Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Tamarind is a type of tropical fruit that comes from the tamarind tree, native to Africa but it also grows in other tropical regions including India. The tamarind tree produces bean-like pods which contain seeds and a fibrous pulp. As these pods ripen, the pulp becomes paste-like and takes on a sweet-sour taste.
Healthful benefits and how to de-shell to make a paste for BBQ sauce. Tamarind is a fruit commonly used in Indian, Thai, Mexican cuisines. Believe it or not, it's used in many delicious BBQ sauces.
It's high in
A. Potassium
B. Vit c
C. Flavinoids
D. Fiber
E. Anti-oxidants
F. And all other types of minerals
1. Knee pain/arthritis
     A. May use topically as a paste, just add turmeric powder, and apply to area.
     B. To take by mouth – Dry and then grind the seeds. Take 1/2 t. in 1 cup water/2 x day.
2. Indigestion
3. Lower cholesterol/triglycerides/LDL
4. Increase HDL
5. Decreases inflammation
6. Relieves constipation (paste, powder in water, and/or juice)
7. Great for heart problems
8. Skin problems such as acne, blemishes, etc. (may apply the paste to the skin or apply the juice)
9. Great for eye drops (the juice)
10. Diarrhea (the paste or powder)
11. Helps fight colon cancer (all 3 ways)
12. Supports kidney health
13. Decreases blood sugar in diabetes
14. Heals wounds (paste, powder mixed with water, juice) (the leaves and bark are antiseptic as well)
15. Ulcers
16. Protects skin from U.V. Rays
17. Teeth (brush teeth with the seed powder)
18. Allergies
19. Asthma
20. Protects the liver (tea and juice)
1. First thing is to remove the shells by hand. They break off easily
2. Be sure to remove the fibrous pieces as well
3. Place 10-11 pieces of tamarind fruit in bowl
4. Cover with 1 3/4 cup boiling water
5. Cover with towel
6. Let sit x 2 hours


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Monday, January 20, 2025


Tahini is a ground sesame seed paste, similar to peanut butter. It is a creamy, oily, and smooth nut butter rich in calcium. Look for tahini in a glass jar or a can, and sometimes in a powdered, dehydrated form in health food stores, or in the ethnic foods aisle of your regular grocery store. You can also find fresh tahini in the refrigerator section next to the hummus in larger well-stocked grocery stores.

Tahini is high in iron, an excellent source of copper, manganese and the amino acid methionine. Tahini is a source of the healthy fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.

Be sure to buy your Tahini in a jar with natural oil separation visible at the top.

Tahini made from raw sesame seeds is lower in fat than tahini made from roasted seeds.
Tahini's relatively high levels of calcium and protein make it a useful addition to vegetarian and vegan diets, as well as any diet, when eaten in its unroasted form. Compared to peanut butter, tahini has higher levels of fiber and calcium and lower levels of sugar and saturated fats.

  1. It’s rich in minerals such as phosphorus, lecithin, magnesium, potassium and iron.
  2. It's a good source of Methionine, which aids in liver detoxification.
  3. It’s one of the best sources of calcium out there.
  4. It’s high in vitamin E and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B15.
  5. Helps to promote healthy cell growth.
  6. Prevent anemia.
  7. Helps to maintain healthy skin and muscle tone.
  8. It has 20% complete protein, making it a higher protein source than most nuts.
  9. It's easy for your body to digest because of its high alkaline mineral content, which is great for assisting in weight loss.
  10. It is high in unsaturated fat (good fat!)


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Sunday, January 19, 2025

The ABC's of Superfoods

Well, the most important thing for everyone to know is that superfoods are easy to find in every local supermarket. They’re worth looking for!

These nutritional powerhouse foods are loaded with nutrients crucial to a healthy, long life. If you can include a variety of them in your diet, everyday, we promise they will change your life!

These foods were chosen because they contain high concentrations of crucial nutrients, as well as the fact that many of them are low in calories. Foods containing these nutrients have been proven to help prevent and, in some cases, reverse the well-known effects of aging, including cardiovascular disease, Type II Diabetes, hypertension and certain cancers.


ACAI is a little berry that is packed with antioxidants that help combat aging, amino acids for muscle regeneration and essential fatty acids, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.

The APPLE contains antioxidants, as well as fiber and potassium. The skin alone provides two to six times the antioxidant activity of the apple. Eating an apple is not only delicious, but heart-healthy too.

