Sunday, February 16, 2025

Uncircumcised Penis Care

Our son is not circumcised. When will his foreskin retract?In the first several years your son's foreskin will separate from the tip of the penis. Some foreskins separate soon after birth or even before birth, but this is rare. When it happens is different for every child. It may take a few weeks, months, or years. Once this happens, the foreskin can be pulled back away from the tip of the penis. This is called foreskin retraction.

Most boys will be able to retract their foreskins by the time they are 5 years old, yet others will not be able to until the teen years. As a boy becomes more aware of his body, he will most likely discover how to retract his own foreskin. But FORESKIN RETRACTION SHOULD NEVER BE FORCED. Until the foreskin fully separates, do not try to pull it back. Forcing the foreskin to retract before it is ready can cause severe pain, bleeding, and tears in the skin. 

When the foreskin separates from the head of the penis, skin cells are shed. These skin cells may look like white, pearl-like lumps under the foreskin. These are called smegma. Smegma is normal and nothing to worry about.
If your son's foreskin separates before he reaches puberty, an occasional retraction with cleansing beneath will do. Once your son starts puberty, he should clean beneath his foreskin as part of his daily routine, just like washing his hair and brushing his teeth.
Teach your son to clean his foreskin in the following way:
  • Step 1: Gently pull the foreskin back away from the end of the penis.
  • Step 2: Rinse underneath the foreskin with soap and warm water.
  • Step 3: Pull the foreskin back over the penis.


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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ultrasound Risks

"Clinical use of diagnostic ultrasound imaging during pregnancy has a long history of safety and diagnostic utility, as supported by numerous human case reports and epidemiological studies. However, there exist in vivo studies linking large but clinically relevant doses of ultrasound applied to mouse fetuses in utero to altered learning, memory, and neuroanatomy of those mice."

How may doctors and unknowing patients be colluding to harm unborn babies? This recent study suggests that the seemingly benign practice of obstetrical ultrasonography is one practice that deserves urgent reassessment. Researchers exposed pregnant mice at 14.5 days gestation (a neurologically vulnerable window) to 30 minutes of fetal ultrasound and assessed the pups' behavior at 3 weeks of age. They found that the exposed pups were significantly less interested in social interactions and had significant levels of behavioral hyperactivity, in the presence of an unfamiliar mouse.

Why Did Ultrasounds Become Routine?

Today's children have been exposed to an unprecedented level of ultrasound technology, both in frequency and intensity. In 2001, 67% of pregnant women had at least 1 ultrasound, and in 2009, that percentage jumped to 99.8% with an average of 3 per woman. What accounts for this increase? Do we have evidence to suggest that this intervention is saving lives, changing outcomes, and that it is safe? What about safety in the settings it is applied most frequently, such as advanced maternal age, metabolic syndromes, and complications? Could these higher risk pregnancies represent a category of fetus that is more vulnerable to potential side effects of an intervention like ultrasound?

It appears that, answers to these questions remain elusive despite widespread application for the following conventionally accepted reasons:

  • Gender determination
  • Screening for anomalies
  • Assessment of size/fluid level
  • Visualization for bonding/curiosity/entertainment
  • Assessment of placental position

As one survey concluded,

"Women appear to want sonograms for reasons that may not assist their provider with immediate clinical decision making. This is a potentially important disagreement between cost-saving and patient satisfaction that maternity care providers must consider when deciding whether to perform prenatal sonography for women with low-risk pregnancies."

In other words, women are lured into the prospect of reassurance and information about an uncertainty-laden bodily experience, and providers may cater to that desire in neglect of accumulating concerns, lack of benefit, and conflict around financial gains ($86-102/scan).

Are They Safe and Effective?

As is the case for most habitual rather than evidence-based medicine, the vast majority of women undergoing this procedure are not adequately consented about the potential ultrasound risks and the state of benefits as acknowledged by objective assessment of the literature.

Assumptions about the technology's safety allowed it to be grandfathered in to FDA clearance in 1976.

