not yet colonized with bacteria needed to synthesize it and the “vitamin K cycle” isn’t fully functional in newborns. It makes sense then to bypass the gut and inject vitamin K right into the muscle right? Except baby’s kidneys aren’t fully functional either.

**Fourth, babies are born with low levels of vitamin K compared to adultsbut this level is still sufficient to prevent problems.

Finally, several clinical observations support the hypothesis that children have natural protective mechanisms that justify their low vitamin K levels at birth. I don’t know about you, but we should probably figure out why that is before we “inject or give drops now and worry about it later.”

Pretty silly, if a baby cannot assimilate any form other than the mothers own from BM...why do we give it?

if mom breastfeeds then the baby gets it from her.

Unrestricted access to the breast in the early days after birth is important, due to the higher levels of vitamin K in colostrum. The importance of early feeding has been recognized since the 1940's.

Babies who have been fed within their first 24 hours have significantly better coagulation times than babies not fed until after 24 hours. Vitamin K levels in the breast milk rise markedly in response to the mother eating vitamin K rich foods or taking vitamin K supplements.

It is essential that, to receive the full complement of vitamin K in breast milk, the baby completely finishes one breast before being offered the other. Any practice that involves restricting either the baby's time at the breast or the number of feeds will not allow the baby to receive optimum amounts of vitamin K and will also prolong the time it takes for the baby's intestine to be colonized by friendly, vitamin K manufacturing bacteria. Ask yourself this....Do you want to interrupt this natural process that we will never understand?

Some mothers choose drops without fully realizing the possible harm it can cause. Think about this and THIS is the reasoning behind the K at birth in Any form...Think about this "Research in 1937 found that K levels in "normal" neonates were between 30-60% 'adult levels', falling to 15-30% on day two, and then gradually rising again until about day 8-10. This research led to the continuing belief that these low levels in the newborn are a 'deficiency' and need to be corrected". Huh??

This is the entire evidence used to justify the use of K at birth in any form. FEAR is the only reason it’s used at all now even IF they needed it and IF a baby could even use it in any form...30 and 60 is a vast difference in numbers BUT drops and shots are given as one size fits all...??

Remember, those are ADULT numbers it was compared against.

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Got info from another source.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Veggie Burgers

If I go somewhere and they want to cook me veggie burgers from the store, I am downright frightened of the ingredients in those frozen meat flavored patties. My response to their offer is always “No thank you, I’ll bring my own” and here’s why:

Neurotoxins & Carcinogens  The majority of store-bought veggie burgers contain some form of soy. Non organic soy is extracted using hexane, a chemical byproduct of petroleum refining. The food industry uses the hexane extraction method because it is cheap. Several studies have been published about the neurotoxicity of exposure of humans and animals to hexane, but the most alarming ones link exposure to brain tumors. Currently the FDA sets no limit to the amount of hexane that can be used in non-organic soy products and no one knows for sure how much residue is being consumed by the American public. If you want more info on this – the Cornucopia Institute released an excellent report about several popular veggie burger brands that use hexane. To quote top researcher Charlotte ValleysThe bigger picture here is that hexane is being released into the atmosphere—since it’s an air pollutant. It leads to smog, which is ground-level ozone, which leads to a whole bunch of health problems, like asthma in children. These effects are very real.” 
I don’t want this in my body or in the air I breathe – do you?

Cheap Oils – If you see the words canola oil, soy oil, corn oil, sunflower, and/or safflower oil” it is likely extracted with hexane too. But what further complicates this matter (if having a neurotoxin byproduct in your burger is not enough) is that the overconsumption of these cheap oils are causing an abundance of Omega 6 fatty acids in our diets. The imbalance of Omega 6 fatty acids increases the risk of inflammation, heart disease, obesity, and prostate and bone cancer.

Textured Vegetable Protein, aka “TVP”  Several frozen veggie burgers available are developed using soy products and Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP). TVP is one of those foods I avoid at all costs and no one will ever convince me to eat something this processed. TVP is extracted from soy at a super high heat and made into a powder before it is “reshaped” into strips, chunks and granules and put back into food. The processing can also add artificial and natural flavors, MSG, colorings, emulsifiers and thickening agents, including nitrosamine, which is a carcinogen no one should be consuming. Does this picture of TVP look like nutritious nuggets of real food to you?

Chemically Altered Flavorings & MSG – There are several hidden sources of MSG found in vegetarian meat substitutes. The food industry uses MSG to make processed food that is low in nutrition taste good, tricking your taste buds into liking something that isn’t real food. Furthermore, MSG increases your insulin response, tricking your body into thinking you can eat more than you actually should. And this is exactly how scientists make rats obese, by feeding them MSG laced food. I don’t know about you, but knowing there is a potential substance that can trick me into eating more food is reason enough to avoid this at all costs. But MSG is linked to all sorts of terrible reactions in humans like migraines, toxicity, and autoimmune disorders that you can read about in this tell all book about MSG.

Full of Genetically Modified Ingredients (GMOs) – If the burger contains anything derived from corn or soy, you can almost guarantee it comes from genetically modified seeds unless it is certified 100% organic. Genetically modified foods have been linked to toxicity, allergic reactions and fertility issues and have not been studied for their long term effects on our health. Unfortunately, here in the US, companies can get away with including GMOs in our foods without us knowing it. If you want to know if GMO’s are in your food – support the Just Label by signing their petition to the FDA.