The AVOCADO has a very high amount of folate, potassium, vitamin E and magnesium. And it has healthy monounsaturated fat, oleic acid, which may help lower cholesterol.

Beans and lentils are a great alternative to meat. They don’t contain the fat that animal products have, but they do contain the protein. They also have fiber, vitamin B, iron, folate, potassium, magnesium, and many phytonutrients, a new and emerging superfood.

Blueberries are loaded with phytonutrients which help the body’s cells communicate with each other.

Broccoli is one of the best-selling vegetables in the United States. It boosts the immune system, helps lower the incidence of cataracts, supports cardiovascular health, builds bones and fights birth defects.

Garlic is rich in a sulfur-containing compound amino acid called allicin. It is formed when cloves are cut, crushed or chewed. Garlic also contains phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, polyphenols, vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

HONEY is one of the oldest medicines, used to treat respiratory disease, ulcers, eczemas, psoriasis, and dandruff. Honey contains antioxidants from peptides, organic acids, and enzymes. It also contains salicylic acid, minerals, alpha-tocopherol and oligosaccharides which increase the number of good bacteria in the colon, help prevent constipation and help lower cholesterol. And, did you know that eating local honey can help alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms? Honey contains a bit of pollen from the plants that bees visit. If you eat honey that is made by bees in your area, the honey will often act as an immune booster, reducing your allergy symptoms to the local plants.

OLIVE OIL has heart-healthy effects with beneficial monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. Polyphenols also protect and preserve the vitamin E.

The POMEGRANATE is rich in potassium, vitamin C, polyphenols, and vitamin B6. It has potent anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and may lower blood pressure. It can also help prevent atherosclerosis.

The PUMPKIN is a fruit, not a vegetable. And, it is one of the most nutritionally valuable foods we have. It is high in fiber and low in calories.

Rice Bran is delicious and highly nutritious. The bran part of a rice grain contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and healthy plant-based fats. An emerging form, Stabilized Rice Bran, has all these wonderful things in it.

SPINACH is jam packed with nutrients! It contains iron, carotenoids, antioxidants, vitamin K, coenzyme Q10, B vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, polyphenols, and plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids.

TEA (HERBAL ONLY) comes in many varieties. It helps to lower blood pressure, help prevent cancer and osteoporosis, lower risk for stroke, promote heart health, prevent wrinkles and skin cancer, and contribute to fluid needs.

Tomatoes, processed or not, are rich in vitamin A and potassium and low in calories.

WALNUTS - People have a predictable response when they learn that nuts are a SuperFood. Most say, “I can’t eat nuts: they’re too fattening. I can’t even have nuts in the house. If they are around, I eat them.” These responses are understandable; nuts are just plain delicious.

Certainly nuts are high in calories, but they have extraordinary health benefits and are an important addition to your diet. And we’ll give you some tips on how to enjoy them judiciously so you won’t get fat. First a simple fact: Eating a handful of nuts about five times a week will reduce your chances of getting a heart attack by at least 15 percent and possibly as much as 51 percent. That’s how powerful nuts are. 2

As a new nutritional era emerges that moves well beyond macronutrients like fat and protein and into the exciting world of phytonutrients, nutritionists are rediscovering these little nutrition powerhouses. We can safely say that nuts will play an important role in maximizing the human health span.

It’s a simple if astounding fact: people who eat nuts regularly can enjoy a significant reduction in their risk of developing coronary heart disease. They’ll also reduce their risk of diabetes, cancer, and a host of other chronic ailments.

1. http://www.oprah.com/health/Acai-Dr-Perricones-No-1-Superfood#ixzz26Mg7Rc00
2. http://www.superfoodsrx.com/superfoods/walnuts/


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Got info from another source.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Super Flu Bomb

Useful For Covid-19, Flu, Cold, Fever, Chills, Nasal Congestion

TURMERIC – 6 inches (3 tablespoons powder)
GINGER – 6 inches (3 tablespoons powder) 
GARLIC – 10 cloves
ONIONS – 2 medium
LEMON – 12 tablespoons or 6 lemons squeezed
CAYENNE PEPPER – 1 teaspoon or 5 opened capsules (at least 90,000 heat units)
HONEY – 5 Tablespoons (do not use if diabetic)
WATER – 2 cups hot water