Epidemiologic studies of ultrasound safety were conducted before 1992, and would have been representative of significantly less cumulative epigenetic burden to the fetus, as they predated changes to the childhood vaccination program and the flooding of our diets with genetically modified foods – all of which may synergize in a vulnerable child to contribute to chronic neurodevelopmental problems.

In the past several decades, ultrasound technology has evolved in terms of peak exposure and intensity (from 46 to 720 mW/cm2), and newer versions remain largely unstudied.

McClintic et al's results corroborate existing findings that evidence concern for delayed learning and reduced hippocampal neuronal dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, as well as disrupted neuronal migration, a defect implicated in the pathogenesis of autism.  Investigative journalist Dr. Jennifer Margulis has documented research including interviews with Dr. Manuel Casanova, a neurologist and neuroscience researcher, who discusses characteristic changes in gestational brain development in autistic children that can be produced by ultrasound exposure, as well as the epidemiologic overlap between escalating ultrasound exposure and autism incidence.

Randomized studies in humans point to potential increased incidence of low birth weight, delayed speech, poor school performance, dyslexia, and non-righthandedness.

Safety studies, even if they were undertaken in a placebo-controlled manner, rarely are longitudinal enough to account for neurodevelopmental delay declaring itself later in childhood.

McClintic et al hypothesize that acoustic radiation, which may impact brain action potentials through calcium signaling, may be the mechanism by which ultrasound impacts neurodevelopment, when it does. Other putative impacts are cavitation and heating, which is particularly relevant with non-pulsed Doppler technology. According to the peer-reviewed medical resource, UpToDate:

Spectral Doppler ultrasound, however, uses higher energy and focuses the acoustic energy that is created on a much smaller volume of tissue than typical 2D imaging does, and can result in changes in tissue temperature, especially at bone-tissue interfaces. For this reason, Doppler ultrasound should be used with great care, especially early in pregnancy.

With regard to "efficacy," multiple Cochrane reviews have demonstrated a lack of perinatal mortality benefit for routine ultrasound in a normal pregnancy, and an increased risk of cesarean section with third trimester screening. A review of outcomes literature condemns ultrasound when used for dating, second trimester organ scan, biophysical profile, amniotic fluid assessment, and Doppler velocity in high and low risk pregnancies. We want to believe that this intervention is changing the health of pregnancies, but that is not what has been demonstrated. Ultrasound may have a limited role in detection of a treatable  (often with 50% mortality risk) indication, which Judy Cohain CNM states only includes spina bifida, diaphragmatic anomaly, twin-twin transfusion syndrome, bladder obstructions, and sacrococcygeal tumor. False positive rates are significant on routine scan, and anxiety-provoking at best, and at worst, result in terminations for anomalies less severe than perceived by ultrasound as was the case in 1 in 200 ultrasound-influenced abortions.

For these reasons, routine prenatal ultrasound is not recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for non-medical use and UpToDate states,

The primary objective is to obtain information that will enable delivery of optimal antenatal care and thus the best possible outcomes for mother and fetus. However, the benefit of such prenatal sonographic screening on neonatal outcomes remains unproven.

So Why is Every Woman Walking into an OBs Office Getting Probed With a Jelly-Slicked Wand?

It is because habit, profit, and community consensus are driving your care, not evidence or the precautionary principal. In fact, in this reviewof 717 obstetrical recommendations, only 30% reflected good quality evidence. That leaves you, the patient to make your own decisions about health care interventions.

Is it possible to fly blind throughout a pregnancy, without a cute little profile pic or scrunched claymation images of your little bundle-to-be?


It is, and this is an option worth considering. Each and every recommended ultrasound should be thoughtfully pursued in light of unanswered questions and growing concern. Avoiding ultrasounds is a gift to your mental health in that it may just liberate you to experience the pregnancy for what it is, rather than to jump from one externalized nail-biting milestone to another.