The Morningstar Farms Black Bean Burger, along with several other brands are guilty of every one of these points above. This burger is marketed as “healthy” and has even more questionable ingredients like caramel coloring (which is linked to cancer) and a slew of other chemical based preservatives. Knowing that I used to eat this particular brand many years ago on a weekly basis, absolutely disgusts me now. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of processed and convenience foods making a fool out of me…share this info with all your veggie burger buying friends and spread the word.

Then go home and make my burgers with no chemicals or MSG.

Renee’s Burgers

12 c. water
2 T. flaxseeds
1 T. dried sweet basil
6 garlic cloves minced
1 T. ground coriander
1 T. dried sage
2 c. pecan meal
9 c. rolled oats
2 T. salt 

Blend 2 cups of the 12 cups of water with the garlic and flaxseeds. Place a 6 quart pan on burner over medium heat and add the other 10 cups of water and the other ingredients, except for the rolled oats.

Bring the mixture to a slow boil, quickly stir in the rolled oats, and immediately remove from heat. Cover and set aside to cool.

Preheat oven to 375º.

Use 2/3 cup of the mixture and make round patties and then place on parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 25 minutes on each side. 

Serve on whole-wheat bread or buns, and your choice of: mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, steamed bell peppers, tomatoes, shredded zucchini, or pickles. 

Or you can choose from: mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, or onions.

Tip: To shape the round burger patties you can use the lid of a large-mouth canning jar. Fill and pat ½ c. of the burger mixture into the lid and then push the lid through the ring onto baking sheet.  Smash down to spread out and make a bigger burger.

Note: If freezing, I only bake them for 18 minutes on each side because when reheating it cooks them more and then they are not over cooked.

Makes 24 burgers…freezes well too! I freeze them when cooled and they last for 8 weeks as we eat burgers EVERY Friday!


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Got info from another source.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


I got this info FROM A DOCTOR who I attended church with a few years ago. It was not hard to give up as I never could taste it in a recipe anyway.

Vanilla is produced in Madagascar, Indonesia and various South Pacific islands. It is a dark brown pod about 20 cm in length. Vanilla is produced by fermenting the pods of the orchids of the genus vanillaThe pods are first sun dried for 24 to 36 hours and then blanched in hot water (65° C) for two to three minutes. The pods are then fermented in boxes and dried again.

Vanilla is listed as one of the intense, inflammatory and stimulatory spices. It comes from the pod or shell of the fruit of an orchid native to Mexico and other Central American countries.  It's delicate, sweet flavor and aroma make it very well suited for the preparation of chocolate, ice cream and sweet in general.  It has positive effects on the stomach and on digestion in small doses.  It also promotes choleresis (increased bile secretion), and acts as a stimulant (that is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant).


“I am always weary of things that stimulate our CNS because they affect our ability to tell right from wrong and make good decisions. Have you noticed how many things now come as Vanilla flavor (i.e. soy milk and so on).  I tell people that when their recipes call for vanilla to substitute the same amount of 100% maple syrup and it gives a similar flavor - or just leave it out altogether.”

So, you see this is a FERMENTED product and we are counseled not to eat fermented foods.

JUST LIKE THE BIBLE DOESN'T SAY SUNDAY LAW…but we know from putting the pieces together there is one coming. And the Bible does not say do not smoke, but we know there is other language telling us not to smoke.


1 Corinthians 10:31 –  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Sister White talks about fermentation and how it should not be allowed in the stomach, that we should not eat overripe food, and our fruit & veggies should be FRESH...put it all together and THAT = DON'T EAT FERMENTED FOODS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FRESH.


Here is a quote about cider fermenting and not being good.

“I have often heard people say, “Oh! this is only sweet cider. It is perfectly harmless, and even healthful.” Several quarts, perhaps gallons, are carried home. For a few days it is sweet; then FERMENTATION BEGINS. The sharp taste makes it all the more acceptable to many palates, and the lover of sweet wine and cider is loth to admit that his favorite beverage ever becomes hard and sour.”  {CTBH 32.3}

Here is a quote talking about the Lord's Supper and nothing fermented is to be I believe we should NOT use it either!

Correct Representation.--The broken bread and pure juice of the grape are to represent the broken body and spilled blood of the Son of God. Bread that is leavened must not come on the communion table; unleavened bread is the only correct representation of the Lord's Supper. Nothing fermented is to be usedOnly the pure fruit of the vine and the unleavened bread are to be used. (RH June 7, 1898). 

QUESTION: Is fermented fresh? She says we are to eat fruit and vegetables as fresh as possible.

Look up “fermented” “ferment” “ferments” “fermentation” “rotten” “decayed”

“...All should be acquainted with the special value of fruit and vegetables fresh from the orchard and garden.”  {SpTB17b 1

That quote says...“FRESH FROM THE GARDEN

NOT FERMENTED…WE ARE TO EAT THEM “FRESH”  meaning, new, not old.

Fermented Foods Cause The Following Problems

  • Contaminates the blood.
  • Possess harmful properties as well as affect the cells of the body.
  • Prevents the digestion of foods.
  • Fermented foods are low in nutrition.
  • Fermentation decreases some vitamin and mineral availability.
  • Causes disease.

The food does not digest, but decays or putrefies; as a consequence, the blood is not nourished, but becomes filled with impurities, and liver and kidney difficulties appear.


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