I also have recipes for under age 5, and 6-10 years... if you need it contact me.
• BLEND all ingredients thoroughly in 2 cups of HOT water in a blender.
• Next, cover and let it draw for 40 minutes.
• If you have Covid virus, consume 6 tablespoons every 15 minutes until symptoms break.
• If you have had the virus for more than a week, take 8 tablespoons every 15 minutes while symptoms last.
• Continue with 3 tablespoons three times daily for the next two weeks after symptoms stop.
• Keep excess mixture refrigerated and allow to cool before drinking.
As a preventative, take 3-4 tablespoons, two to three times daily.
The Super Flu Bomb can be made into a soup by adding potatoes and replacing the honey with salt.
Note: If you have Gastritis or Stomach Ulcers leave out the lemon and cayenne and boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
Get a basin of hot water, add 3 drops of eucalyptus oil, 3 drops of peppermint oil, and 5 drops of oregano oil into it. Cover your head with a sheet and inhale for 10- 20 minutes. Do this three times a day. Inhaling Peppermint oil increases the oxygen saturation level in the blood. If you cannot tolerate the essential oil then simply use plain hot water.
Take a dry sheet and drape it around your neck to cover the body. Sit in a chair in the sun for 30 to 40 minutes to sweat. Drink sips of water to keep hydrated. Afterward, dry your skin and rest.
To boost the immune system and relieve fever and chills, bathe in a very warm shower for 3 minutes, then switch from hot to ice cold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times, ending with cold. Dry your skin and rest for at least 30 minutes.
Key items to use if you get the virus?
SUPER FLU BOMB – take 6 tablespoons every 15 minutes while you have symptoms, if you have had the virus for more than a week, take 8 tablespoons every 15 minutes

OREGANO OIL - 10 drops in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and take twice daily in the morning and evening.
• Bring to boil 4-8 cups of water
• Add 1-2 tablespoons of Cinchona Bark and Wormwood Powder
• Boil for 15 minutes
• Next, draw for 40 minutes to 12 hours.
• Strain and drink ½ cup three times daily
• Repeat and drink for seven days.

Cinchona Bark (Grobe, 2021) and Wormwood (Zhou, 2021) are effective when used in combination or in isolation.

Zinc used with these items is found to be quite effective.
ZINC - 90-100 mg daily
VITAMIN D3 - 4000iu – 6000iu at the end of breakfast and lunch
VITAMIN C WITH BIOFLAVONOIDS - 2000mg – 4000mg three times daily
LIQUID VITAMIN B COMPLEX - use as directed daily
PROBIOTIC CAPSULES - 1 -2 capsules per meal daily
QUERCETIN CAPSULES - 500mg twice daily
Contact James Luke | +1 268-720-0418 or Dr. Natalie Nash | +1 868-724-4898 | www.nhtlh.com for more information or questions.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from the sources listed above.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Sunburn Healed Quickly

Heal a sunburn quickly with these three simple ingredients!
3-4 in piece off an Aloe Vera plant, sliced in half
1 T. coconut oil, in liquid form
½ - 1 t. honey

The amounts above will vary depending on how much you need to cover. This amount will cover the area that a tank top does not cover on your chest.

Rub Aloe Vera all over the burned area and let dry (30-90 sec), next take coconut oil and rub over burned area (over where the aloe was put). Next take the honey and rub into any areas that look more red or blistered. Then put an old tee shirt on and go to bed. Most if not all will be absorbed by morning. Take a warm wash cloth and wipe off any sticky spots. For maintenance continue the process the next night. Do this process until the burn is either gone or doing much better.

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Strong Reasons Why You Should Stop Masturbating Today And Why Masturbating Is Not Worth It To Waste Your Health And Time On

Masturbation is practiced by many people all over the world both men and women. It corrupts the lives of most of the youths nowadays days than any other problems they face. Some of them are given wrong information by their friends or elder brothers and sisters and they are encouraged to masturbate and so they do. The less knowledge about sex and the addicting capacity of masturbation stands as a valuable reason for this growing habit among the younger stars. Most of them assume masturbation is good for their sexual health, Vaginal health, and penis enlargement not knowing that we are provided with a good hormonal system that governs the enlargement and other activities regarding the development of the sexual organs.