Pregnancies, cared for by thoughtful women and their loved ones are marked by maximizing health through a low glycemic, high natural fat diet, exercise, relaxation response, and careful environmental detox of plastics, pesticides, air and water contamination, and genetically modified foods. Preparing for pregnancy in advance of conception, through these measures, is the best reassurance of fetal health available. When we step back and allow for the complexity of gestation to unfold unhindered, we may recognize the danger in micro management of a normal physiologic pregnancy and birth experience.

Dr. Brogan is boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine, and practices Functional Medicine, a root-cause approach to illness as a manifestation of multiple-interrelated systems. After studying Cognitive Neuroscience at M.I.T., and receiving her M.D. from Cornell University, she completed her residency and fellowship at Bellevue/NYU. She is one of the nation’s only physicians with perinatal psychiatric training who takes a holistic evidence-based approach in the care of patients with a focus on environmental medicine and nutrition. She is also a mom of two, and an active supporter of women's birth experience. She is the Medical Director for Fearless Parent, and an advisory board member for GreenMedInfo.comVisit her website.

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Friday, February 14, 2025

Turmeric Golden Honey – How to Use This Strongest Natural Antibiotic

Most of us have had experience using turmeric as a spice in cooking, while only a few know that turmeric and honey combination (we call it “golden honey”) becomes an invaluable natural remedy

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic propertiesdestroys bacteria that cause diseases, and promotes the body’s natural defenses.

And honey, All honey is antibacterial because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,” said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.

How to Use the Golden Honey Remedy

When you get the first symptoms of colds, flu or any other disease, make the Golden Honey mixture and consume it in this way.


  • 3.5 oz. (100 grams) organic honey
  • 1 T. turmeric powder


Add 1 tbsp. of turmeric in 3.5 oz. (100 grams) organic honey, mix well and place it in a glass container.

Upon the first symptoms of colds and flu:
Day 1 – Take ½ t. every hour during the day.
Day 2 – Take ½ t. every two hours during the day.
Day 3 – Take ½ t. three times a day.

The Golden Honey mixture should stay in the mouth until its complete dissolutionMany have prevented cold without taking any drugs and pills, thanks to this mix.

You can also use this Golden Honey mixture in the treatment of respiratory diseases: Take ½ three times a day during the week. You can add coconut milk or tea into the mix.

This mixture is ​​an excellent choice in weight management as it aids in fat metabolism.

It is also a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, this is because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Note – In case you are under treatment or taking any medication, consult your doctor before using this remedy. You should not take turmeric if you suffer from gallbladder disease. It causes muscle contractions of the gallbladder.


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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Poultice for Tumors

If you have a tumor or anything wrong in or on your body, make this and put it on your body where the problem is: 

Make 4 ounces.
2 oz. DMSO liquid or powder (can get at a feed store) 
This is what drives it into the body.

The ingredients below should be the other 2 ounces.
  • Iodine in liquid form, 50 drops
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3.5 % (food grade)
  • If using 35% Peroxide, then do 1 part to 11 parts H20

3000 mg. magnesium in 2 ounces water


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Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Truvia has three ingredients: Erythritol, Rebiana, and Natural Flavors.

Let’s take a look at those three ingredients that make up Truvia:

1) Erythritol: A sugar alcohol which is made by processing genetically modified corn; this is the primary ingredient in Truvia. Sugar alcohols are notoriously known for their unpleasant side effects. Our bodies do a poor job at digesting sugar alcohols (which is why they are lower in calories), but because they aren’t completely digested, they hang out in our intestines where they are fermented by colonic bacteria. The by-products of fermentation include gastric distress, diarrhea, cramping, gas and bloating. Yuck.

2) Rebiana: Half of one percent of Truvia is Rebiana. The truth is that the only reason Truvia can mention anything about Stevia is because Rebiana is derived from a Stevia plant. But again, don’t be fooled. Rebiana is certainly not the same thing as Stevia. It is a molecule of the stevia plant. Furthermore, Rebiana is actually 400 times sweeter than sugar, but you’ll notice that Truvia is only twice as sweet as sugar. If you do the math, you’ll see that if a container of Truvia was divided into 200 parts, 199 of them would be Erythritol and only one would be Rebiana (which, again, isn’t even Stevia, but a mere molecule of the Stevia plant). In conclusion, Truvia is mostly Erythritol with a touch of a molecule of Stevia.