Parents do not generally suspect that their children understand anything about this vice. In very many cases the parents are the real sinners. They have abused their marriage privileges, and by indulgence have strengthened their animal passions. And as these have strengthened, the moral and intellectual faculties have become weak. The spiritual has been overborne by the brutish. Children are born with the animal propensities largely developed, the parents' own stamp of character having been given to them. The unnatural action of the sensitive organs produces irritation. They are easily excited, and momentary relief is experienced in exercising them. But the evil constantly increases. The drain upon the system is sensibly felt. The brain force is weakened, and memory becomes deficient. Children born to these parents will almost invariably take naturally to the disgusting habits of secret vice. The marriage covenant is sacred; but what an amount of lust and crime it covers! Those who feel at liberty, because married, to degrade their bodies by beastly indulgence of the animal passions, will have their degraded course perpetuated in their children. The sins of the parents will be visited upon their children because the parents have given them the stamp of their own lustful propensities.  {RH, September 19, 1899 par. 7} 

High Resolve and Spiritual Life Destroyed.-- Secret vice is the destroyer of high resolve, earnest endeavor, and strength of will to form a good religious character. All who have any true sense of what is embraced in being a Christian know that the followers of Christ are under obligation as His disciples to bring all their passions, physical powers, and mental faculties into perfect subordination to His will. Those who are controlled by their passions cannot be followers of Christ. They are too much devoted to the service of their master, the originator of every evil, to leave their corrupt habits and choose the service of Christ.  {CG 445.4} 

Secret Vice.

This vice is laying waste the constitution of very many, and preparing them for diseases of almost every description.--S. A., p. 53.  {HL 66.2} 

Some of the young generations spread wrong information that it is needed for life without fail not knowing that we are controlled by 3 factors:

A). Emotional factors

B). Hormonal factors and

C). Environmental factor

Whereas both the hormonal and environmental factors can only be less changed whereas the emotional factors can be controlled to some extent. There is a great urge and reason for most of adolescent boys and girls, youths, and even those who are married but still masturbate to change their habits before they feel its worst effects.

The earlier you stop and obtain proper medical attention to the already inflicted damages, the better. Am doing my part by writing these different articles for you, so do yours and spread this information to a friend or family member so that they can benefit as well.

As the media and advertisements are increasingly showing sexual organs than ever before in the history of mankind for their commercial benefits, we do need to check ourselves and maintain a standard not to go beyond these habits that spoil our lives. Maybe every man or woman will get a good wife or husband to enjoy sex with. Till then you can wait so as not to waste your life with this harmful habit. The following are some of the harmful effects of masturbation to be considered and the strong reasons why you should stop. Kindly read and stop doing masturbation once again;

👉Masturbation makes you weak. It drains the proteins and calcium content in the body.

👉Masturbation creates nervousness and neurological problems.

👉 Masturbation is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction.

👉Masturbation addicts you even if you taste it for one time. Controlling it afterward becomes a very big problem.

👉Masturbation creates drowsiness; you will be sleeping most of the time after ejaculation of your sperms (male) or orgasm (female). You will experience a severe tiredness.

👉Masturbation causes stress and strain in your mind and soul.

👉Masturbation also affects you psychologically. It creates depression after ejaculation or orgasm and makes one feel bad on his or her own.

👉Getting caught while masturbating will give a bad name in the environment and it is an indecent activity.

👉Masturbation is the reason for vaginal dryness in women which leads to painful intercourse.

👉Masturbation is one of the main reasons for prostatic infections, enlargement, and cancer in men.

👉Masturbation cannot be done simply. It needs to see, touch, indulge or at last think of a sexual practice/ sex organ of the opposite sex. This is more harmful than the image in your memory that you see could not be erased easily. This will lead you to a noxious problem in that you cannot see any girl/lady/woman without a single thought of sex.

👉Female masturbation leads to low sensitivity during sex.  Most of the female masturbators find it difficult to reach orgasm during sex with their real-life partner since they are used to giving self-pleasuring.

👉Medically speaking, women interfere with the PH of their vaginal health as a result of masturbation. They thus end up introducing a lot of infections in their birth canals.

👉Masturbation makes you dig for more sources of sexual pleasure whenever you get a chance.

👉Masturbation leads you to illegal contacts because the urge increases day by day and finally will lead to a search for more sources of sexual pleasure. You will end up wanting to watch a couple as old as your own parents or grandparents or son or daughter have sex.

👉Masturbation is the main reason for speedy sperm release during sexual intercourse. It will create dissatisfaction for you and your beautiful wife.

Over masturbation reduces your sperm count. Couples who desire to get pregnant should not masturbate.

👉THE seminal fluid that gets released on masturbation contains proteins that are needed for many metabolic activities and cell formations. Proteins are the building blocks of our body. Ejaculation often through masturbation creates you to be lean and distracts your metabolism and muscle building.

👉Ethically masturbation is wrong. This is because you think of X/Y and do sex of your own. It prevents you from pursuing real-life women or men and hinders your values and respect for the beauty of women or males. You begin finding no reason to have a woman or a man in your life and thus find difficulties to maintaining a relationship for long. This is most especially common in women who are addicted to masturbation.

👉Masturbation wastes your time and makes you useless.

👉The pleasure of masturbation never lasts for a long time.

👉Masturbation creates more problems as you lose your memory and thought-provoking ability.

👉Masturbation is not the end of your desire. You may be fooled by your own practice. It will never give you a solution or a satisfaction but seems that it gives.

👉Masturbation fuels bad habits in women as they become sexual predators and begin experimenting with different objects like bananas, carrots, bottles, metals, fingers, sticks, etc. just to satisfy their sexual urges. And this is truly dangerous to women.

👉Masturbation eventually leads to low sex desire or drive in both men and women as it lowers brain neurotransmitters responsible for arousal.

If You are a victim of Masturbation, and you truly desire to fight this addiction, plus Your Sexual health, improvement, and well-being are important to you and your partner, then stop suffering in silence and seek both guidance and medical Assistance by giving us a call or WhatsApp us today on;

0783136296 (WHATSAPP LINE)

0708314628 (CALLS ONLY)

To get an appointment to see or talk to Dr. *Byamungu Joel (The Sexologist)* for more consultation, guidance, and permanent Treatments (Solutions from USA) that will treat and heal all sort of sexual Dysfunctions and improve your male or female organ's proper functioning with no negative side effects. Contact the numbers above to find out how we can best help you improve your sexual life, overcome your addiction, reduce your disease risk, feel more confident, and more energetic, and be the man or woman that you ought to be. That your spouse deserves.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Stomach Irritants


An inflamed and overworked stomach is so common that you rarely see one totally free from irritation. Many use a large variety of common stomach irritants.

AN INFLAMED STOMACH PRODUCES MANY PROBLEMS. The body can lessen the toxic effects of chemical overload, but injuries are common and lead to accelerated aging. Because of the biochemical injury of the cells from the disordered chemistry, a tax is placed on the body which eventually results in wearing down the life forces. The tax on the digestive organs draws energy from the nervous system, giving the person less mental energy for perception, discernment, and decision. Americans have more peptic ulcers than any other people. The way we live promotes ulcers. The three most common causes of peptic ulcers are alcohol, aspirin, and vinegar. These irritate the lining of the stomach and cause gastritis. The irritation leads to overproduction of pepsin and hydrochloric acid which taxes and weakens the stomach.

HOT PEPPER HAS BEEN SHOWN TO CAUSE HEMORRHAGING OF THE STOMACH. Some additional spices which are irritating to the stomach are cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, caraway, all spice, vinegar, and anything made with vinegar, baking soda, and baking powder productsThe putrefying, fermenting, or rotting in processing results in the production of amines, ammonia, and irritating acids. One of the toxic amines produced in cheese causes migraine headaches. An intolerance to lactose, the chief carbohydrate of cheese and milk, is probably the most common food sensitivity in America.

CAFFEINE, NICOTINE, AND CHOCOLATE have been associated with chromosome damage and deformation in the children of those who use them, and cancer is more common to those who use these irritants. The effects begin shortly after taking the drink or taste and last for almost 4 hours. Some of the symptoms are irritability, imperfect balance, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, fatigue, headache, restlessness, depression, and gastro-intestinal disturbances. Over 90% of the American population use caffeine. The decaffeinated have more harmful substances than the caffeinated.

ALL OF THESE SUBSTANCES ARE IRRITATING. If we put mustard on the skin, it will make the skin red, and in a little time raise a blister. If we happen to get a little pepper in the eye, it makes it become irritated, very red, and inflamed. When we take these things into the stomach, they cause the stomach to be irritated, and its living membrane becomes red, just as the skin or eye does.

Drinking with meals: Digestion and stomach emptying are both delayed. Stagnation in the stomach is one of the most common causes of ulcers and gastritis.