Note: Just for the record STEVIA IS NOT GOOD for you either! Stevia is made in a chemical plant and is not natural. If you have your own plant and use the leaves that is ok.

3) Natural Flavors: What does that mean? That’s a good question, and let me tell you it is ANOTHER NAME FOR MSG!!!  As you may already knowthe term “NATURAL” is not FDA-regulated, therefore there are no standards when using this word. Maybe this is why you’ll find the word “natural” all over the packaging and promotion of Truvia—on their products, website and advertising campaigns. This is a perfect example of how the term “NATURAL” is used to deceive consumers, as nothing about Truvia is natural. The makers of Truvia are incredibly good at stretching the truth, along with other types of marketing deception such as using pictures of leaves and the color green on Truvia’s packaging and website, making it look “natural” and similar to Stevia.


Truvia doesn’t have any calories (alike other artificial sweeteners), but that argument doesn’t hold up because it’s not all about calories anyway. New research is showing that because your body can’t figure out how to metabolize these sweeteners (which is the very reason they contain no calories), they are likely interfering with your metabolism and causing weight gain. This explains the phenomenon of people making a complete switch from sugary foods and beverages to artificially sweetened ones, yet not losing a single pound. So, please set aside the calorie argument when you are deciding which sweetener to use.

I’m telling you not to use Truvia, even though the Food and Drug Administration deems it to be “safe,” but I wouldn’t put my health in the FDA’s hands.

They recognize other artificial sweeteners as safe too, but none have been around long enough to see long-term effects. One study of over 75,000 women found that those who used artificial sweeteners were significantly more likely than nonusers to gain weight over time. These artificial sweeteners increased both hunger and appetite.

With many, we are already seeing abundant cases of adverse effects in the short-term including migraine headaches, weight gain, gastric distress, diarrhea and vertigo.

If you consume Truvia; it's chemically processed AND GMO! You can switch to natural sweetener like honey, raw sugar, maple syrup, or dates.


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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Trisodium Phosphate


Trisodium Phosphate is a chemical typically used as a cleaning agentstain remover, degreaser, and an additive in FOOD. Trisodium Phosphate also known as TSP, trisodium orthophosphate, E339, or sodium phosphate, was formerly known to be used in soaps and detergents.

TSP is pure POISON to the body and should NOT be consumed by anyone. When consumed, TSP can cause difficulty breathing, severe pain in the throat, eyes, nose, ears, lips or tongue; fainting; skin irritation or burns, vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, asthmatic bronchitis, chemical pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, and much more!

Intake of TSP also produces an imbalance of minerals that lead to loss of calcium from bone and calcification of the kidneys.

The FDA says that Trisodium phosphate in certain amounts is not a risk in food. However, further investigation shows that this information is FALSE. My advice, know what you are eating.... EDUCATE YOURSELF!

Stay away from processed foods, buy simple foods and add healthy sweeteners, herbs, and seasonings so you know what you are consuming.


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Monday, February 10, 2025


Many people ask me what to use for toothpaste after I tell them fluoride is bad for you. 
This is what I do and my dentist says I have very healthy gums and never have any cavities!

1.  You can use pure water ONLY. God gave us a natural cleanser and it is water.

2.  You can also make your own toothpaste very easily and here is how.

How to make homemade toothpaste.

Yes, orange, thick paste made with turmeric powder and coconut oil or water.

You can buy organic turmeric powder in huge bags from Frontier, (Amazon carries it) because it has so MANY uses. 

It whitens your teeth, and is incredibly healing for your gums. Don't worry; it doesn't stain your teeth.

Because of turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties, the bacteria associated with gum disease lose its ground for breeding.

When you brush with turmeric paste, just use a few drops of coconut oil or water in a teaspoon of powder to make a thick paste.
 Brush lightly. Make sure that you get the paste in every area of your gum line.

I also brush my teeth with activated charcoal once a week.

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