Late evening meals: When you have meals late in the evening and then go to bed, as soon as you fall asleep, the digestive juices stop secreting. Without these to digest the food it begins fermenting. Digestion must labor with difficulty through the night. Your body will exert enough energy to digest your food during the night to make you feel tired when you wake up. Also, late evening meals contribute to eating too much. Most people could get by very well with 1/2 to 2/3 less than they presently consume. In connection with eating too much is crowding meals closer together than 4 hours. The reason is that the liver can generate only 1/2 of the bile needed for a big meal. This is enough to handle 2 hours of digestion. Eating closer together than 5 hours and eating between meals disturbs the bile cycle.

Very few people chew their food adequately. Large chunks of food require a lot of strong digestive juice to break them into small enough particles to be sent to the small intestine. If we swallow food before it is thoroughly ground and mixed, the stomach is burdened and indigestion results. Many stomach complaints and much overweight could be avoided by taking small bites and chewing well.

The treatment for an irritated stomach is very simple. A better way than to treat the symptom only is to actually find and remove the cause. Begin with correcting the lifestyle. Avoid the stomach irritants such as mentioned earlier. Regularity in all things is essential. Treat the stomach to a regular schedule for meals for it will greatly lessen its workload.

Chewing the food well. A centenarian was asked what she felt was the reason for her living to be very old. She replied that she never ate when she was not hungry, and she chewed her food until it became a cream in her mouth before she swallowed. No better advice could be given. If eating were controlled by hunger, and one stopped eating when hunger was satisfied, and if one would train the body to wait for food for 5 or more hours after the end of the last meal, the individual would have a lot more strength and vitality.

Don’t drink with meals because this dilutes the acid and slows digestion. Drink only water in between meals and your stomach won’t mistake thirst for hunger. Get plenty of sunshine and fresh air as this will help in digestion and make it easier for the stomach. We can help digestion by mild physical activity after meals, such as working in the garden, working in a hobby shop, or by taking a nice stroll outside. Be regular with sleeping hours and your body won’t be so tired. IN ALL THAT YOU DO BE TEMPERATE. Temperance is the one law that holds all the others together. But above everything you’ve got to trust God to help you accomplish these changes, because without His help it could be unbearable, but if you ask, He will help you. Phil. 4:13 says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So it is possible.

By following the eight laws of health, it will be a great benefit and may even cure you.

There is also hydrotherapy. Hot compresses over the abdomen can be helpful. The book, Home Remedies, contains many different types of hydrotherapy and how to do them. Take charcoal tablets or capsules to adsorb the toxic products of the previous overload and indigestion. For children with an upset stomach, catnip tea is good. Millet and Aloe Vera are good soothers and healers of the gastrointestinal tract.

God has given us such simple ways to help ourselves. Our bodies are composed of what we eat. If we eat harmful foods, our bodies will be made out of poor material and not be able to do its work well. Just like if you want good quality clothes you want good quality material. It also has to be made the right way or it will fall apart. The body works in the same way. I pray that God will help us in any way that we need.

  • Hot pepper (black or red), and spices (ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg).
  • Vinegar and anything made with vinegar (pickles, mayonnaise, catsup, mustard, etc.)
  • Foods having a fermenting, putrefying, or rotting phase in processing, such as sauerkraut, cheese, soy sauce, and similar products.
  • Baking soda, baking powder products, all commercial crackers, cookies, doughnuts, and other bakery products.
  • Caffeine (coffee, tea, colas), nicotine, theobromine (chocolate).
  • Drinking with meals. Digestion and stomach emptying are both delayed. Beverages, soups, juices, and milks should all be avoided. Stagnation in the stomach is one of the commonest causes of ulcers and gastritis. Further, milk contains much lactose, the milk sugar that produces fermentation and production of irritating toxic chemicals. Milk is the cause of more food sensitivity than any other food item.
  • Late evening meals.
  • Eating too much. Most people could get by very well with one-half to two-thirds less than they presently consume.
  • Chewing too little. Eating too fast. Bites too large; use one-third forkfuls or one-third spoonfuls.
  • Foods rich with refined sugar, refined oils, vitamin and mineral preparations, or concentrated proteins such as heavy meat substitutes and dried milk products. The more concentrated the food, the more likely to irritate the stomach.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables at the same meal. Foods that contain combinations of milk and eggs, milk and sugar, or eggs and sugar.
  • Unripe or overripe fruit.
  • Foods that are taken while they are too hot or too cold.
  • Crowding meals closer together than five hours.

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from Dr. Agatha Thrash